The two teasing beauties

Chapter 3

The blonde brought a plate towards her. It was the biggest steak you've ever seen, it must have been thirty pounds at least! Along side it was a mound of mashed potatoes with bacon, and some veggies. As you look at all the other plates you can see mountians upon mountians of food.

'Theres no way I can eat all this! Are they crazy or trying to kill me!?' You thought.

You lean forward a bit and stand as best you can in the booth to make a last ditch effort to leave.

"Listen, I appreciate this, but I think you have the wrong-" The redhead slammed her arm across your soft, flabby chest. It didnt really hurt or bruise due to the layers of fat caked on your chest. But it was enough to know the wind out of you and make you sit back down.

The redhead takes your face in her hands. Her expression was sweet, like an angel about to usher you into heaven.

"But youre our special treat this weekend!" She said with her golden voice.

The look of confusion you give her prompts her to explain herself.

"Every weekend my bestie and I get some fatty like you to show up just so we can make sure they leave the 'date' fatter than when they arrived! Wether they want to or not." Her smile turned wicked and her grip on your face tight.

She was squeezing so fiercely that it forced your mouth open. She harshly turns you to face the blonde, who already has several bites of food ready to be eaten. You struggle against her, but surprisingly shes too strong for you. Despite looking like a pixie she had the strength of a grown man. With all your options exhausted, you submit to their will amd start eating.
At first they keep their positions, the redhead holding you while the blonde feeds you. But once they were sur you had given up trying to escape, they switched to both feeding you. Theyd alternate between eachother feeding you slowly with small bites. Then they started to increase the serving size.
After eating five plates of food, you were breathing heavily. You feel bloated and heavy, not to mention stuffed full. Seeing this the blonde stops feeding you to rub your bulbous belly.

"How does piggy feel? Is he still hungry?" She cooed as her hands moved slowly and gently.

You weakly shake your head no, only for her to give you an intense frown and say it again. This time it wasnt a question.

"Piggy must be starving if he cant even answer properly!" She gave the redhead a look and sprang into action.

The blonde took you hands and cuffed them behind your back, startling you. The look of fear on your face does nothing to deter them. They dropped the facade of being gentle and nurturing. They grabbed gobs of food with their hands and start shoving them down your throat. All you can do is sit there and feel the food slide down your throat and into your enormous belly. Feeling the layers of fat pack on and your body expand.
First its your ass, becoming more round and lifting you up about a foot from the booth seat. Then you start to feel your arms and legs get fatter. Your ankles becoming kankles and your fingers turning to fat sausage like appendages. Your arms turned to big jiggling bingo wings, and legs into tubes of sausage spilling out.
The biggest change is your belly, moobs, and face. Your once apron like belly began to swell and round out. It pressed into the table and still kept growing. Your moods had turned from B cups to triple H cups, and hund on the sides of your belly like heavy sacks of flour. Your neck and chins had long since become one big roll of fat beneath your fat face that looks like little more than a pile of fat with eyes, a nose, and a mouth.
When the women finally let you have a break to catch your breath, they take a moment to inspect their work.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 10 months , updated 10 months
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Fatlilboy 4 months
OMG yes!!! Please come to my town and do this to me. I love this type of treatment