The angel and the devil's bet

Chapter 4 - A Pig Surprise!

After what felt like hours, but was turely only minutes, you finally come out of your food coma feeling strangely heavy, and groggy. You look down to see something that shakes you to your very core. In the time you had been out of your mind, the women had not stopped feeing you. Because of this your body suffered.
Your once firm pecs had turned into massive pillowy moods. They sagged down your sides and hung low on your body. Their soft and warm flesh making you worried. You go to grab them to see if youre still in a food coma, but your arms feel slower when they move.
You examine them and to your dismay theyve swelled with flabby, soft flesh. Your upper arms bingo wings, your forwarms fatty and ham like. They were thick and joggled with each movement. And your hands and fingers fat and sausage like. Yous be surprised if they even functioned well as hands any more. When you finally move them to grab at yourself, you can feel just how real your body is.
Your legs were much the same. Looking like several fluffy pancakes of fat stacked atop each other. You didnt have to try and move them to know that they were useless now. There was no way they could support your body. For more than a moment anymore. You felt helpless and weak. Youd let these women make you into a fat dumpling like mess of a person. As though you lost control the moment they had stepped into your life. In fact, thats exactly what happened. You didnt know how you hadnt realized it till now.
Finally you let yourself look directly at your belly. You wish you hadent. It had blown up to the point that it devoured all the space on your lap, going so far as to hang all the way to the floor. It was round and packed as well. Now that you had the chance to really feel your body, you realize your plump ass is lifting you a good foot off the couch. You resembled a helples fatty who's dream was to be this way. Youd never wanted this, and yet you vouldnt help but thank the girls for what they did.
After the best inspection you could give yourself without moving, you finally look over to see the two women each still holding a platter and arguing.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 months , updated 10 months
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Daver58 4 months
Now what? They didn't even leave him a single snack for his trouble! :-D)