How to break the curse

Chapter 2

1 month later............................................. ...

Jane and Judy had a party tonight and both wanted to dress nice this evening. Judy put on a fancy dress and Jane wanted to wear the dress they bought last month. She tried it on put she couldn't close the zipper. She asked Judy for help. Judy tried the close the zipper on the back but couldn't do it either.
Judy: Mmm.. this is weird it used to fit last month.. I think you gained some weight.
Jane: No way that is not possible, I worked out and did not eat much at all.

After a bit of struggling Judy closed the zipper. It was really thight but it fitted..
They went to the party had a lot of fun. They drinked a lot of beers and ate some snacks.
A moment later Judy tried to find Jane, but she couldnt find her. She looked around at the party and asked if anyone had seen her.
One man said she needed to pee half an hour back. So Judy went to the toilet looking for her. She knocked the door.
Judy: Jane are you in there? Is everthing allright?
The door opened and she pulled Judy inside the bathroom. Jane had tears rolling off her face and while crying she said.
Jane: I can't close the zipper, look at me... my belly is so round. I don't want people to see me this way.
Judy: It;s allright. I will get you a jacket and then we go home.

Judy found a jacket and gave it to Jane. Judy said Jane was feeling bad so they were leaving the party.
When they arrived home Jane sat down on the sofa and undressed herself. She looked at her belly. It was bloated and softer than one month ago.
Judy tried to make feel Jane better, by saying she looked gorgeous no matter how big that belly was.
Jane did not like that and went to bed.
Judy sat alone on the sofa wondering if that woman wasn't lying. What if this is a curse?
Judy tried to google the lady, but it was hard since she didn't know her name. So the next day she called the store and asked if they knew her. They said they knew her and her name was Kimberley.
Judy googled again for any woman living near with the name Kimberley. But couldnt find her.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 10 months , updated 10 months
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