The fat girlfriend trap

Chapter 3 (Part 4)

The trouble started a few days later, on Christmas morning. Holiday feasting had Kelly feeling more bloated than usual when Michael woke her up to present her with her first Christmas present of the day. A scale.

Fearful of stepping on right away and a little insulted Michael had gotten her such a gift, Kelly promised to weigh herself at the start of her New Year’s diet in a week’s time and keep track of her progress every week after that. For the first time in a couple days, Kelly was reminded her boyfriend preferred her thinner. No longer starved of sex, Kelly had time to dwell on this fact, and dwell on it she did.

Freshening up in the bathroom, Kelly’s eyes lingered upon her fat reflection, she felt she looked hideous, she wanted to look away, but she forced herself to keep looking. She tried to convince her brain she wasn’t the size of a parade-float, she was just bigger than she used to be. Michael preferred her skinny, and that was fine. After all, under all her newly acquired fat, she was still that beautiful skinny girl he worshipped above all else. Wasn’t she?

Later in the morning, after Kelly had calmed down, she gave Michael his gift. His parents were quite impressed she’d been able to pay him all of his money back. Michael himself was blown away, he couldn’t conceive Kelly was capable of such monetary restraint, but seeing was believing, and he was happy to get his investment back. After all, this investment had rewarded him with some notable interest, a temporarily fat girlfriend, and some peace of mind.

Aside from some gag-gifts here and there, Michael’s parents mostly gifted their son, and his blossoming girlfriend, clothes. Like Kelly, Pam, Michael’s mother, was quite a shopper, and had purchased the plump college coed some articles of larger clothing that her undersized wardrobe desperately needed. Pam’s clothing gifts stood in quite the contrast to Michael’s clothing gifts. Kelly couldn’t help but notice all of Pam’s gifts fit her bigger body, but everything Michael got her was a size or two too small. The women laughed about Michael’s poor haul, but in truth he’d purposefully purchased Kelly undersized clothes to try and encourage her to lose weight so she could fit into them.

After a filling breakfast, Kelly donned a dressy blouse, and pair of jeans Pam had gifted her, as well as a new cardigan to keep her warm. The larger clothes did well to conceal Kelly’s bulging midsection and emphasize her womanly chest, hips, and butt in a conservative way. Rather than pay her a direct complement like usual, Michael teased that she was dressing up like a grandma.

Taking the teasing playfully, Kelly did her best impression of an old lady and got a laugh out of her lover before explaining she didn’t want to wear anything too fancy when they went over to visit her parents. As much as she wanted to avoid them entirely, her mother’s nagging had worn her down this time. In the afternoon, Michael drove Kelly over and the couple spent the evening with Kelly’s family.

Gerald, Kelly’s father, held Michael in high esteem since the young man was a great apprentice for his electrician business. However, he was none too pleased that Kelly had run off to college against his wishes or that she’d come home looking so fat after only one semester. His first words after seeing his daughter walk through the front door were:

“My god Kelly… What has that fancy college of yours been feeding you?? You’re bigger than your mother was when she was pregnant! I guess all that liberal propaganda they’ve been shoveling down your throat is fattening.”

Wrapping her arms around her chunky midsection defensively, Kelly blushed and sarcastically responded, “I’ll be sure to cut down on the liberal propaganda next semester dad. Jeez.”

“Your college ought to offer a class on self-control and personal responsibility. That’s the kind of learning you need.” He chuckled to himself, as the stubborn man took another big swig of his beer and finished it off. While Kelly stood there fuming internally, her father just smiled and motioned for the couple to come in and sit down.

Michael expected Kelly to get some judgmental looks from her family and even some criticism from her parents, but, as Gerald been chastising Kelly, he felt like her father had flashed him a judgmental look of disappointment too.

Not wanting the holiday confrontation to escalate, Kelly and Michael didn’t address her father’s attitude, and instead tried to enjoy the chaos that was Kelly’s family on Christmas. Aside from her parents, two Aunts and Uncles were at the house with their children, all of whom were at least a decade younger than Kelly. The place was a warzone of shredded wrapping paper, children running about, adults drinking, and dogs barking off and on.
28 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 months , updated 9 months
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Mikeboi1994 3 months
Just wanted to say, I've really been loving this story 😊 You always find a way to add so many interesting characters that stand out and I love the progression, you've written a masterpiece here 🥰
TheFattenedClam 4 months
Loved this!!
Olympian 6 months
Really great story, one of your best!, a part of me wants more resolution with Amber!
Polarisdreamer 6 months
Thank you! Glad to hear it! Amber might get her own story one day! Berserker1133 is interested in doing that and so am I