Reclaiming her husband

Chapter 2

I arrived home determined to reveal to Adam my resolution to interrupt his arduous work at the gym, which he had built with years of dedication. However, I knew he would never agree to it, not even for me or to save our relationship. I couldn't risk revealing my plan.
When Adam came home, he brought chocolates and flowers, following the cliché of men who cheat on their partners. Tenderly, he placed them on the table before getting ready for his gym routine. I watched him as he opened the door, and a persistent doubt nagged at my mind. Would he make this effort for those other women? I needed this, considering all those other women. He deserved this.
"Adam?" I called to him with a touch of apprehension in my voice. He turned and looked at me with those large suspicious eyes. I remembered what he had promised me that morning. Were they just empty words from a recently unfaithful man? Wasn't Adam willing to fight for our relationship? I took a deep breath and decided to take the risk. I began, "You promised anything to regain my trust, didn't you? I want to try to make our love work in the coming year. Would you consider spending more time with me and reducing your gym visits next year? I don't believe it will have a significant impact on your physique." I tried to sound confident in my words, even though I knew I was about to disrupt his routine. He nodded thoughtfully, sat down beside me on the couch, handed me the flowers and chocolates, and turned on the TV.
As he handed me the chocolates, I added, "You could also eat what I prepare for you next year. My mother always said the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, and I believe it's a way to rebuild our connection." He reflected for a moment and nodded again, perhaps not fully comprehending what he was about to face. We slept embraced on the couch, sharing the closeness we had lost some time ago. The movie Adam chose engaged us, and we surrendered to each other's comfort throughout the night.
The next morning, I woke up determined to make that breakfast even more special for Adam. I entered the kitchen, carefully considering the options I could prepare. I decided to do something different from Adam's usual breakfast and opted for a simple but meaningful breakfast: lots of sugar. I made a huge stack of golden, fluffy pancakes, each generously covered with maple syrup and a profusion of fresh fruits. The kitchen filled with sweet, comforting aromas, awakening Adam from his slumber. When he joined me in the kitchen, his face lit up upon seeing a breakfast prepared with love. We sat at the table, and the sweet pancakes melted in Adam's mouth, accompanied by a glass of cold milk.
Breakfasts became our special moments of connection. I carefully researched recipes and ingredients, ensuring that each dish was a demonstration of love and dedication, making them as indulgent as possible. It was more than just food; it was an ongoing statement of our commitment to rebuilding our relationship and transforming Adam.
A week had passed since the start of our special breakfasts. I decided to watch Adam step on the scale, and to my surprise, he now weighed 188 pounds. I was intrigued by this unexpected weight loss and felt the need to redouble my efforts to show my love and affection.
This time, I decided to prepare the most indulgent breakfast of all, hoping to show Adam how much he meant to me and provoke a real transformation in his body. In the kitchen, I began to create a true morning feast. A huge stack of soft, golden waffles, generously covered with mountains of whipped cream and a cascade of hot chocolate syrup, served with creamy scrambled eggs and melted cheese, sizzling sausages and bacon, freshly baked muffins stuffed with chocolate chunks and sugary glaze, and a giant milkshake.
When Adam entered the kitchen, his eyes widened in surprise at the massive meal awaiting him. A happy smile lit up his face, and he thanked me warmly for the gesture. At that moment, he jokingly asked, 'Are you going to eat with me today instead of just having coffee?' I smiled, as if slightly embarrassed, and replied, 'Actually, I made all of this just for you, but maybe I overdid it with my love.' Adam nodded, but then I looked at him sadly and said, 'It's okay, but it would be important for you to show your love by eating everything as you promised.' He agreed and began to eat, even though it was probably too much food for both of us. Every forced bite that Adam took, surpassing his limit, was an effort to fulfill his promise. I felt my mission was accomplished. My display of affection and the effort I put into that meal conveyed to him how special he was to me, and his effort to finish it was his demonstration, and that was just the beginning of the change in our relationship.
Every morning, we exchanged laughter and conversations as Adam enjoyed increasingly extravagant meals. Breakfast became a celebration of our love and dedication, deepening our connection, just as Adam's waistline grew, as he traded the gym for nights watching movies and eating pizza with me, we were becoming a perfect couple again.
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Feedergirl11 7 months
This was really enjoyable, I’d love to read more
GrowingLoveH... 7 months
You write very well. I hope to read more of this story and other of your writings.