A game of keep up

Chapter 5

Late night snacks that were the size of most meals.
Fry up breakfasts before work.
A sneaky lunch trip out to the job site.
Their pizza delivery takeout order expanding so they had a pie to themselves, each.
Milk or beer with most meals.
Going out for lunch AND dinner on Saturdays.
This is how it went. And as the weeks went on, it was no surprise to Sam that her wardrobe was turning against her. Her phat ass was getting heavier and dimpled in cellulite. Her arms were fattening up and pinching against the tightness of her t-shirt holes. Her high-waisted jeans were leaving angry red marks along her tummy, which was starting to pooch out and could not be hidden in profile anymore. A slight softening had begun along her jawline, her cheeks looking fuller.
But with all these new calories, Brady was back in athlete mode. It was like this food gave him more and more vigour and they were having more sex than they had ever had before. He needed somewhere to put all this stored up energy, and he was pouring it into her. She noticed the way her softening body had started to smack against his during sex, and how her flesh wobbled when he pounded her from behind. Brady was big and bulky but he was hard and tough, whereas Sam was blossoming into a soft and plush figure.
Where food gave her husband the extra-get-up-and-go, it had the opposite affect on Sam. She was becoming lethargic, and had ceased her morning walks and yoga sessions. She did not renew her kickboxing class at the gym and was allowing herself on Friday afternoons to dip into the wine after 1pm. This did not help with her ravenous appetite come the weekend.
The appetite almost seemed contagious. Sam was competitive, for sure, and didn’t like to look weak. And with her increasing size, there was no doubt that she was looking feeble. She had even started up a foodie Instagram account, where she followed people and tried to find new recipes to keep her husband (and her) satisfied with their meals. Brady as a big “wholesome food” eater, meaning he wasn’t addicted to junk. He liked his treats here and there, but he had an old world view of needing balance with every meal.
With the autumn approaching, Sam ordered a bunch of new clothes for the colder weather and thought nothing of it. She bought a size up, and was thoroughly disheartened when they fit perfect, and not with extra space like she had hoped.
Sam spent all day at home, picking at food and trying to keep her husband’s hunger out of her own body. She knew marriage changed people, but she didn’t expect it to be like this!
One day, as she was cutting open her Amazon box of deliveries – mostly cookbooks – she experienced a new sensation. As she leaned over the kitchen island, Sam felt the coldness of the ceramic surface against her midsection: her belly had brushed along the top. Her…belly?
Rushing upstairs and into the bathroom, she cursed herself for not owning a scale. She had never needed one before and Brady didn’t give a shit about those numbers. As she lifted up her shirt, she held her softness in her hands: the wide dips of lovehandles, and the thickness of flesh around the opening of her belly button. Her tits were growing in her sports bra, with little pockets of flesh dipping out from either side between her arm and breast.
The one plus was her badonk, which had grown substantially along with her thighs. Pleasantly plump, it had once been. Now it was undeniably a big old bum. Sam felt tears coming on fast and quick, and stripped down to her underwear.
She was getting chunky.
She cried as she went downstairs and took all the junk food out and onto the counter. She depression drank a swig (or three) of wine while texting her girlfriend group chat demanding why no one had told her she was getting fat. They all were confused and positive, saying she looked great and that she was healthy and happy and definitely not fat.
Sam doesn’t remember how long she stood nearly nude in the kitchen, but she remembers the look on Brady’s face when he walked in to find his bride waiting for him in the flesh. He kissed her without saying anything, and they were at it again in the kitchen. His eyes ate up her body, desperate to see every inch. There was an awkward pause as his took of his work clothes to do the deed with his darling wife.
While she waited for him to strip, she snacked. When they finished, the two stood nude in the kitchen and picked at all the junk food that was conveniently still left out from Sam’s earlier breakdown.
“Babe,” Brady said, scratching his massive midsection. “This is totally random, but do you fancy Chinese Buffet tonight? Something about all this food out on the counter has me craving buffet style.”
Sam blinked and thought about her undeniable weight gain from just a few months of married, home living with this man. She stared at his boyish, puppy dog eyes and his belly and his thighs and his thick manhood. This diet was not a passing trend, it was going to be the menu for the rest of her life.
Her stomach growled, and she said, “Hell ya.”
Brady clapped his hands as he walked off to shower and change. Samantha followed him upstairs, consciously tracking how her fat ass shuffled with each step.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 11 months , updated 11 months
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4funnow 7 months
Fantastic foodie story
Albeta 11 months
This is great, I hope more about this story is yet to come
Fbuucgk 11 months
All around a great story! Is it finished for you or is there a chance that you will add more chapters?
Fbuucgk 11 months
Great update. Love it!
Fbuucgk 11 months
I hope you continue!
Queebly 11 months
Love the premise already!