The politician

Chapter 1: Worried About Appearances

Carmen was groggy from her 6 a.m. flight from JFK to across the country to spend a weekend with her boyfriend, Yves. Yves was a politician and Carmen was a successful comedy writer and actress. A recent acting job had tasked her with packing on 20 pounds, and even though she discussed it with Yves, she was very worried about him being less attracted to a chubbier version of her now that she was 16 pounds into her gain.

"HI, baby. I just landed," Carmen said when Yves picked up the phone.

"I can't wait to see you tonight," Yves responded. He was working during the day, but they had plans to spend the night in at his place later.

"You have the keys. Help yourself to whatever you'd like," Yves assured Carmen. There was a pause. "Is everything okay?" Yves asked.

"Just a bit nervous you won't find me as sexy when you see me." Carmen was 5'7 and 135 lbs when she met Yves making her already bigger than the petite women he's been with prior to her.

"Carmen, I've seen recent photos of you, you're gorgeous," Yves reassured her. Little did he know she was sending him old photos.

Carmen got to Yves' home and gorged on some bread and cheese. Her original plan was to take it easy with eating over the weekend, but her newly overgrown belly was growling by the time she got in. Especially with putting on so much weight in so little time, her body was not used to the extra pounds. After having her snack, she waddled up his stairs to the bedroom. She felt so overindulgent and fat, and really needed something to feel sexy for seeing Yves later. She stuffed her 151 lbs body in a size 6 lingerie suit he bought for her. She got into bed and rubbed her new tummy giving it a couple of nice pats before she drifted off.

Carmen woke up to some rustling coming up the stairs.

"Baby? Is that you?" Confused, Carmen looked at the clock that read 12:30 p.m.

"Surprise, sweetheart. I wanted to come see you on my lunch break," Yves yelled as he came down the hall.

Carmen's original plan to get ready for Yves and contour her now round face to keep up appearances was now shot. She hid under his covers pulling at her tight lingerie worried about his reaction to her expanding body.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 months , updated 9 months
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