Grocery store gains

  By Jdm

Chapter 32

February 7th was Jenny’s five month pregnancy doctor visit. Jenny hadn’t left our house since Christmas dinner. In fact she hardly left our bed. She stuffed herself all day everyday her appetite and laziness were paramount. She was becoming more spoiled and helpless by the day. She ordered family sized feasts of food five times and day and chronically snacked between her over portioned meals. Maria and Andrea were over a lot helping my blubbery hefty heifer. Jenny’s skyrocketing weight was enabled from all sides, her own body betraying her as well. She just gained weight so easily. Her youthful body absorbing every excess calorie and metabolizing it into soft jiggly fat.

The night before Jenny’s appointment I made sure she ate extra, drank a gallon of my special milkshakes, then had a humongous breakfast prepped for her the morning of. I wanted her weigh in to be as high as possible. I left for work, after cleaning up the remnants of her feasting, pizza boxes, tubs of fried chicken with the picked clean bones left in them, empty tubs of gravy and ranch, two demolished sheet cake pans, and a cheese cake sampler platter. For breakfast Jenny ate 20 breakfast tacos, and three helpings of smothered hashbrowns. She looked bigger than ever. I patted her bloated pregnant belly watching her fat ripple across her entire body, I kissed her cheek and headed off to work. I was distracted all day thinking of my plump princess getting poked and prodded at the doctors office.
Both Andrea and Maria were coming to take Jenny to her appointment. The helpless 20 year old had gotten so big and so spoiled that her mother and sister had to help take her to a simple doctor visit. Jenny barely got herself dressed in time. Showering, getting presentable, getting her XXXXL thong on, she went bra-less under her flowing XXXL mu-mu style dress left the big pregnant princess exhausted. Maria had to hold her arm as she breathlessly waddled down the front porch stairs and to the back seat of the van. Red faced, sweating and panting she asked her mother to stop for breakfast in the way.
“Jennifer! Child you do not need any more food!” Andrea scolded.

“Please! Maaaaaa! I feel like my blood sugar is low and I know that’s bad for the baby. Please stop at Macdonalds and get me some McGriddles and hashbrowns? Pleeeease” Jenny half whined.

“Awe fattys hungry huh? Well mom you better stop you know she won’t stop whining until she eats.” Maria said as she chuckled.

