Best friend may wg story

Chapter 5: Love in the air?

During the years that May followed the courses at secondary vocational education, even more interesting things had happened. It was certainly an eventful year in 2016.

Starting with my very interesting experience that I had the pleasure of experiencing in January 2016. The fun and busy holidays were over, so we felt like meeting up again. I thought we thought it would be fun to go to a restaurant together, even McDonald's was totally fine with me. But May preferred to meet at home. I thought to myself, “Hmm… why at home, when we can be somewhere else”? May also indicated that her parents went away on a Saturday to visit someone. So I thought: "Ah yes, she would like to be together in peace and privacy with the two of us, especially after the busy holidays".

On that day, I walked to her house. I brought chips and biscuits for us to enjoy, especially for May. She opened the door for me. I saw her looking at my tasty snacks that I had in my hands. And I saw a beautiful full girl in a glittery black sweater and warm gray pants. Because it was winter, she was also dressed warmer and thicker. She seemed to be even fatter than usual. We first had a nice chat and played some fun board games. We played Rummikub and Trivial Pursuit, among others. Meanwhile, May took some bites of my chips and cookies. I won with a game of Rummikub and she won with Trivial Pursuit, because I got a lot of tough questions. After we finished the games, we sat down on the couch.

Then May got a little more serious. She then told me something very interesting; “Thommie, I just want to tell you something and hear your honest opinion, because you are my best friend. This is also the reason why I wanted us to be alone, without my parents”. I listened carefully. May continued in a nervous tone; “As you may have noticed, I love good food. I do notice that I have become a bit thicker and heavier. I know I should actually go on a diet, but I know even better that it's going to be too hard for me. I know myself way too well, because I love good food and I find diets really difficult. My mother recently told me that it is better to lose weight. What am I supposed to do”?

I looked deep into May's eyes how important this was to her. Then I looked at her size and asked; “Would you mind standing up so I can see your body posture better”? May quietly stood up with shame. I saw at her front how wide her thighs were. Then she made a quarter turn with her full body. Then I saw how beautifully fat and round her belly was, as if she were a few months pregnant. Then she turned another quarter turn so that I could see her backside. May's ass was clearly the widest. Like there were 2 balls in her ass. I said; “Fine, thank you May. You may sit down again." And she did. Her face was rather red with embarrassment. I then looked deeply into her eyes and answered her question; “Listen May, you are a great girl! I think your inner is much more important! And there are plenty who think so too. I think it's horrible for you if you go on a diet when you're so unhappy. Above all you have to be yourself! It doesn't matter if you're a bit fuller, it doesn't matter if you're a bit heavier. And as for your mother, you have your own choice. You are now 17 years old and wise enough to make your own choices. To be honest, I like the girls a lot more when they're a bit more plump. I've always found curvier women attractive. So now you know my secret too. Anyway, my tip for you is, just keep it up. Enjoy the food, doesn't matter if you're a bit overweight, be yourself and stay happy”.

At first glance, May was surprised at my love of curvier women, but soon she was very happy about my opinion. She completely radiated her joy, she gave me a big hug and she kissed me on the mouth. “May said with a big smile; “Thank you Tommy! I knew I could count on you! I never thought my best friend could make me so happy! How funny that you find fat girls so attractive! Do you find me so attractive?" I answered her question; "To be honest, yes! I definitely find you beautiful and attractive too May!" May looked surprised again, but also satisfied. Then she asked something I didn't see coming at all: "Would you like to feel my bulging belly?" I definitely didn't say no to that. May lifted her warm sweater and the shirt underneath to reveal her bare belly. Wow, what a beautiful round belly she had. I felt right about it. “May, your belly is very beautiful!” May blushed, but she liked how much I enjoyed it. "Can I see your ass too"? I asked. And May went right to arrange it for me. She pulled down her pants, but she left her panties on. I didn't find that a problem at all. I felt how nice and fat her wide ass was. “May, you are extraordinarily beautiful! You really have nothing to be ashamed of.” I said. May became so happy again that she gave me a big hug and a kiss on the mouth.

That way I could still see her belly and ass. There was one more thing I wanted to know. I asked; "May, don't you think it's a problem to weigh yourself"? May replied; “Normally people should never ask me that. You know that yourself. But since you're my best friend and find me attractive as a full girl, I'll make an exception for you." Wow, what a friend, I thought at the time. She went upstairs, picked up the scale and went into the bathroom. I asked to be sure; “Weighing completely naked, huh?” I heard her answer behind the bathroom door; “Yes, of course, otherwise I'll cheat, and that's not fair haha”. After a few minutes, May came out of the bathroom. She said she weighed 84 kilos (185 lbs) and has gained a tiny bit of weight. “Nice weight May”. I said. “You really have nothing to be ashamed of. As long as you're happy, that's the most important thing to me. Doesn't matter how fat you are, as long as you can enjoy everything you've got. Like the food, since you are a real foodie”. May gave me another big hug and a kiss on my mouth. “Thank you Tommy. Now I know that I just have to keep being myself the way I am now. And that I don't let myself be rushed by my mother and by my doubts”. I loved hearing all that from my best friend. I was only amazed at the kisses I got from May. I thought by myself; “Is this really happening? Is May really all right with this? Is she the one for me? May, my best friend, and me together?”

After a pleasant afternoon together, I went home. The next day I got an app from May. She wrote; “Good morning Tommy. I hope you slept well. Because I do. I want to thank you again for your opinion about my appearance and eating habits. Sorry about the kisses I gave you. I was so happy that I apparently lost control for a moment. It's not that I'm in love with you. I love you, but as a good friend. And that's why you can ask questions and know things about my appearance and eating habits. I accept your interest in me, but this will stay between us. Thanks again Tommy, XXX”. I immediately thought; “Unfortunately, no relationship after all. But I do accept it. I am glad that she now knows about my fat fetish and that she accepts it. I'm also glad she's not going to lose weight, yet continues her eating habit. I will regularly ask her how many kilograms she weighs and what she is going to eat”. It was certainly one of the most interesting days of my life.

To be continued... -> Chapter 6: Driving lessons
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TogoSage 3 months
Very nice story. Will continue?