The politician

Chapter 6: It

Yves came back to the bedroom with some restraints. He always planned on introducing them to Carmen because she's always expressed interest in being tied down. He found her laying on his bed helpless, knowing what a bind she had gotten herself into. She was so distracted by her fullness, she didn't even notice he brought in anything.

"Baby, I'm not quite sure we can fuck tonight. I can barely move let alone ride you."

Yves chuckled as he rubbed her slightly larger, yet much more taught belly over her sundress. "Oh, you won't be doing any moving tonight. I promise. Let's get you out of this gorgeous dress.

She slowly propped herself up and shimmied out of it, with Yves getting more and more excited when she finally pulled it over her belly. She was shy as she finally got it off her body and sheepishly lowered herself back down to the bed.

"Ohhh goddd!" Carmen yelled almost orgasmically as he massaged her. It felt so good for her, and even though she just wanted to go to sleep once she was on the bed, she grew to be a very turned on girl the more he massaged her.

"Only a few more nights of this, you can film your scenes, then we can get you right back into shape. But for now, I'm going to enjoy you just like this," Yves said passionately kissing her. He was still surprised at how much this turned him on even though he thought it was temporary. He was a man whose eyes were known to drift from time to time, and the feel of woman that was softer than what he had known only a few weeks ago aroused him.

"What are you doing?" Carmen asked as he started strapping her to the bed. Yves looked confused.

"You always wanted to try this, haven't you?" Yves asked.

This was true, Carmen did, however the thought of her being exposed belly up like this was not what she had in mind. She reluctantly nodded as he continued.

"That's my piggy," he said kissing her forehead. "Just let me know if you're uncomfortable with any of this, and we can stop."

He slowly teased her body with his tongue. He lifted her up by her thighs (which was a much harder task than it used to be) and licked her from her ass to her clit. He slapped her belly a couple of times, "Baby, relax for me." She was clearly still did not feel comfortable.

He straddled her, and cradled her face while putting his up to hers. "You look gorgeous, and it's just your body dysmorphia that's making you ashamed. It's only an extra 20 pounds, you know I'm just teasing you," Yves reassured her. Carmen smiled and relaxed her body a bit for him to continue. In reality, the extra 15+ lbs Carmen gained had mostly gone to her softened tummy, and did make her look like she was close to double that extra weight.

As he entered her, he untied her arms. Carmen almost instinctively put her hands on her belly knowing it would turn Yves on.

"That's my girl," Yves said as he continued.

As her body jiggled with every thrust, she started using her hands to explore herself more. Grabbing her rounder ass and slightly bigger belly. Yves reassured her every step of the way. He leaned down to be in a full missionary position to make out with her for her final orgasm, grabbing onto the new fat that formed on her sides. He couldn't help but wonder if he continued on this journey, how much longer he would be able to penetrate from this position.
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