Career girl turned immobile blob

Chapter 5 Bathroom troubles

*As the months rolled by, Abby and Daric's connection deepened, transcending the boundaries of their initial encounter. They found solace in each other's company, sharing intimate moments that ignited their desires. Abby's self-assuredness remained unwavering, a source of intrigue for Daric as they navigated the challenges of their unique relationship. Daric was often away from NY for games, but he stopped by often and Abby’s apartment had become his unofficial new home as well. After only a few months of dating, they were as serious as any couple could be.

The world outside continued to buzz with deadlines and responsibilities, but within the bubble of Abby's apartment, time seemed to stand still. Their trysts were punctuated by laughter, shared secrets, and passionate moments that embraced the undeniable chemistry between them. Even when Daric was gone, Abby would turn on the TV to watch his football games and snack on delicious appetizers befitting a football game. Her productivity at work had reduced slightly but she still felt she was a valued member of the team as she met all her assigned project goals.

Despite the world's tendency to label her as "morbidly obese," Abby continued to revel in her body's abundant form. She continued to thrive in her remote work setup, proving that her size held no dominion over her intellectual prowess. And while she occasionally indulged in takeout and lavish spreads at home, she tried to embrace healthier more expensive foods that Daric’s salary allowed her to purchase, understanding that her body deserved care and nourishment.

However, even as Abby reveled in her sensuality and power, she couldn't completely ignore the physical toll her size was taking on her. Movements that were once taken for granted became increasingly challenging. She could hardly believe when her home scale read ERROR, meaning she had reached its weight cap of 650 pounds. She noticed a growing difficulty in standing for extended periods and walking even short distances left her breathless. Just the thought of climbing even a few stairs felt like a monumental feat. Her body constantly groaned and ached under the weight of its own excess, as her stomach growled louder and controlled her emotions and actions more. However, the sheer absurdity of how her fat was making her progressively more helpless would dawn on her one fateful morning in the bathroom.*

...a day much like any other, I went about my morning routine. But that morning, as I stepped into the bathroom, something shifted. I faced the mirror, taking in the reflection of my body in its full glory, and it hit me with a jolt—the undeniable truth that my size had grown to the point where even my basic routines were becoming unmanageable. I looked at the toilet with a sense of fear. The bathroom, once a sanctuary of solitude, was now a battleground of physical limitations. As I stood before the toilet, the simple act of lowering myself onto the seat felt like a monumental task. My behind, swollen and expansive, spilled over the edges of the toilet as I struggled to ensure I was positioned right, reminding me of the space I occupied. My belly, an expanse of plushness that had been a source of pride, now intruded into every aspect of my daily life, preventing me from even looking at the toilet bowl below me.

When I had finished relieving myself, I reached towards my behind with toilet paper, but my heart sank as I realized the cruel reality—I couldn't reach. My arms, straining against their own weight, the fat on them acting as cushions, making the toilet paper fall just short of its intended target. Panic surged within me as I tried to contort my body, to find an angle that would allow me to do what was once an effortless action. I tried desperately for nearly 10 minutes. I was used to it sometimes taking some extra time to find the perfect approach to perform the task, but today was the breaking point. I knew it was no longer possible to reach behind my own booty. I gave up, exhausted. My body had betrayed me, mocking my attempts to reclaim even the most basic form of independence.

At that moment, I was faced with a choice—succumb to despair and call Daric for help, a hopelessly embarrassing thought that hurt my pride for even considering it, or find a solution. My fierce determination, the same force that had propelled me through my professional success surged forth. I was not going to let this setback define me. With a mix of embarrassment and resolve, I embarked on a mission to adapt.

Still dirty, I used my toilet's built-in bidet system to attempt to clean myself the best I could before grabbing my phone. I felt gross and hated the feeling of not being completely clean so I looked for an instant solution. I scoured Amazon, my chubby fingers flying across my phone’s keyboard as I searched for tools that could help restore some semblance of control. And that's when I stumbled upon the “toilet paper wand”. An extendable gripper for toilet paper designed to help larger people reach. It sounded ridiculous, almost surreal, but it was a lifeline that I needed. I got the fastest shipping option possible, a matter of hours in a major city like NYC. Two hours later, the doorbell of my condo rang and I waddled over from my bathroom, still completely naked, fat jiggling unrestrained. I caught my breath quickly and peeked through the door’s peephole. My package had arrived! Still naked, I quickly opened the door and used my leg to kick the package inside before quickling shutting the door behind me. I was the only Condo on this floor, it was the penthouse suite, but I was still terrified Daric or a maid would get off the elevator and see me exposed.

With some effort, I raised and opened the package, holding the wand in my hands, I felt a surge of mixed emotions—gratitude for the solution it offered, frustration at the extent to which my body had changed, and a touch of pride for confronting my challenges head-on. With the toilet paper wand in hand, I faced the bathroom once more. This time, as I navigated the process, I was armed with a new found sense of empowerment. The wand became an extension of my will, a testament to my refusal to be defeated by the limitations my body imposed. I wiped myself with new ease and the bathroom became less daunting again.

As the months passed, I became adept at using the toilet paper wand, turning what was once an embarrassing challenge into a routine I had mastered. It became a symbol of my adaptability, a reminder that I was still the same strong-willed woman who had tackled professional challenges and embraced her sensuality with audacity. My relationship with Daric deepened even further. He found the whole situation humorous to my relief when I told him about it a few weeks later, as our connection continued to weather the physical changes that had become an integral part of my reality. His unwavering support and genuine affection became a source of strength, and together, we navigated the uncharted territories of love, intimacy, and the undeniable presence of my expanding body.

*AGAIN, you'd think this would have been the wake up call for Abby, maybe to consider the slight possibility of trying to lose weight, but she continued to eat and indulge. What Abby hasn't realized is as the pounds she packs on increases, her boss is starting to nontice her productivity at work decreasing. We'll get to the consequences of her actions soon enough though.*
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 months , updated 9 months
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Ab9832 9 months
This is great! I can't wait for the next chapter
Uwu23 9 months
i need moreeeeeeee
Makeme300 9 months
Nicely written