The fat girlfriend trap

Chapter 3 (Part 3)

The instant the last syllable of her thought left her mouth, the plumped-up barbie girl lifted up her sweater to reveal her expansive muffin-top gut, to her unenthusiastic-looking boyfriend.

“Gosh, look at you…” Michael said, as he perversely marveled at the grotesque nature of his girlfriend’s bulbous midsection; however, it wasn’t just Kelly’s belly that had grown larger and rounder since Thanksgiving. Her face had continued to soften, her thighs and hips looked poised to burst her jeans right at their seams. Even her arms had continued filling out to the point it was very noticeable.

When they met Kelly was a health-conscious twig, but looking at her now, it was a radical transformation. Some dinner dates, some care packages, some encouragement… It really hadn’t taken much to banish any semblance of her formerly athletic body from her current bulbous form. Her abs, firm legs, fit arms, everything had been shrouded under the new layer of thick chub she was sporting all across her body. Where she was once thin and trim, Kelly was now plump and shapely, with lumpy bulges of fat creasing and folding around her swollen midsection. Trying to keep it cool, Michael added, “You look great, as always, but umm… Yeah. Look at you. You’ve… You’ve blossomed into an even more beautiful version of yourself. I’m almost speechless in the wake of your beauty.”

“Aww! You always say the sweetest things!” Kelly joyfully hummed, as she pulled her sweater back over her big belly and leaned into her boyfriend for a big hug, while teasing, “I’m such a lucky girl! You must really love me. I got chubby and you turned into a chubby chaser!”

“Chubby is fine,” Michael reassured her, as he thought to himself, ‘for now,’ before warning, “just don’t overdo it.”

“I won’t. I’ll diet after New Year’s Eve, same as always…” Kelly sighed, before looking up at Michael’s face and accusing, “but you’ve gotta quit fattening me up with all the care packages. Before you got here, I almost couldn’t squeeze my fat ass into these jeans.”

“That would have been a tragedy, because you were born to wear the sh*t outta these jeans.” Michael enthused, as his arms reached lower and squeezed Kelly’s juicy butt cheeks. There was a lot more to grab back there than there used to be. Unable to control himself or completely hide his disgust, he continued, “I doubt my care packages are responsible for all this junk in your trunk. What happened? What have you been eating fatty?”

Having never been teased like this before, Kelly blushed guiltily, pursed her lips, avoided direct eye contact and muttered, “I’ve been lazy… I'm not trying to put on weight, but also haven’t had the willpower to stop it… Plus, I think I'm starting to… enjoy it to some extent? Still figuring that out.”

“What??” Michael burst trying to mute just how alarmed Kelly’s statement made him feel.

“I dunno…” Kelly squirmed not knowing full well what she was feeling or what exactly she was trying to convey to her startled boyfriend, “the extra weight makes me feel… womanly. It’s nice being curvy for a change. It’s nice having big breasts and a butt… Not a huge fan of the belly though.”

“I’m sure you’ll lose the belly once you start exercising again.” Michael assured her, ultimately pleased by what he was hearing. He loved Kelly and didn’t want her feeling miserable with herself now that she was temporarily much heavier than normal. Bringing up his hands to fondle his girlfriend’s lovely, inflated breasts, he continued, “I must admit, I am loving what you’ve got going on upstairs. You have my permission to keep these big titties.”

“Mmmh… I dunno. I think it’s a package deal.” Kelly shrugged, as she enjoyed the way Michael was touching her.

“Huh?” Michael hummed a little confused, while Kelly softly grabbed his hands and slowly brought them south so he could grab ahold of her doughy potbelly.

“I think if I lose the belly, the boobs will shrink back to normal too.” Kelly elaborated feeling a bit curious about both her boyfriend’s true preferences and her own. Were bigger boobs worth having a belly? In Kelly’s mind, it was an open question. In Michael’s mind, it wasn’t, and he basically conveyed as much in his response.

“That’s a shame. They’re fun to play with.” Michael replied lowering his voice, leaning in, and whispering in Kelly’s ear, “I was hoping you’d let me titty-f*ck you before we drove home. I gotta appreciate them while you’ve got’em.”

Feeling a surge of excitement in the pit of her stomach, Kelly was unable to contain a blissful smile, “Yes you do.”

An unconscious part of Kelly’s brain didn’t like the subtext of Michael’s statement. He made his preference clear, and that preference was thinner than she currently was. However, right now, Kelly was too starved for sex to pay this unconscious revelation much mind.

“We have the place to ourselves, right?” Michael wondered looking around.

“Logan’s upstairs, but we can put music on. He won’t hear a thing.” Kelly promised, eager for some physical affection from her man.

After some horny frolicking in bed, the drive home was ultimately long and uneventful. The couple chatted on and off. They even shared a meal about an hour into the drive. Michael had wanted to stop at a Salad Works, but Kelly wanted a burger from Wendys so that’s what they ultimately went with. After her meal, Kelly was forced to discreetly undo the top three buttons on her jeans because they were simply too uncomfortable to keep together now that she was full. All that embarrassing work with Michael to get them back on after sex had all been in vain, but Kelly did her best not to dwell on her misfortune.

She made a mental note to switch to leggings from here on out. After all, a stretchy waistband was a girl’s best friend during the holidays. However, with two weeks of home-cooked meals awaiting her at Michael’s house, cold weather putting a damper on any inclination she felt to heave her hefty booty off the couch, her love of Christmas cookies and sappy hallmark movies, soon Kelly would be dealing with a new type of strain. The kind that didn’t involve her shrinking wardrobe.

28 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 months , updated 9 months
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Mikeboi1994 3 months
Just wanted to say, I've really been loving this story 😊 You always find a way to add so many interesting characters that stand out and I love the progression, you've written a masterpiece here 🥰
TheFattenedClam 4 months
Loved this!!
Olympian 6 months
Really great story, one of your best!, a part of me wants more resolution with Amber!
Polarisdreamer 6 months
Thank you! Glad to hear it! Amber might get her own story one day! Berserker1133 is interested in doing that and so am I