Stuck with a gut

Chapter 3


“Bobby… His name is Bobby. I’ll have to remember his name. He likes to feed me…” I muttered greedily to myself, as I ran inside the locker room and made a mental note to remind Chuck to order me a new swimsuit, at least a size up from the last one…

A few days later, the morning of my first shift at the country club’s pool, I groaned as my phone alarm loudly woke me up. I usually preferred to sleep in until at least 1PM or 2PM, but I couldn’t afford too today. Not when my shift started super early at 11AM.

Low on energy and hungover from the night before, I stumbled into my parent’s kitchen looking for something to tide me over until I could stop by a drive thru on my way to the pool for a proper breakfast. As was typical for my parents, they didn’t have anything appetizing in the kitchen, or the pantry, except for a large, unopened jar of peanut butter which I brought downstairs with me, along with a big spoon, so I could snack while I got ready.

It took me a few minutes to unscrew the d*mn peanut butter lid, but once I’d succeeded in popping the lid off, I wasted no time in giving the delicious creamy mix a taste. I’ll admit, it would have been better with some chocolate or jam, but I was hungry. So… after sucking down three or four big scoops of creamy peanut butter, I rummaged through my dresser for something suitable to wear to the pool.

Chuck had informed me that my new one-piece had arrived and that I could pick it up from his office once I arrived. Deciding to make the pervy old man’s day, I wrangled on a sexy red floral bikini top, a pair of panties, and a pair of dark-blue denim jean shorts. The bikini fit perfectly, but the jean shorts were another story.

Perhaps because of how much I’d been indulging at the bar’s lately, buttoning the shorts felt impossible.

“Godd*mnit!” I cussed, as I fought against my bloated stomach to clasp the f*cking button into its proper place. However, it was quite apparent to me that my tummy was still swollen into the shape of a round beer gut. It was way too big right now to allow itself to be restrained by the confines of my small shorts.

I tried multiple times to force the button together, but the more I tried, the more my bloated stomach refused to endure such discomfort. As if voicing its opposition to my choice of skimpy clothing, it steadily groaned and growled loudly the longer I took to try and force myself into my cute jean shorts.

Letting out a frustrated groan, I eventually relented. My morning beer bloat had won this round. Resting my thick booty down upon my soft bed, I looked down upon my protruding fleshy gut with disdain. I gave it a poke, it jiggled… gross.

“Better switch to white claws for a little while…” I rationalized, as I fell back into bed and wiggled out of my shorts.

Eventually after trying on a few other clothing options, I decided on the most comfortable pair of shorts I owned. An old pair of tight-fitting gym shorts, red in color and with an elastic waist and drawstring to accommodate my morning bloat. They fit comfortably across my waist, although my ass was practically bursting out of them.

Whatever. Pick your poison, I guess.

Before leaving, I ate a few more scoops of peanut butter, applied some makeup, grabbed my knock-off aviator sunglasses, donned some white tennis shoes, and strode outside to my mom’s car to hit up the drive thru before getting to work. As I drove, I decided on Burger King for breakfast. Yes, it was heavy and very very fattening, but I needed something delicious to lift my spirits after failing to fit into my sexy jean shorts this morning.

All things considered only arriving 11 minutes late was a win for me. I probably would have arrived on time, except after polishing off my first whopper in record time, I felt I needed one more for the road to fully satiate me.

Hopping out of my mom’s car, and feeling like a bloated cow, I proceeded to dump all my wrappers into a nearby trash can, I licked my greasy fingers, took one last gulp of my cup of coke, trashed it, and then grabbed my jar of peanut butter before I headed inside to Chuck’s office.

However, when I let myself in, it wasn’t pervy old Chuck waiting for me, it was…

“Richard!?” I yelped with a surprised tone in my voice, as I clutched my jar of peanut butter tightly and tried to suck my bloated tummy in. However, I was simply too full, my bloated belly remained rounded outward despite my best efforts to conceal it.

“Brook! How are you doing? You still eating everything in sight?” My ex-boyfriend teased, as he looked at what I was holding and approached me for a hug.

Wrapping my arms around him for the first time in a long time, I couldn’t get over how good he felt. So strong, so sturdy. When I was 18, Richard had been a 21-year-old college track star. I’d spent my whole summer lusting after him. We flirted heavily, but I was young, inexperienced, and he had a busty college girlfriend. Our cliched forbidden romance came to a head at the very end of the summer, he’d just broken up with his girlfriend which meant that I got to enjoy a night of euphoric drunken rebound sex with him followed by a few weeks of long-distance dating before we split by the end of September.

Ahh, summer love. It’s something short and sweet. Seeing him now looking so good brought up so many sultry memories.

“Yeahhh, I guess.” I responded, blushing fiercely for getting called out on my poor eating habits, “I’m doing well, just graduated.”

“Congratulations.” Richard smiled, as his eyes took in my considerably more feminine figure, and then poked me right in my exposed belly button, “What’d they feed you at Douglass University? Peanut butter for breakfast, lunch and dinner? You really filled out.”

