Birthday present

Chapter 2

Bec woke with a start, stripped naked, their hands and feet tied to the bed frame. A thick leather strap stretched over them, almost, but not quite, rubbing up against their distended belly. Bec gasped, pulling and wriggling against their bonds, but their heavy, swollen stomach pinned them down.

“Oh good, you're awake!” Leona stepped into their line of sight, running a hand rapturously over their quivering belly. The fat chef stood by with a food cart. Even though they were still stuffed to the brim, the smells wafting around it made Bec's belly rumble.

“What... huff huff... did you do to me?” Bec panted, winded from the effort of moving on such a full stomach.

“I just gave you what you asked for.”

“I didn't ask for this!”

“Of course you did!” Leona grabbed Bec's belly, shaking it till their whole body wobbled and they cried out for her to stop. “All it took was a little alcohol, and you became absolutely insatiable!” She poked Bec's belly button. “Admit it. I know a hog when I see one.”

“I-i'm not a-”

“Oh yes you are.” Leona squeezed Bec's love handles. “A big, fat, greedy hog. Just what I wanted for my birthday. And I just. can't. wait-” she punctuated each word with a teasing poke along Bec's swollen belly. “To make you bigger. Greedier. Till all you want and all you have to do is eat, eat, eat.”

“You're sick!”

Leona shrugged. “I've been called worse. Now, are you done with your tantrum? Because it's time for breakfast.” She waved to the chef, who wheeled over the loaded down food cart. Bec opened their mouth to argue, but Leona stuffed in a bite of waffle and whipped cream.

Bec spat it back out. “Look at me,” they shouted, gesturing with their chin at their red, swollen gut. “Can't you see I'm already full??”

“Oh that doesn't matter,” Leona assured them. “It'll never matter again. After all,” she tapped along Bec's bulging drum of a belly, “Being full is no reason to stop eating.”

Bec's belly rumbled obstinately. They whined, struggling against their own greed. “No! I won't eat!”

“Really? Well, I have ways of making stubborn piggies eat.” Leona pulled a joint out of her pocket, lighting it up. She took a puff, just for the sheer joy of it, blowing the smoke out slowly. “I find a little weed makes my piggies realize just how hungry they really are.”

“Wait, how many times have you-”

Leona put the joint in Bec's mouth, pinching their nose so they had no choice but to take a hit. After a minute or two, they were so high that their head swayed back and forth on the pillow, their stuffed belly already rumbling with the munchies.

Leona smiled and took another hit. “Chef, I believe our piggy is ready for breakfast.”


Every day Leona crammed more food into Bec’s mouth, till they wheezed for breath, buttery flesh spreading outwards at a rapid pace. The moment their eyes fluttered open, Leona was there with a plate of greasy fried hash browns or sugary donuts, ready to begin the day's stuffing.

Bec fought back any way they could. They yelled and screamed for help, they spat food back out, they closed their mouth and refused to open. But the walls were soundproofed, and Leona was always ready with weed or alcohol to deaden any resistance. Then all she had to do was wait until Bec's greed overwhelmed the pain, and their belly rumbled for more.

Of course, Bec's body transformed under so much caloric pressure. Another chin developed under their fat face, wobbling constantly as they chewed. Their thighs rippled and wobbled with every movement. Their belly swelled like bread dough, stretching out to the edges of their satin prison. Their muscles atrophied, melting under so much lard. Slowly, they fought less and less against Leona's treatment, as, with nothing to do except eat, their brain slowly rotted away.

But as Bec talked back less, the chef talked back more.

“I don't think they can take any more,” the chef said, looking worriedly at Bec's belly, straining against the leather belt's stubborn grasp. “Maybe you should stop early today?”

“Are you telling me how to treat my pets?” Leona hissed.

“N-no ma'am!”

“You're lucky you can cook, or you'd be right back on the bed yourself.” She savagely poked the chef's belly, a belly almost as big and stuffed as Bec's, straining the buttons on their uniform. “Or maybe you're already ready for the basement…”

The chef wobbled back, clutching their swollen belly. “No! Please, no!”

“Then keep your mouth shut!”


The leather belt creaked against Bec's bulk as Leona jammed the last of the chocolate cake into their mouth. “There!” she said, “I knew it would fit!”

Bec moaned in agony, the weed making their head spin.

“Just one more, I think,” Leona turned to the chef and winked. “Maybe today will be the big day.” The chef grimaced.

“Big day? What big day?” Bec asked, struggling to follow with their food-fogged brain.

“The day you get to leave this bed.”

