Stuck with a gut

Chapter 4


After my encounter with Brook over Memorial Day weekend, I saw quite a lot of the busty lifeguard as the summer progressed. I think my shifts at the snack bar overlapped with her shifts lifeguarding quite a lot. It seemed like anytime I was working, Brook was making her way over to order something at least every hour.

Most of my regular customers tended to order the same types of things, but not Brook. She never seemed to order the same thing twice. Her cravings were all over the place. One day she ordered two hot dogs around noon, okay, well it was two hot dogs on one bun, Brook tended to haggle with her orders. She wanted two hot dogs, but only wanted to pay for one. After arguing with her for five minutes, I gave in and let her have her the double hot dog for the price of one just to keep the line moving. The next time I was working, it was the same thing but with burgers. She was a constant headache to deal with, but she was just so ridiculously attractive I found myself almost perversely looking forward to her disruptive antics each and every day.

I quickly learned that Brook simply loved to snack. When she wasn’t nibbling on something she ordered from the snack bar, I’d see her constantly chowing down on something she managed to mooch off of someone else. I’d seen her beg for goldfish, Oreos, even pizza, from lounging parents.

Poor Dylan is a perfect example of this. For two weeks, she’d been leading him on in order to extort food from him. The guy was so hopelessly lovestruck that he started buying her a box of chocolates every shift, thinking the way to her heart was through her bottomless stomach, but I was beginning to know better.

She was just shamelessly using Dylan for his wallet. I was careful not to fall into the same trap. The only thing she cared about was food, that was it. Pure and simple. I could appreciate that Brook was very nice eye candy, but she wasn’t worth getting attached too or involved with. Besides, there was another lifeguard, Amber, who I had my eyes on.

Around the time the 4th of July rolled around, I was minding my own business, manning the snack bar, when I noticed a familiar pair of busty breasts bouncing up to the concession window.

“Something smells delicious today…” She hummed in her typical bubbly voice.

Looking through the window to respond, I couldn’t help but notice the fact that her blue one-piece appeared to be digging into her hips a little more than usual. It was like her swimsuit had shrunk in the wash or something… Or she had filed out… Her abdomen was looking a bit misshapen. It looked more rounded and puffy than usual… Love handles… Brook had sprouted love handles. They were pressing against the sides of her swimsuit, straining it to the limit. Her arms looked thicker than I remembered, as did her calves and thighs. And her breasts… They’d gone up a size for sure. My summer eye candy had gotten pudgy.

“That’s probably the Domino’s pizza. Chuck really splurged for the holiday.” I reasoned, as Brook hummed with apparent surprise and excitement.

“Mhhh! Pizza sounds good. How much is it?” She wondered swaying her breasts side to side. It was hypnotic. Brook had put on some weight, but she was still hot.

“A dollar. Same as with the usual frozen stuff.” I assured her.

“How much for a full pizza?” Brook innocently inquired.

“Eight slices, eight dollars.” I firmly stated, sensing Brook was about to haggle with me.

“How about five dollars for a full pizza?” She countered, before attempting to illicit some sympathy from me, “I’ve only got five bucks… If I had eight, I’d pay eight. I swear.”

“I’m sure. It’s eight dollars for eight slices. I don’t know how to be any clearer about that.” I replied once again trying to hold my ground.

“Come on, it’s a holiday… And I’m hungry…” Brook pouted, before blinking a couple of times and making her eyes glisten with freshly produced crocodile tears, “I’m so hungry I could faint…”

“This again? Come on Brook. You’re not starving.” I expressed my doubt much to Brook’s irritation.

“Pleaseeee! What do you want from meee???” She whined pathetically.

“Eight dollars.” I succinctly replied with a slight smug satisfaction I might add.

“Ugh!!” Brook fumed, “Come on, I need food! How am I supposed to guard lives on an empty stomach!”

“Your stomach doesn’t look empty.” I pointed out, as Brook blushed something fiercely. I used to be a little intimidated by the busty college graduate, but not anymore. She acted way less mature than her age and now she was quickly eating herself into a less extraordinary specimen. It had become a lot easier to mess with her like this.

Grasping her gut with both hands, she bit her lip in frustration, puffed her upper lip up and then let out a large sigh before replying, “Okay.”

“Okay.” She repeated sounding more annoyed than before.

“Okayyy!” She repeated once again, getting a crazy look in her eyes.

It looked like the girl was about to throw a tantrum and I didn’t want her causing a scene in the middle of the day trying to squeeze her thick butt into the snack bar again.

“Brook! Jesus, just chill out. I’ll loan you the three dollars you’re short of, but you owe me.” I conceded. Once again, she’d broken my resistance. I knew d*mn well she would never pay me back in a million years. She probably knew that too.

