Hot student being hot teacher

  By Ao01

Chapter 4

Kate was seriously determined to become a gym rat. She had ordered clothes that were 2 sizes larger than her old clothes for her new gym clothes. These outfits would have been suitable for Kate's several kilos lighter, but now they would feel a little tight.

As the gym equipment was late, Kate would exercise at home. He was playing sports, but this was almost nothing compared to her old pace. Kate quickly realized that her form was completely lost and she was spending her time doing very simple exercises. After 30 minutes of daily exercise, she would get hungry and take her bowl of ice cream and lie down on the sofa under the influence of the hot air. Of course, these snacks were not as light as the sports she did, maybe she started to consume more than she ate at school.

Working out has never been more difficult for Kate. While she was trying to get used to her new body, she did not neglect snacks. It wasn't easy to get used to her thickened legs, her bowl-shaped belly, her hips that started to form cellulite, her breasts bouncing every time she walked while she was swimming in her bikini. In fact, that toned body was now 2 times less than soft fat. This soft oil made Kate's complexion baby-like and made her beautiful. Kate was really lucky.

The equipment arrived a week late and Kate was really pushing the 150 lbs threshold.

"Damn! 4 more pounds just waiting for the sporting goods!"

He had less than 3 months and needed to lose 30lbs. This seemed impossible for a gluttonous girl? Was it really so? Or would the sports mouse inside of her suddenly come out?

Kate immediately opened the box and put on her tights and crop top. Her tights really reflected her weight gain. The bowl in the belly of the short tights she was wearing was on the showcase in all its chubbiness. Kate continued to notice strange things as she turned around. Didn't the hips fit perfectly in the tights, were they CELLULITE?

Kate got into sports ambitious and really put in a lot of effort. Despite this great effort, she could never give up snacks, which caused her to lose weight very slowly.

After a certain period of time, snacks were thrown aside, and healthy eating came into play again. Kate was slowly returning to her old days and it was time for the schools to open. Kate dropped as much as 128 lbs by school year as a result of really ambitious work. When she looked in the mirror, she could see the results of her achievements. Although She didn't quite reach her old physique, she was sexy enough to drive the teachers mad.

Like last year, Kate entered the school in a tight-fitting dress, and the teachers went crazy when they saw Kate in shape. One of the teachers said that Kate has not fully regained her form, her abdomen used to be flat and now she still has a small bulge. He also said that the slight fullness on her face is still visible, and he is sure that Kate will gain weight again during the training period.

Emma: Wow Kate! You look great.
Kate: Yeah, I was really out of shape during training. This time I will not allow it.
Emma: You know it's a stressful job so it's normal to have weight gain.
Kate: You guys keep bloating yourself with snacks, I'm not going to let that happen anymore.
Claudia: Ha-ha that's right, she whispered quietly.

Kate really wasn't giving up on healthy food despite all the stressful work. She was spending her days in a healthy way despite post-class courses, exams and grade entry.

Claudia: This bitch is getting too much. It's been 3 months since the period started and she's totally fit! We have to do something.
Emma: Kate isn't that bad. After all, she only cares about her students, she.
Claudia: Look at me! We need to bring out the glutton in her. It will be fun for us. I will prepare a healthy cocktail for Kate, of course, I will have nice surprises. You will help me too!

After Claudia made a healthy cocktail, she mixed it with powders that were appetizing and made Kate feel tired. During the lunch break, Claudia and Emma went to give Kate the cocktail.

Claudia: Hi Kate, we prepared you a very nice cocktail. It's healthy too!
Kate: Thanks Claudia, you're such a nice person, but I don't want to right now.
Emma: You really need to try this Kate, we're pretty sure you'll drink it all after you try it anyway.
Emma left the cocktail on Kate's table and she and Claudia left.

Kate found herself thirsty after a while while she was eating, and since there was no water around, the only solution was a cocktail. She drank the cocktail in one go, raising her head, and continued her lessons. Kate ate her salad occasionally after classes were over and started teaching in the course. After the first lesson was over, a voice came. Kate's stomach was growling.

So what would Kate do now?
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 11 months , updated 10 months
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FrejaDawn 10 months
Really great concept! Might I recommend using grammerly on chat gpt to touch up on the grammar/typos, it was quite hard to read
Patotonto 11 months
great work, hope to see you continue
Nickp72 11 months
Love the first 3 chapters, great work!
Ao01 11 months
Thanks. I'm always open to suggestions.