“Umm… No…” I blushed even more fiercely than I did a second ago, “Just the usual cafeteria buffet stuff…”

“Well, you look good.” Richard smiled approvingly, much to my relief.

“Good.” I awkwardly nodded too embarrassed to think clearly.

After a brief moment of silence, Richard continued, “*Ahem* Here’s your new uniform. I thought Dad made a mistake when he had you down for a size 14, but d*mn. Guess he was right… How umm… How long are you gonna be staying in the area?”

“I’d like to get a job in town, so… for the forceable future I guess.” I managed to shakily reply.

“Well, I move back in September. I’d love to take you out to dinner if you’re up for it?” Richard smoothly asked.

“Dinner?” I echoed, my mouth watering even though I’d just ate a big burger breakfast, “Why not tonight?”

“I’ve got a plane to catch tonight. Otherwise, I’d love to.” Richard explained, as I accepted my new one-piece from him. To my surprise, it was blue, not red like the rest of them.

“Bummer.” I frowned, before continuing, “but, umm… September sounds good.”

“Good.” Richard smiled, appearing pleased with my response.

Sexual tension was in the air, both of us could sense it. However, with the timing of things being what it was, neither of us wanted to make the first move. So, I retreated. For now…

“Umm, well, I better get going, I’m already late for my first shift.” I muttered, slowly backing away towards the door.

“Classic Brook. You haven’t changed one bit.” Richard chuckled.

The way he laughed made my heart beat through my chest.

“Haha, not really!” I giggled, as I snuck my way out the door and pranced down the hallway toward the entrance to the pool.

Compared to running into Richard again, my first shift was completely uneventful. My new one-piece fit like a charm, although just like my previous one, it also had a sweetheart neckline… I spent the day lazing around on my butt, tanning my chest, lifeguarding, stalking Richard on Facebook and Instagram, and polishing off my entire jar of peanut butter by my shift’s end.

As the month of June rolled around, I fell into a delightfully lax schedule. I was scheduled to work at the pool every other day, so I had plenty of time off to do what I wanted. When I wasn’t at the pool lounging and snacking to my heart’s content, I was spending my hard-earned money at my town’s finest bars getting drunk on cheap beer and stuffing my face with pizza, wings, burgers, anything I could afford that looked good.

The only real annoyance I had to content with on a weekly basis was Dylan, one of my fellow lifeguards who seemed to be completely obsessed with me, aka my breasts…

“Brook!” Dylan cheered upon seeing me, sitting cross-legged on my towel, enjoying my lunch break under the shade of one of the club’s large oak trees.

“Oh, hello…” I mumbled with my mouth full of turkey, bacon, lettuce, tomato, mustard, mayonnaise, and plenty of toasted white bread.

“Double sandwiches again?” He stupidly pointed out, as my second turkey BLT remained wrapped up on my blanket next to the empty wrapper of the one I was currently stuffing my face with.

“Yeah, what of it?” I countered blushing a little bit. I hated it when people pointed out my gluttonous habits like this.

“Nothing, just… do you have something against chips?” He questioned clearly alibiing this dull conversation off the top of his head.

“I love chips, but two sandwiches are a better bang for my buck than one sandwich and a bag of chips.” I explained honestly, but just from the look on Dylan’s dumbfounded face, I could tell the muscle-bound doof didn’t understand, so I muttered in an annoyed tone, “What do you want? Can’t you see I’m trying to enjoy my lunch.”

“Oh, I umm…. I picked these flowers for you. Thought you might like them.” He replied, as he revealed an obviously store-bought bouquet of flowers from behind his back.

“Oh…” I hummed trying to decide if I should be polite in my rejection or ruthless.

“W-what? You don’t like them?” Dylan worriedly muttered.

At first, I found Dylan’s obvious pickup attempts annoying, but now, two weeks into the summer, they were just coming off as more pathetic and desperate every time.

I decided to let him down easy this time, “Well…”

However, it seemed he misunderstood my change in tone, “Oh? Good! So, you do like them??”

“No, it’s just that… umm…” I tried to explain but ended up losing my steam.

Finally seeming to catch my drift, Dylan nodded, “No good, eh?”

“Nope. I’m not one of those girl’s that’s into flowers.” I answered far more straightforward than I’d been a second ago, “You can’t eat flowers.”

“What are you into?” Dylan almost begged to know.

“…” I didn’t really think about it, I just looked down at my sandwich, took a big bite, and blurted loudly with my mouth full, “Food!”

“Like a box of chocolates?” He questioned, seeming to follow along.

Gulping down the mess of food I’d just forced into my mouth, I responded, “I mean, yeah if you wanna get me something, chocolate is fine. I like anything that’s delicious, really. But don’t expect me to date you just because you buy me one measly box of chocolates. You could buy me twenty boxes of chocolate and I still wouldn’t feel compelled to date you. Understand??”

“Understood.” Dylan replied looking more hopeful than I’d ever seen him before.

I kinda thought he’d be a little more disappointed after getting rejected like that, so I questioned, “Do you?”

“I do. Don’t you worry, your pretty little head about it.” He smiled before tossing the flowers on the ground and walking away.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 10 months , updated 10 months
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