10 reasons

Chapter 4. New habits live easily

Skipping the gym leaves me with a lot more time on my hands. Overall, I like it: it gives me more time to spend on studying, and I'm even getting more sleep. But most importantly, it means I have plenty of time to eat. And I'm developing a new habit lately - stress eating. Since she invited me to the party on Monday, queenoftoads hasn't initiated any new convos and neither have I. And Vihaan's been busy hitting the gym, in his self-proclaimed "fit boy era". Which leaves me with nothing else to do during my free time other than stuff my face in the meal hall and stew in my own thoughts.

I've decided I'll go to the party, but it just makes me more anxious that queenoftoads will be there and that she can potentially figure out my identity. Even though I know there will be tons of people there and there's no logical reason for her to pinpoint me, I just feel like as soon as she sees me she'll just...know. And I'll still be clueless as to who she is.

With how much and how frequently I'm eating, I'm bloated all the time. I can't wait to come home from classes so I can book it to the meal hall, load up a take-out box with as much food as I can carry, and eat it in front of the mirror. Shirtless, so I can admire how my flat stomach expands into a beautifully round, curved dome that forces me to unzip my jeans all the way just to make room for it. When I've finished it all, I take a few minutes to cum and then make my way back to the meal hall so I can do it all again.

I like to gorge myself until my belly looks like a balloon just about to pop, and only then do I allow myself to waddle stiffly back to the meal hall to stock up on desserts. There's a sick satisfaction to stretching out my stomach, training my body to take in more and more each day. Even overeating like this though, it's not enough. When I'm full, I wish I had more room so I could keep eating. When I'm masturbating, I find myself getting annoyed that it's inconvenient to eat at the same time. As big as my belly gets when it's filled to the brim, I want to see it bigger.

By Wednesday, I've switched to sweatpants so I can eat more comfortably. It's a total game-changer. Throughout the day, they easily slide lower to accommodate my bulging stomach. Thursday I've got no classes, and I've got nothing better to do than try eating all day and see what happens. I start with breakfast, then second breakfast, then snacks, by which point it's time for an early lunch, a regular lunch, and a late lunch. Then more time to snack, followed by an early dinner, dinner, dessert, a late dinner, another round of dessert, and late-night snacking until it's time to sleep. By the time I heave myself into bed, my belly feels like a bowling ball. I didn't even think it was possible for it to get this big, or this round. I can't stop running my hands over myself, feeling how just under my pecs there's an immediate curve outward and a smooth, hard sphere of a belly that takes up so much volume in front of me it needs to rest on my lap. It's disproportionate to the rest of my muscular body and makes me look like some caricature of male pregnancy. It fills me with wonder and admiration for myself, my own body. I'm fascinated by the curve outward, how perfectly round it is. Being full all the time is also nice, a warm and safe feeling. It makes it easy to fall asleep, still rubbing my inflated belly and thinking about what I want to fill it up with next.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 10 months , updated 1 month
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Built4com4t 1 month
he definitely needs to meet queenoftoads
Passing For ... 1 month
Ooh, I agree! 😍🤭
Sem Nenhuma 1 10 months
I liked it please continue
Passing For ... 1 month
I'm trying to work on it again now, and I have lots of fun ideas for where it will go 🤭
Chubbychica 10 months
This was such a great start, please continue, would love to see how this pans out.
Passing For ... 10 months
That's really lovely to hear, thank you! I will say I'm enjoying experimenting with the digital communication format 🤭
Letters And ... 10 months
👀 amazing start!
Passing For ... 10 months
Glad you enjoyed! 💜
Built4com4t 10 months
Interesting angle…looking forward to how this evolves
Passing For ... 10 months
Thank you! 😁🥰