The angel and the devil's bet

Chapter 5 - Not over Yet

"He picked me 50 times! That means I win!" Demmi yelled, shoving Angie harshly. "Just accept that humans will always love sin and vice over your goody goody bullshit!"

"He picked me just as many times so its a tie!" Angie snapped back verbally and physically. "And for your information, sons of Adam and daughters of Eve naturally love God and good!"

You've had girls argue over you before. But never had a single girl wanted you this much and this badly before, much less having two literally fighting over you.
You try to speak but let our a large belch instead, grabbing the attention of both the women. They immediately change their tunes to that of a more cheery and doting presence. Though they noticed you, neither turned to adress you as they comtinued to speak amongust themselves. Their voices now calming you and making you feel abit dazed again.

"How about this, we do a tie breaker." Angie proposed, a gentle smile on her face.

"Like what?" Demmi said snidely. "Whats the game?"

Angie snapped her fingers and a giant scale apeared under you. The electric scale read 500lbs. The girls looked very pleased, but all you could think of is your ruined body and rugby career. The girls carried on as you thought about how hard itll be to even begin to lose the weight.

" Who ever makes him gain the most weight and fat in five minutes wins. Ill go first, then you. We each get five minutes to feed him whatever we want." Angie said in a dreamy voice.

Youre eyes go wide at the idea. They were going to make you huge at this rate! No, they'll make you immobile if they kept this up! Your mind races with thoughts of horror and pleasure to come. You couldnt let this happen! You had to stop them before it was too late. 500lbs was bad, but youd seen those tv shows where lardasses had worked off that much and more. Maybe you could save yourself from all this.
You want to speak, but each time you open your mouth all that come out are loug and long belches. After a few particularly loud ones, Angie steps up to take her turn.

"Dont worry my darling, you'll feel wonderful during this. I promise."
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 months , updated 10 months
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Daver58 5 months
Now what? They didn't even leave him a single snack for his trouble! :-D)