10 reasons

Chapter 2. Securing a feeder: a case study

PRIVATE CHAT - FitLad, queenoftoads

FitLad_ hey there queenoftoads, I hope my advance isn’t unwelcome but your recent comment on my post really caught my attention. Consider me convinced!

queenoftoads_ that was easy. But hey, always happy to help someone see reason :)

FitLad_ haha, you can be quite persuasive
FitLad_ inspired me for sure

queenoftoads_ lol in what way?

FitLad_ well, I’m looking at a row of cold beers in the fridge and all it takes to get a feast on the table is a few taps. Are you busy rn?

queenoftoads_ umm yea actually, sorry
queenoftoads_ got a lot going on atm
queenoftoads_ theres a hungry dude in my dms who needs me desperately

FitLad_ haha you had me for a sec
FitLad_ so, for my order… you got any recommendations?

queenoftoads_ yea let me think
queenoftoads_ youll want to crack a beer open while we’re waiting

FitLad_ already on my second

queenoftoads_ good
queenoftoads_ youll want to start w a bucket of wings to pregame
queenoftoads_ then you can move on to two burgers w sides of fries and onion rings
queenoftoads_ as a challenge, after you’ve snacked on that you can impress me by finishing off the meal with a whole pizza

FitLad_ wow you really didn’t hold back!

queenoftoads_ lmao you didn’t say to go easy on you
queenoftoads_ Sure youre serious about this?

FitLad_ oh im going to enjoy the hell outta this. Just placed the order
FitLad_ haven’t let myself eat like this in a long time

queenoftoads_ whats stopping you from eating whatever you want all the time?

FitLad_ hmm that’s a good question
FitLad_ fear, I guess. Its not super acceptable for guys to wear makeup, so I respond to the constant pressure of needing to “look good” by building muscle and keeping body fat down

queenoftoads_ wild the lengths humans will go to impress a potential mate, isn’t it?

FitLad_ ikr! I’ve always been so self-conscious of my body and worrying about whether the girls around me think I’m attractive or not

queenoftoads_ idk about the girls around you, but what youre doing rn is sure to impress sickos like me LOL

FitLad_ no honestly, its so freeing to know that something I’ve been ashamed of even thinking about is also something other people can be into
FitLad_ brb, food’s here!

queenoftoads_ what flavours of wings did you order?

FitLad_ buffalo, lemon pepper, honey garlic

queenoftoads_ mmm, you’ve got variety there!

FitLad_ couldn’t decide so I got them all 🤤
FitLad_ what are you having for dinner?

queenoftoads_ nothing exciting haha, finishing some leftover beef stew while chatting with you

FitLad_ it’s nice having you here (:
FitLad_ omg, I could eat 6 more buckets of these wings. SOOOO GOOOD

queenoftoads_ I’ve opened up his eyes to the finer things in life

FitLad_ you really have
FitLad_ I haven’t had more than a few drinks in a while, but these wings are going down so well with an ice cold beer I just keep making trips back to the fridge
FitLad_ I could get used to this

queenoftoads_ how are you feeling?

FitLad_ starting on my second bacon cheeseburger. Cant lie, I’m feeling full. But im determined to rise to your challenge

Queenoftoads_ jeans feeling a bit snug yet?

FitLad_ they would be, if I was wearing any ;)
FitLad_ I’m so full I’ve got a round tummy going on, I’ve had to adjust my boxer waistband so it sits underneath it

queenoftoads_ if you keep going like this, you won’t be fitting into them anymore before long

FitLad_ I wouldn’t have it any other way


PRIVATE CHAT - FitLad, queenoftoads

queenoftoads_ you still there? Not passed out in a food coma yet?

FitLad_ oooooffffffff I’m so stuffed I can barely breathe
FitLad_ two slices of pepperoni left, idk if I can do it

queenoftoads_ you can! You’ve gotten this far already!

FitLad_ how does it feel knowing you’ve talked a gym bro into eating so much he can barely move

queenoftoads_ pretty good :D how are those chiseled abs looking?

FitLad_ like they’ve retired and pursued the path of fatherhood. It’s a massive food baby situation
FitLad_ fuck, I look pregnant
FitLad_ or like I’ve swallowed a watermelon whole

queenoftoads_ that’s sexy

FitLad_ ive got an actual belly, and it’s so big and hard
FitLad_ nursing one last beer and rubbing it
FitLad_ feels so good

queenoftoads_ damn, youre making me jealous. I’m over here without a stuffed belly to rub, it’s downright unfair

FitLad_ im excited for the next time I go out, im going to let loose and everyones gonna see me like this

queenoftoads_ omg lol theyre going to be like when did this guy become a fatty

FitLad_ mark my words, it’s happening! I’m tired of my pants fitting
FitLad_ just wanna get fucking huge

queenoftoads_ music to my ears. Ill be waiting impatiently for updates
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 10 months , updated 1 month
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Built4com4t 1 month
he definitely needs to meet queenoftoads
Passing For ... 1 month
Ooh, I agree! 😍🤭
Sem Nenhuma 1 10 months
I liked it please continue
Passing For ... 1 month
I'm trying to work on it again now, and I have lots of fun ideas for where it will go 🤭
Chubbychica 10 months
This was such a great start, please continue, would love to see how this pans out.
Passing For ... 10 months
That's really lovely to hear, thank you! I will say I'm enjoying experimenting with the digital communication format 🤭
Letters And ... 10 months
👀 amazing start!
Passing For ... 10 months
Glad you enjoyed! 💜
Built4com4t 10 months
Interesting angle…looking forward to how this evolves
Passing For ... 10 months
Thank you! 😁🥰