The politician

Chapter 7: Getting Comfortable

Carmen woke up slowly the next morning, thinking about the extreme pleasure she was feeling from the rest of her night with Yves. Because of the long distance with Yves, Carmen always so eager to get in bed with him as much as she could the first couple of days she visited. She was secure in his arms, the windows all open with a breeze comfortably flowing through the bedroom. She noticed he was up and scrolling through his phone.

She started kissing his neck, sucking on his ears while letting her hands roam up and down his body. Yves was much older than Carmen, and while Yves worked out and was not overweight, he had a softness to his body that kept Carmen warm during mornings like these. Yves put down his phone and reciprocated, pulling her chin over so their lips matched as they engaged in an innocent morning makeout session. Her perky C cups were getting a natural sag to them as some of her newly-gained fat was getting absorbed into her tits. He couldn't resist, and his hands gravitated to massaging them.

"You probably love this part about my weight gain," Carmen teased.

"I'll supply you with more lingerie, but let's keep the bust measurements the same. I want to watch you spill out of the bras, and let you feel it dig into you with every bite of new food," Yves whispered in her ear. He put his hand on her belly, and pulled away a bit. He asked her in a teasing, condescending voice, "Do we have to move the fastener to the last row?"

Carmen nodded reluctantly, giving Yves an instant erection brushing up against Carmen's leg. She was in shock by his reaction, and didn't say anything as he just continued to stroke her newly rounded face and kiss her passionately. She couldn't believe he was actually getting off on this. While she continued to find her body grotesque, Carmen enjoyed the fact that Yves was what she thought faking an attraction to make her comfortable. "He was a politician after all," she thought to herself. "He knows I'm too discipline to not lose the weight immediately after this role is filmed, and he's very good at making me feel okay with these changes. He's being sweet, like when his exes were pregnant." Carmen recalled a conversation her and Yves had on their first date when he told her 7 adult children with 3 women, and 3 grandchildren. Carmen didn't care, because the children all moved out, so she jokingly said, "That's a lot of pregnant women to deal with," and his response was, "The key is making sure they know they're appreciated and they're still beautiful. It has to be an odd feeling to watch your body change that much, so reassurance is key." Carmen felt very much like he was using this tactic for her.

The doorbell rang, and they stopped kissing, pulling Carmen out of her sexually charged haze.

"Did you order anything," Carmen asked.

"I felt like breakfast would be a nice little treat," Yves said, patting her belly and getting out of bed. He pulled on some sweats, and went to the door. Carmen laid there for a minute, still too groggy to get her lazy ass up. Her belly growled begging her for food, a feeling Carmen rarely felt in the mornings. "Mmmm that's weird. I ate so much last night," Carmen said confused. This gave her enough motivation to sit up in bed. As she reached for some clothes on the floor Yves came back with the breakfast.

"Why are you getting up?" Yves asked in a confused manner. "Let's do breakfast in bed this morning." He fixed her pillow to prop Carmen up so she was at a 120 degree angle so she was comfortable, but could easily digest the massive amount of food he purchased.

"Oh my god," Carmen chuckled. "Why did you get so much?"

"I told you I wanted to help you to achieve your goals," Yves said as he handed her a hash brown. He ordered from a corner deli that Carmen was always crazy about, but always had a small bite of a sandwich and threw away the rest due to her restricted eating.

Carmen stared at Yves as he took out a bagel and lox sandwich that was packed with cream cheese. Carmen giggled, "Baby, you know I can't eat all of this. I hope we're sharing that."

Yves smirked and kissed her neck as she shoved the hash brown into her mouth. "I think you'll do just fine this morning," he said to her. She grabbed for another hash brown which to her surprise went down pretty quickly. Yves unwrapped the bagel sandwich. As she reached for it, he shook his head and whispered, "No," keeping it out of her reach. He moved his body closer to hers, and raised the sandwich up to her lips. "Let me feed my little piggy," he whispered as she reluctantly took her first bite of the sandwich. The doughy bread tasted so good on her lips, giving a slight moan as the cream cheese exploded in her mouth.

"Good girl," said Yves, pleased with her willingness to keep eating. She rubbed her soft belly, letting the cream cheese smear a bit on her face. After a few seconds, she realized she needed to clean herself up. She tried grabbing a napkin from Yves. "No, he said," wiping her mouth, guiding the gob of cream cheese back into her mouth. "Eat it for me, sweetheart." She sucked it down, surprised at how amazing it tasted. He kissed her neck and rubbed her thighs as she kept taking more bites, with him cleaning her up with every mess she made. "Where's the other half?" Carmen asked Yves once the sandwich was gone. "Sweetheart, that was the whole sandwich," he teased, watching her mortified face. "Luckily, I got more." Yves fed her the other sandwich as she slowly slumped back into bed. "This is going to be quite an overindulgent weekend for us," Yves giggled.

Carmen, completely full, still wanted to make an effort to pleasure her man. "Wait here, I'll put some lingerie on for you" as she struggled to get up. Yves pulled her back down into bed and kissed her. "We don't have time for that," he said. He ran his arm down her softer, curvier naked body and said, "The only way you're going to be this way is completely naked."

While Yves loved Carmen in sexy lingerie, and would be absolutely turned on watching her struggle to put some of it on, he knew that would be dangerous. At the rate Carmen was eating at, she would be pacing to gain much more than the few extra she was targeting for, and her getting into any of the clothes she brought would be a dead giveaway of how chunky she would get after a week.

They spent the majority of the weekend lazing around, with Carmen exploring the inner fatty she wanted to be. She secretly enjoyed not counting every calorie and not having to get up extra early to put in two hours of work at the gym. Before visiting, she told Yves she didn't want to go out, as to not be seen by any fans in her current state. Yves completely took advantage of this, feeding her food he ordered out. With the food all being ordered via takeout, Carmen was once again blinded by the calorie and macros of what she was consuming. Yves became insistent over the weekend that she enjoy sex only on her back or doggy style on occasion, as he didn't want her noticing how winded she would get while on top or in any other position that was more physically exhausting. Carmen, not realizing the motive, just thought Yves missed her and wanted to treat her for a week full of pleasure. Yves has always been a very generous man in the bedroom, and she took this as a gesture of appreciation.

Yves began propping her back up on a pillow while he made love to her, and Carmen started to notice something. As her belly got heavier and started to weigh her torso down more, it pressed downward as Yves thrusted into her, giving her more intense pleasure with every meal. Yves knew this trick from his exes' pregnancies, and knew this would only be an incentive for Carmen. Every time he put his hands on her newly-forming love handles and finished inside of her, she felt more comfortable with her body. By Sunday afternoon, she couldn't believe how she spent her weekend; eating, barely walking around, and being served with multiple orgasms. As the two of them cuddled on the couch that Sunday night to watch a movie, Yves gave Carmen's ass a nice little slap. To her surprise, she felt a slight ripple, a little jigglier than before. She thought to herself, "Stop being so paranoid, it's only a few pounds." But Yves noticed the change. He saw all of her new fat give a nice little jiggle when he slapped her. He smiled at her as he tried to think of what he was going to do to keep this going all week.
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