10 reasons

Chapter 3. The invitation

"Damn bro, did cheat day come early?"

Vihaan, my next-door dorm neighbor and best bud, eyes my lunch. Compared to his - a sad-looking wrap and leafy salad - I'm feasting like a king today. I have several plates in front of me loaded high with butter chicken on rice, a juicy bacon cheeseburger, fries, veggie stir fry, pan fried dumplings, and more.

"Nah man, just getting my money's worth. With the crazy amount they're charging for the meal plan now, I'm going to have to eat like this all year to justify my spending."

It's a plausible excuse. Our uni made the switch this year from charging students per item to a flat fee per semester for all-you-can-eat access to the meal hall.

"Huh," Vihaan grumbles, "and here I was thinking you could help motivate me to get fit. You're not setting a good example, bud."

I elbow him. "Don't worry, I can eat as much as I want and still manage to keep you in check."

"I hope you make it a habit and it makes you fat," he garbles around a mouthful of lettuce. My mouth goes dry and my heart rate picks up.


He swallows and waves a hand dismissively. "Chill, bro. I'm just saying like, it wouldn't hurt if the ladies took their eyes off you for a minute so they could finally notice me. You promised to wingman me this year, remember?"

"Oh, yeah. Don't worry bro, I got you. We're so getting you laid this semester."

With that, I dig into my lunch with fervor. As if on cue, Vihaan goes into rant mode about all his unfair professors and shitty group project teams. I listen, interjecting with appropriate reactions where necessary. But really, my thoughts are elsewhere.

I'm hyper aware of my filling belly. Today I'm pushing myself to the limit, and I'm already regretting not wearing looser pants. After about half an hour of shoveling food into my mouth, I can feel my belly growing rounder and harder and my unforgiving waistband feeling tighter and tighter. When Vihaan is distracted, I discreetly unbutton my jeans so I can continue stuffing my face. The goal is to go to my next class with a food baby hidden under my baggy sweatshirt. Just thinking about this gives me a hard-on. I'm uncomfortable now and squirming in my seat, but this feeling of being indecent in public just turns me on more. It's so hot to just fucking finally eat as much as I want and stuff myself to the brim with nobody knowing what I'm really doing. No judgement from anyone. Just the blissful freedom of getting to be as greedy as I want with no repercussions. God, I've gotten so damn tired of holding back. And now that I'm truly letting myself eat whatever, I never want to stop.

By the time my lecture starts, I'm too horny to concentrate. Five minutes in, I slip out the back and into an empty washroom. It's a single one, so I can lock the door and get total privacy. It's time to get a proper look at what I've done to myself. Fingers trembling just a little bit, I lift up my hoodie in front of the mirror.

I hear a sharp intake of breath - my own. Damn. I look big. I ate so much it looks like someone took a pump and inflated my stomach. No trace of abs, just a taut belly protruding outwards starting under my pecs. I turn so I can look at myself from the side. Wow. I rest my hands on my belly, feeling how hard it is. I look like I could be defying the laws of nature: a pregnant man. I know it's going to be gone by tomorrow, probably even settling down in the next few hours, but I can't help but entertain the thought of what it would be like to permanently have a pot belly. Why think small? I could grow one much bigger than this.

I wasn't initially planning on jerking off during class, but I'm so turned on its too much to bear. As I squeeze and yank on my cock, I push out my belly and look at it in the mirror. Fuck, yeah. I look huge, and I'm only going to get bigger. I'm going to keep stretching out my stomach with every meal until I can't even see my own dick anymore. Fuck, I'm willing to eat until I can't even reach it anymore. That's not going to deter me.

It doesn't take long to push myself over the edge, and the explosive orgasm wipes my brain clean of any thoughts. I should have more of these, they've got to have insane health benefits or something. I give my big tummy a few more rubs and pats and admire it for a few moments more before hiding it under my hoodie again.

I'm not ready yet to show off my progress to just anyone, but I know it's only a matter of time before my classmates start noticing the side effects of my new habits. Eventually, I want to get confident enough to go out in tight, too-small t shirts that openly advertise the big belly I'm growing. But for now, it's still something that's just for me. And...for queenoftoads too, I suppose. I already know that learning anything from the rest of my lecture is hopeless, so I snag a seat in the back and shoot her a message.


PRIVATE CHAT - FitLad, queenoftoads

FitLad_ I couldn't do it, I had to run out during class to cum in the bathroom

queenoftoads_ you naughty thing! You can't even control yourself, can you?

FitLad_ no I really can't. A man has his needs, you know?

queenoftoads_ you're really taking initiative to indulge lately

FitLad_ haha, I'm trying! It's not really showing yet though :/

queenoftoads_ patience is a virtue :)
queenoftoads_ say, what are you doing this weekend?


I'm taken aback at that. That's moving a bit fast, isn't it? I'm not sure if I'm ready yet to disclose my identity like that. But at the same time, I'd be lying if I said I never imagined what queenoftoads would look like...what she would be like. But we've got something good going on, why mess with it? Is it not enough for her? Her next message interrupts my racing thoughts.


queenoftoads_ Whoops, just realized how creepy that came out
queenoftoads_ all I wanted to say was that kappa kappa's said to be hosting a legendary rager Friday, food and booze on them
queenoftoads_ it's excessive, sure, but I thought it might be a golden opportunity in your...situation


Oh, right. At this time of year the frats are having a dick-measuring contest, each week's spotlight frat trying to throw a party more lavish than the last. Two frats had gone now, I think, but I hadn't been on the mood to go to those parties. Free food and drinks, though...


FitLad_ sounds like it might be up my alley

queenoftoads_ lol, thought so! Anyways, I'll be there... you can come, or not :)

FitLad_ I'll think about it. I don't think I'm ready to like, see each other face to face yet

queenoftoads_ yeah, no pressure! have a good one


For the rest of the lecture, I'm left mulling over the conversation with a weird feeling. I like talking to queenoftoads, sure. It's nice to have someone who knows my little secret. It feels a lot less lonely when there's someone else excited about me and supportive of what I'm doing. Her encouragement turns me on, and the thought of impressing her is incentivizing.

Still, my thoughts on the whole situation are shrouded in doubt and worry. What if she figures out who I am and...it's not what she expects? Not good enough? Getting girls has never been a problem for me but this time just feels... different.

Then there's the way she just sort of ended the conversation. I wouldn't have minded talking a bit longer. Was she offended? It's such a weird and niche situation that I can't even Google it, and it's too embarrassing to make another anonymous forum post. So, I do what I know is going to make me feel better: try to forget about queenoftoads for now and drown my fears in ice cream. After all, the last time I ate was a whole whopping hour ago!
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 10 months , updated 1 month
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Built4com4t 1 month
he definitely needs to meet queenoftoads
Passing For ... 1 month
Ooh, I agree! 😍🤭
Sem Nenhuma 1 10 months
I liked it please continue
Passing For ... 1 month
I'm trying to work on it again now, and I have lots of fun ideas for where it will go 🤭
Chubbychica 10 months
This was such a great start, please continue, would love to see how this pans out.
Passing For ... 10 months
That's really lovely to hear, thank you! I will say I'm enjoying experimenting with the digital communication format 🤭
Letters And ... 10 months
👀 amazing start!
Passing For ... 10 months
Glad you enjoyed! 💜
Built4com4t 10 months
Interesting angle…looking forward to how this evolves
Passing For ... 10 months
Thank you! 😁🥰