Andrea let out a long disappointing sigh as she swung the van through the drive through and ordered Jenny’s second breakfast. Jenny finished every bite of her second calorie breakfast before the van even pulled off the highway. With more food packed into Jenny’s already stuffed belly the van pulled up to the doctors office. Andrea dropped Maria and Jenny off at the curb. Maria helped Jenny out of the back seat and held her big flabby arm as her shaky legs carried her wide frame to sit on a bench and rest by the door of the office building. Jenny’s fertile hips took of most of the bench, the helpless fat pregnant heifer was quite a spectacle. Andrea parked the van and waddled to the bench. Both Maria and Andrea helped Jenny up and steadied her for the labored walk to the waiting room. Jenny was wheezing and completely exhausted as she was ushered straight back to a private room, since she was too big for the waiting room chairs. Once in the exam room Jenny practically collapsed on the exam table, which groaned and creaked as the large woman’s full weight came down upon it. Andrea and Maria then undressed Jenny without any help from the heifer as she slowly started to catch her breath. The paper gown tearing around her rolls. The fatty sat like a blob her cellulite dimpled, and stretchmark covered body on display. Her ruby red thong concealed by her fat and the paper gown ripped to shreds basically only covering her nipples as her fat DDs hung off the sides of her tight upper belly. Her belly folded in two sitting on the exam table her upper belly firm and bloated her lower belly pooling out on top of her fat thighs. Thick stretch marks ran up her belly and exposed juicy love handles. The vertical red and white lines looking like tiger stripes on her caramel colored skin. Her fat chest heaved up and down as the young heifer caught her breath. Maria giggled at her older sisters helplessness while her mortified mother sat down with her face buried in her palms. Andrea was 430 lbs herself but was no where near as out of shape as her oldest offspring.
After about ten minutes of awkward silence a nurse came in with all of Jenny’s charts and paperwork. She began to go over Jenny’s past history with her asking about her rapid weight gain, family health history and so on and asked if she had any concerns to bring up with the doctor.
Jenny nervously fidgeted with her hands in her lap, her fat body on display in the room, her fat thighs clamped together hiding her soaking wet crotch. The nurse, her mother and sister were all staring at her waiting for her to answer. “Umm well….my hips, back, ankles and knees hurt when I stand. And I umm can’t stand very long or walk very far with out a lot of pain in those joints and my pelvis.” Jenny meekly mumbled. Followed by another sigh from her mother and a giggle from her sister. The nurse, a fit woman in her late 30s scoffed, “well honey, that’s because you are severely obese. Your bmi was off the charts your last visit and it doesn’t look like you’ve gotten your weight under control. You will have those problems being that heavy and looking at our chart gaining that much weight that fast these adverse effects are unavoidable unless you lose the weight….then add being pregnant to the mix. You poor poor thing.”
Jenny could hardly handle the scolding and the pity she just received. Her loins burning to touch herself, not that she could anymore, nor would she in the waiting room. She was not that big of a mess…yet. Her fat thighs trembled as she clamped them harder together suffocating her soaking wet pussy.
Another awkward silence permeated the room since the literal elephant in the room had been addressed.
The Nurse cleared her throat, “well I’m sure you have heard all that before. I will get your vitals and weight then the doctor will see you.”
Jenny’s arms had gotten so fat they had to use a large bariatric blood pressure cuff to fit around her jiggly arm, the nurses eyes grew wide as she wrote down her blood pressure. Then the ultimate embarrassment happened, the scale would not read Jenny’s weight. “Wow! The nurse explained, “our scale goes up to 380 pounds. So you’re fatter than that. Also it looks like your O2 is low. I’m going to get some oxygen in here for you and a wheel chair. We’ll have to get you down to our XL scale.” The nurse left to get the wheel chair and oxygen. Maria chuckled again, “damn! Fatty you gained more weight you were what 360 a month ago?”
Andrea perked up from her embarrassed posture, “360 meja!! And over 380 now!! And the lady is getting you oxygen? This has to be a wake up call. You have been eating mucho mucho to mucho!”
Jenny shyly took all the criticism the embarrassment driving her absolutely wild. Saved by the bell so to speak, the nurse came back and helped Jenny into an extra wide wheel chair. The young girl was an absolute mess in her tattered hospital gown flooding the XL wheel chair with nasal cannulas pumping clean air into her tired lungs. The nurse knew the fatty couldn’t possibly make the 200 foot trip to the bariatric room.
Once in the room with the larger bed, larger scale, and other medical equipment to help heavier patients. The nurse re took Jennys vitals, her blood pressure was still high but her O2 had recovered. The nurse then helped her to her feet and guided her on the large platform scale. The LED screen lite up 392.7 pounds flashed in the screen. The nurse then helped the feeble fatty to the larger reinforced bed. And heaved her elephantine legs up in to the stirrups. Then went to the computer to log her stats. Jenny lay on the bed horny to the max her huge body inhibited her so much to require this much help had her head spinning. She felt her flab on her inner thigh still jiggling hanging from the leg stirrups as the nurse typed away.
“Well sweetie, your O2 is back up. The oxygen is helping you, looks like the walk from the car had you pretty tired well have to look into the supplemental oxygen more. That’s surprising at such a young age. Also you’re 5’6” at 393lbs put you at a 64 bmi…dangerously obese… blood pressure 163 over 88 also pretty high but not out of control yet. The doc will probably give you some medicine. I’ll take your blood now for some tests, it’s protocol for someone with your level of obesity. Then I’ll go get your family. And wait for the doctor.” The Nurse stated as she finished typing. Jenny’s blood was drawn and her mother and sister enter the room shortly after.
Once again saved by a medical professional the doctor entered before Andrea could chide her daughter more about her weight.
“Well Ms Jennifer I sure nurse o’Neil told you but your stats and your weight are not looking the best….” He thumbed through Jenny’s paperwork, “wow that bmi is high….hmm okay….yep.. yep…ummhhmm… okay sooo I’m going to prescribe you blood pressure meds and oxygen to use as needed…and your blood work is a off too. Your cholesterol and blood sugar levels are borderline bad and you’re really close to becoming diabetic and insulin dependent… we have to medicine for that as well. I’m going to do a pelvic exam since you mentioned you’re having pain.”
Jenny becoming wetter and hornier by the second was completely helpless her morbidly obese body trapped in the XL bed by all her adipose. She felt like a zoo exhibit or a circus fat lady. The doctor inspected her and did a pelvis exam. Then walked back to his clipboard and wrote down his findings before speaking, “well Ms Jennifer you have some mild separation in your pelvis bone. You need to stay off your feet as much as possible….as much as you need exercise your pelvis cannot handle your excessive weight. You will be on bed rest for the remainder of your pregnancy.”
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Bb78w 2 days
Amazing story! Do you make any others?
Charlylovesbbw 2 days
This story is absolutely amazing! I can’t wait for more!
Alfon1 5 months
One of the best stories i ever read
Jdm 5 months
Thank you I’ll write some more after the holidays
Pd500 9 months
Digging this!