The fat girlfriend trap

Chapter 2 (Part 2)

The next morning, Kelly woke up to a plate of food shoved in her face. After she groggily wiped the sleep out of her eyes, she realized that her boyfriend had brought her breakfast in bed. Her immediate reaction to this realization was a loving, “Awwww! You’re so sweet!”

“I thought you might be hungry after last night.” Michael smiled, as he recalled exhausting himself on top of Kelly after the lovebirds had retired to her room for the night.

“I am a little.” Kelly admitted, while the warm and fuzzy feelings within her slowly began to cool as she inspected the plate Michael was holding in front of her a little more closely.

The plate was filled with one very cheesy grilled cheese, mashed potatoes slathered in butter, a mountain of bacon, and a chocolate donut. The thought of eating all that made Kelly want to vom.

“Here you go beautiful. Eat up.” Michael hummed, as he placed the plate on Kelly’s lap and sat upon the bed next to her.

“Aren’t you having any?” Kelly hoped, while she arched herself upward and picked up a piece of bacon.

“I already ate downstairs. Logan made breakfast, but I thought you better have some to soak up all the beer you drank last night.” Michael explained with a poke to Kelly’s bloated tummy.

“Oof…” Kelly murmured in response, not realizing how full she felt until the pressure of Michael’s finger weighed on her bladder.

“Now be a good girl and eat up. I’ve got to go soon, and you’ve got class.” Michael reminded Kelly, as he lovingly squeezed her firm thigh.

Not a large girl by any means, Kelly didn’t know what she’d done to signal to Michael that she would ever want to eat this much in one sitting. However, sitting across from her boyfriend’s very eager face waiting for her approval, she couldn’t bring herself to refuse his sweet jester. Besides, she was desperate to be his ‘good girl’ no matter what the cost.

So she ate.

And ate.

And ate some more.

Logan had quite the talent for cooking, Kelly conveyed as much to Michael while she forced herself to endure bite after bite of filling breakfast food. To her surprise, as she continued to make a pig of herself, Michael suggested she start eating dinner with her housemates to help solidify her new friendships. Never getting the sense that Michael really liked her housemates all that much, this support meant a lot to her.

She hadn’t told Michael this, but she did want to get more involved with life inside the apartment. It wasn’t so fun staying in her room all the time away from everybody.

Yet, knowing that Michael was giving up sharing dinner with her over skype every night, Kelly offered to share an every-night late-night snack skype session with her lover to make up for it. It was a new arrangement that Michael warmly accepted.

As the morning conversation continued, Kelly ended up eating the entire plate, all the while feeling herself slowly expanding. Her tummy had morphed into the shape of a sizable food baby; however, the fullness was more of a concern to Kelly than her gut’s newly expansive size. She’d been eating more than usual since coming to college, probably as a way to cope with stress from school, her non-existent social life, and to cope with the loss of her regular sexual outlet. She also was exercising far less than she normally did back in high school. The walk to school and the walk to her job were both less than half a mile away from the apartment, meaning that even the number of steps she was getting on a daily basis had markedly decreased.

In retrospect, it was no wonder her bras were all feeling a little tight. How could she not put on a little weight after two weeks of sedentary behavior and eating junk? The bigger question in Kelly’s mind was precisely how bad the damage was. She didn’t own a scale. However, after getting ready and realizing all her jeans still buttoned easily, Kelly rationalized that any weight she had put on couldn’t have been all that much.

Deciding to sentence herself to some elliptical time this coming week, Kelly soon forced her weight worries from her mind, as she kissed Michael goodbye and headed out for class.

At first having Kelly join in on more of the apartment’s usual activities was a bit strange for the guys. Having a posh and pretty woman like Kelly around caused them to temporarily modify some of their normal behaviors. Dom tried to be better about throwing his trash away and not hog the living room playing video games with Sabrina, Kev tried not to belch in front of her and did a better job not leaving his laundry in the dryer for days on end, and Logan made an effort to prevent the dishes from piling up in the kitchen. However, after a week or two of the crew’s best behavior everyone slowly fell back into their old routines, but Kelly didn’t seem to mind.

This was probably because all of the guys, and Sabrina, attempted to make Kelly feel at home by including her in what they tended to do. For Dom and Sabrina that was watching Anime, playing video games, and eating junk food, for Kev it was partying, watching sports, and drinking. Logan was happy to accept Kelly’s help in the kitchen when she offered it, but generally the two of them didn’t hang out all that much. Of all the guys, Logan tended to spend the least amount of time actually at the apartment.

Kelly was a very nice girl to be around and everyone’s fondness for her only grew as the semester progressed. Yet, to everyone’s amazement, fondness for Kelly wasn’t the only thing about the girl that was growing. Kelly’s freshman 15 even became a topic of conversation behind the blonde’s back…

“All September I didn't notice any change in her body, but I knew college life would catch up with her eventually.” Kev noted to Logan, as the two of them jogged outside the gym, “I was thinking where does a nice slim girl like that put all the beer and food? And in October it was like BOOM, ass and titties.”

“Yeah, she’s filling out. I think the extra weight looks good on her.” Logan added causing Kev to nearly laugh.

“Ha, that’s because you like them thick, but I’ll agree with you this one time, Kelly looks good with a few extra pounds. I’d hit that in a heartbeat.” Kev chuckled much to Logan’s annoyance.

“Aren’t you still seeing Cece? Why do you keep scoping out Kelly?” Logan questioned.

“No, me and Cece are done man. I’m single and ready to mingle.” Kev clarified.

“I thought we agreed Kelly’s off the table?” Logan responded.

“She is, long as she’s still dating Michael, but hell it ain’t a crime to look at eye-candy. She checks me out too. I’ve caught her.” Kev replied defending himself from Logan’s accusation.

“A likely story.” Logan sighed doubting Kev’s usual boasts.

“It’s true. She even grabbed my abs when I gave her a lift to class on my motorcycle.” Kev bragged. The man’s beat up 1987 Yamaha Virago probably wouldn’t sell for $500, but still Kev was obsessed with showing it off to all of his ladies.

Logan doubted the authenticity of this story too, “That hunk of junk still runs?”

“It runs. A motorcycle is a motorcycle dude, chicks can’t resist.” Kev argued sounding very defensive about his bike.

“You’re right about that.” Logan conceded recalling Kev’s impressive track record with the opposite sex since Freshman year.

As the semester continued when the friends would go to a bar for drinks, Kelly would come with them. When they ordered pizza, made pasta or ate late, Kelly was always hungry too. She was having more fun, drinking more, eating more, and spending more time on her increasingly plumper butt watching either sports with Logan and Kev or anime with Sabrina and Dom.

Though her slim body was beginning to blow up rather fast, her newly acquired bad habits that were causing this fattening freshman 15 phenomenon to occur were only garnering praise from her new circle of friends and her long-distance boyfriend. Praise which only served to endear Kelly to her new fattening lifestyle…

28 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 months , updated 9 months
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Mikeboi1994 3 months
Just wanted to say, I've really been loving this story 😊 You always find a way to add so many interesting characters that stand out and I love the progression, you've written a masterpiece here 🥰
TheFattenedClam 3 months
Loved this!!
Olympian 6 months
Really great story, one of your best!, a part of me wants more resolution with Amber!
Polarisdreamer 5 months
Thank you! Glad to hear it! Amber might get her own story one day! Berserker1133 is interested in doing that and so am I