The politician

Chapter 5: Their First Meal

Carmen and Yves entered through the back for privacy and entered in their booth. Yves table in the private room was a cozy round booth where they could be close to one another. "What were you thinking?" Yves said as he put his arm around Carmen. "Mmm... maybe the escargot, and I may do the truffle pasta. What about you?" Carmen asked. "We'll get a few things," Yves replied.

Yves was unable to control himself around Carmen. Kissing her lips, her neck, and moving his hands down from her breasts to her belly.

"Baby, don't draw attention to it," Carmen snapped.

"It's a private room, sweetheart. We'll be fine." Yves could tell that Carmen was uneasy in public with this expanded body.

The waiter came in, and Yves made an incredibly aggressive order. "We'll have the Dom Perignon, the escargot, a dozen oysters, chicken liver mousse, the duck confit, rabbit cassoulet, and the truffle pasta. Carmen's belly grew just from hearing that order and was shocked he got that much. While they enjoyed themselves, it was never to that extent.

"Sweetheart, that's way too much," Carmen told Yves as the waiter left. "I'm just trying to help my little girl achieve a professional goal." Yves had looked at the menu while Carmen was napping earlier, carefully calculating how he was going to stuff her with 4,000 calories, which was quite an increase from the 1,200 she was currently trying to hit.

The champagne came to the table, and he was eager to watch Carmen drink up. Champagne always bloated her more than the average person, and he knew a nice bottle with the sodium of the meal would give her a cute little waddle on the way out.

The hors d'oeuvres were set down, the edible started to hit and Carmen was quite a hungry woman. She started to get extra giggly with Yves signaling that she was feeling it. She began to eat a bit more than he was used to seeing her, letting him know that this recent change has also taken a toll on her appetite.

"Have you been eating like this at home?" Yves asked. "No," Carmen responded, "But I've definitely been eating three meals, so I'm eating more than usual." "I'll make sure to keep the fridge nice and stocked this weekend for you," Yves said giving her a belly rub.

As Carmen continued to eat, she started to fill up quickly. "Baby, I don't feel so good," she said to him, rubbing her stomach which was hard from the salt and champagne. "Take a quick break, and lay back," he said helping her lean away from the table. He could tell her gut was pressed against the dress that once had a bit of give earlier in the evening.

A couple of moments passed when Yves knew she needed some encouragement. He began to kiss her neck and circle his finger around her bellybutton over her dress. "A couple more big bites for me?" Carmen reluctantly nodded as she stood up a bit straighter to reach the table. As she did this a second wave of that edible hit giving her a nice little push for her appetite. "I want you to finish this dinner for me, sweetheart. Let's not let it go to waste." It was then when Carmen powered through the remainder of the pasta and cassoulet, her body about to burst at the seams.

"Ohhhhhhh," Carmen moaned as they were on their way home. She not only finished what Yves predicted was 5,000 calories, but she also asked for dessert. She was well on her way to finish off that full 20 pounds by the end of her week with him. She was lightly rubbing her belly, embarrassed of how much she let herself consume.

"That's my piggy," Yves reassured her. "You're not grossed out by this?" Carmen asked with a little burp. I'm surprised too, but I am very turned on. I can't wait to get you home.

They pulled up in the driveway, and Yves had to help her out of the car. She was slowly walking, a bit of a waddle now to her gate. "Come on baby, you can do it," he said as he helped her up the stairs. He helped her sit down on the bed, and started massaging her bloated belly while standing over her. He kissed her a few times and said, "I'll be right back to fuck my little piggy."
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