“Really?” Brook muttered suddenly looking at a loss for words.

“Really, now pay up before I changed my mind.” I sighed, as Brook smiled something wild and bounced up and down with satisfaction. Her breasts were jiggling all over the place in response. In her joy to hand me her five-dollar bill, she reached between her generous bosom, pulled out a sweaty five-dollar bill, dropped it, and I watched as the wind carried it behind her. Without even thinking, the busty beauty just bent over giving me a full view of her backside. It looked like she had quite the wedgy going on thanks to her overly meaty cheeks. It looked to my eyes like her ass had gotten even bigger since the incident over Memorial Day weekend.

“Sorry about that, here you go.” Brook smiled, as she picked up her money, turned around and handed it to me.

“No problem. Here you go. Enjoy.” I smiled in return, while I handed Brook the full box of pizza.

Opening it up in front of me and taking a big sniff in, Brook then looked at her pizza and frowned, “I thought I smelled pepperoni. What gives?”

“Pepperoni is a dollar fifty a slice.” I explained, as I noticed that familiar rage building up in Brook’s eyes again, “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“The peperoni smelled delicious…” She hissed looking like some demon had just possessed her.

“Eat the pizza you paid for. And if you’re still hungry, I’ll give you a piece of peperoni, okay? On the house.” I promised to try to defuse this delicate situation.

“Okay. I’ll be back.” Brook grunted with her best Arnold Schwarzenegger impression.

I figured once she’d had something to eat, she’d calm down and forget about my offer, but as usual, when it came to Brook, I was wrong. 15 minutes later, seriously, only fifteen minutes later. I timed it. Brook returned.

“There is no way you ate all that.” I doubted, as I watched Brook waddle toward me. Although, her bloated midsection looked even larger than it did before.

“This food-baby begs to differ,” Brook announced smugly, as she stopped in front of the window and gave her gut an impressive slap. It jiggled almost as much as her breasts did.

“You can’t still be hungry.” I doubted, while Brook transitioned to cradling her gut as if it really was a baby.

“I’m not hungry, I’m starving!” Brook burst, looking more determined than ever to beg me to give her more food.

“You’re starving? After just shoveling down a whole cheese pizza? How can you possibly eat so much and still be hungry?? Didn’t Dylan already give you a box of chocolates today?? Are you secretly a bear about to hibernate or something??” I exclaimed tired of her bullsh*t.

“Hibernate?? I don't hibernate!!” She angrily replied.

“Two days ago, you almost ate that meatball sub you ordered right out of my hands! What is wrong with you???” I countered seriously, as concerned for this girl as I was with my own wellbeing when she was acting this crazy around me.

Suddenly for a moment the crazy look in Brook’s eyes went away and she replied, “To be honest, I don't know why I'm so hungry all the time. I'm never full. I always get hungry as soon as I finish eating... I can’t explain it. I’ve always been like this…”

“What?! That's just...incredible! That sounds like a serious problem.” I exclaimed unsure how much I should trust Brook’s word for it.

“It’s only a problem if I don’t get enough food.” She explained sounding more serious.

“Well... good luck with that. I’m sure you can get something else when you’re done your shift.” I replied, attempting to end the conversation and close the window, but Brook quickly put her hand out and stopped me.

“Er... Excuse me? Can you wait a minute?” She chirped.

“What?” I muttered seeing that crazy look in her eyes burning ever crazier.

“Haven't you forgotten something?” Brook hummed sounding insistent, but looking nuts.

She was seriously still after the pizza. I couldn’t believe it.

I tried playing dumb, “Now, let me think… Nope! Didn’t forget anything!”

“My peperoni pizza??” Brook inquired deadly serious.

Knowing she wasn’t above squeezing her way inside to get what she wanted, I gave in, handed Brook a whole peperoni pie, and wished her on her way. The second the food changed hands, Brook changed into a completely different person. Suddenly she was that carefree bubbly lifeguard all over again. As she waddled away, swaying her luscious hips back and forth, I wondered if anyone else saw this side of her, or if she just unleashed it around me.

After my close call on the 4th of July, I bit the bullet and asked to change my schedule, so I wasn’t working when Brook was. She was just too disruptive and her poor eating habits were starting to impact my wallet, as I had to cover the difference when she haggled her way out of paying for all the food she was gobbling down.

For the rest of the month of July, life was a breeze. I’d lost my eye candy, but I’d also lost a lot of stress by scheduling Brook out of my life. However, at the rate she was packing on the pounds I was sure most people wouldn’t be considering her eye candy for much longer…
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