“W-what?” Bec's eyes grew round and hopeful. “I... I can leave?”

“Of course! What kind of monster do you think I am?” Leona ran a finger along the cracked and creaking belt. “All you have to do is break this belt, and I'll untie all the other bonds myself. But of course if you're too full…”

“No!” Bec jiggled, readjusting themself. “I can -urp- I can eat more! L-lots more!” Their bulging stomach grumbled in protest. Bec winced, but pushed past the pain, obediently opening their icing smeared mouth.

Leona shoveled cake into Bec's already overstuffed belly, giggling as she played with the fresh stack of rolls that had cropped up over their love handles. Bec ate and ate and ate, their belly groaning with the pressure.

Another bite...

Another bite...

The belt creaked against their bloated frame.

Another bite...

Another bite...

Cracks deepened on the leather edges.

Another bite...

Another bite...



The hated belt burst, falling in tatters at Bec's side as they wheezed for breath.

“Good job, piggy!”

“I-i did it?”

“You did it!” Leona said, pinching their waterfall of chins as she untied their arms from the bedframe. The chef untied Bec's feet as Leona helped them struggle to a sitting position. As their feet touched the floor, Bec winced. Standing was painful for limbs so softened from disuse.

“Oh poor baby,” Leona cooed. “Would you like to stay in bed instead?”

“N-not a chance! I'm fi-AH!” Leona smirked as Bec reached out to her for balance. But Bec's triple chin was set stubbornly. They were going to walk if it killed them.

Each step was a struggle. Their atrophied muscles trembled, sending waves along their ocean of fat as they wobbled their way to the front door. Their still-full belly drug them down like a lead weight, bouncing painfully as they heaved their fat-swaddled legs up and down. Their thighs scraped and sweated, trembling around their weak, spasming muscles.

Just as Bec's fat fingers reached out for the doorknob, Leona caught their eye and gave one of her wicked grins. Bec only had a moment to realize a trick was coming before they were hauled to the side, swerving in a different direction.

“Wha-?” Pathetic cries bubble out of their wheezing throat. “I... I thought...! You said...!”

“I said you could leave the bed, Leona said. I never said you could leave the house. Besides,” she patted Bec's oversized belly, already whining with hunger after so much exercise. “Do you really think you'll make it far without me?” Bec's face sunk back into their fat encased neck, whimpering. There was no chance of escape. They were owned. And they knew it.

A double-wide elevator opened out of the wall. “Come on piggy,” Leona said, turning Bec sideways. “Time to go to the basement.”

Bec did their best to jiggle their way through the doors, the steel doorway digging into their soft flesh. But halfway through, the movement stopped. “I'm... I'm stuck,” they whimpered.

Leona giggled. “Then that belt snapped just in time! Come on, Chef.” The chef twisted their lips, but helped Leona shove Bec's blubbery bulk into the elevator.

“Aaah! Aaahh!!!” The elevator walls scraped as Bec slid in. The door on the other side was thankfully -- or perhaps terrifyingly -- much bigger. They wheezed with exertion as the elevator descended. Leona held Bec's pillowy arm for support as they waddled out at the bottom. Bec gasped.

They’d arrived in an enormous, industrial basement, filled to the brim with a half dozen people that made Bec look like a diet model. Their individual sex was impossible to tell, as their mountains of flesh warped and enveloped every distinguishing feature. Each one had a tube at their head, continuously feeding them from a giant, communal vat.

Leona dragged Bec through the wheezing, quivering horde toward an empty bed. “How do you like my farm, piggy?” Bec only whimpered in answer.

Leaving Bec to stand on their own, Leona unwrapped a couple edibles, popping one in her mouth. She patted one of the prisoner's flabby breasts. “Open up, Li!” The bloated cow opened her mouth obediently, accepting without complaint the drug that kept her hungry and docile.

Mario, on the other side of the empty bed, smiled comfortingly at Bec around his tube. “It won't be... huff huff... so bad...”

Leona held out her hand. “Ready for your new bed, piggy?”

Bec's lower lip wobbled, and the hope in their eyes dimmed. They let Leona guide their last waddling steps to the empty bed and hook up the tube, staring dead-eyed at the ceiling as a slurry of rich meat and heavy fried potatoes mixed with lard pumped into their mouth and down their throat.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 10 months , updated 10 months
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LovesBigTummy 9 months
Fantastic story. I'll have to read your other ones
BelliesGetti... 9 months
So glad you like it! Sadly, this is a short one, only three pages. But I'm working on something longer right now ;D