The fat girlfriend trap

Chapter 2 (Part 3)

Two months into her college adventure, Kelly was enjoying nearly every aspect of university life. Classes were tough but rewarding, her friends were fun and spontaneous, and her job, while exhausting, was paying her well. For the first time in her life, Kelly had managed to save up some money over the last few weeks. It was only $300 at the moment, but Kelly hoped to save enough money to reimburse Michael for all his financial help by Christmas.

She knew in order to achieve this goal she’d need to stop spending so much of her paychecks at the mall. Shopping was an expensive habit she’d been unable to break since starting college. The issue was two-fold. First, Kelly loved acquiring new clothes. She loved trying clothes on in stores, she loved buying them, and she loved showing them off to everybody she knew. Second, to stop her influx of new accommodating clothing would force her to acknowledge that she’d actually outgrown a lot of her older smaller outfits.

Kelly was aware she’d put on some weight these first two months, but she was in denial about precisely how much she’d packed on. She didn’t own a scale, her eyes tended to see what they wanted to see when she looked in the mirror, and everyone around her gave her nothing but praise for her appearance, especially Michael.

In truth, she’d never been happier. The only aspect of her life that she longed to improve was her long-distance relationship with Michael. The distance was simply not fun. Texting was nice, video calls were great, but only seeing her lover every two weeks was the worst. To make matters worse, Michael had reported to her yesterday that he was having car troubles. He couldn’t attend Halloween at the university with her.

Unhappy about this development, Kelly had a hard time sleeping the night before Halloween. The prospect of going a full month without sex weighed down upon her mind, and she’d already been feeling starved for pleasure. Two weeks without sex was forever, but a month was eternity. To make matters even worse, her feet ached from work. She wished Michael could give her one of his amazing foot massages, but he was half a state away.

Eventually, although it wasn’t easy, Kelly was able to pass out into unconsciousness for a short amount of time. However, around 4AM a loud laugh abruptly caused her to half-wake up. It sounded like Kev. Trying to ignore the noise, Kelly rolled over in her warm bed and hugged her pillow tightly. Yet, the noise coming from downstairs continued. Waking up a little more, Kelly figured out what was happening. Her musclebound roommate was probably up late playing video games with his cousins from California. Again.

It felt like he did this once a week, and it never got less annoying. Getting out of bed, Kelly hugged her arms across her breasts to insulate them from the chilly air. Sparing one hand to open her door Kelly quickly noticed the door to Dom’s room was slowly creaking open too. It was Sabrina.

“*Hwaah*” Sabrina yawned instead of saying an actual word.

“Hi.” Kelly replied guessing that was what Sabrina had attempted to say.

“You want me to shut him up?” The fat goth grumbled, as Kelly watched the plump girl scratch the roll of belly fat hanging over the waistband of her dark pajama pants and out from under her black tank top.

“I’ll tell him.” Kelly replied feeling guilty that Sabrina had been the one to make the trip downstairs the last four times this had happened this month.

“Are you sure?” Sabrina wondered struggling to keep her eyes open.

“Yeah, I’ll shut him up this time. You go back to bed.” Kelly smiled, as she closed her door and started walking slowly toward the stairs.

The hallway was dark, but both girls’ eyes had adjusted to it. As Kelly scanned the floor to ensure she didn’t stumble down the steps, Sabrina took a passing glance at her bubbly blonde friend. Kelly’s silhouette had thickened, that much was obvious. She was more of an hourglass now than she was a month ago, with big breasts, widening hips, a thick booty, and a starter belly. Kelly didn’t seem to notice or mind the extra weight she’d gained, but Sabrina made a mental note to give her a little friendly notice tomorrow about her changing figure.

After blinking a few more times, Sabrina suddenly realized Kelly wasn’t wearing a shirt, just a pair of tight pajama bottoms. Nearly coughing, Sabrina managed to say, “Umm, Kelly. You planning on flashing Kev your titties to shut him up?”

“Huh?” Kelly grunted turning around in confusion, before suddenly realizing Sabrina was right and stammering, “Oh my… Oh my god no, haha… I don’t know what I was thinking…”

“You weren’t thinking. We’re both half-asleep.” Sabrina rationalized, while she watched Kelly quickly scurry back into her room, and re-enter the hallways, as she buttoned down her silky pink pajama top.

“I don’t even remember taking it off, I must have gotten warm under the covers.” Kelly blushed embarrassed over her almost tragic accident.

“Happens to me all the time.” Sabrina assured her with another big yawn.

“Still. I owe you one.” Kelly replied with gratitude.

“You don’t owe me sh*t. You’d have done the same for me.” Sabrina shrugged, as Kelly again began walking toward the stairs, her bigger body now fully clothed.

“Only if my squirl brain even noticed.” Kelly squeaked disappointed in her own lack of self-awareness.

“Forget about it. Goodnight!” Sabrina responded trying to cheer Kelly up.

“Goodnight!” Kelly waved, while she continued her trek.

Sabrina vanished back into Dom’s room the moment Kelly started walking down the steps. It seemed to Kelly that the old wooden steps were creaking more loudly than they had when she’d moved in. It was a change Kelly assumed was related to the cold turn the weather took recently, not her notable increase in weight. When she reached the bottom of the steps, Kelly could hear Kev’s voice even louder than she could upstairs.

“Breach on three… two… one… Go! Go! Go!” The silly jock cried out, as Kelly scurried over from the bottom of the steps toward the living room. The room was pitch black except for the light emanating from the TV.

Once she entered the room, she quickly snapped, “It’s 4AM Kev! People are trying to sleep!”

“No, no, no, the next room over! The NEXT ROOM OVER! F*CK Richie! You’re gonna get us all killed! Is that what you want RICHIE!! Jesus Christ!” Kev roared into his headset, as he tapped furiously on his controller.

He hadn’t heard a single word Kelly had just spoken...

Standing to the side of the couch astonished he didn’t hear her, Kelly wondered how Sabrina would have gotten his attention. Probably by standing in front of the TV and blocking his vision mid-game. Not as bold as Sabrina, Kelly stood and silently observed Kev playing his game obnoxiously loud for the better part of five minutes before she could see the match had concluded. Then she swooped in and got Kev’s attention by walking directly up to him and plopping her butt down on the couch next to him.

“Kelly what are you doing up?” Kev wondered quickly muting his microphone and taking his headset off.

“You’re being sooooo loud. You do this every Thursday.” Kelly complained, as she crossed her arms just under her bust and pouted.

“F*ck. I’m sorry Kelly. Thursday is the only day my cousin’s, and I can play. I muted the TV just like Sabrina asked me.” Kev explained sounding a little guilty.

“The TV isn’t the problem.” Kelly growled, “It’s your voice. You’re way too loud.”

“Well, there’s not much I can do about that. My voice carries. Not my fault.” Kev argued, but Kelly wasn’t having any of it.

“Just promise me you’ll try to be quieter. If I don’t get my beauty sleep… I’m not a nice person.” Kelly swiftly informed him.

Letting out a sigh in response to Kelly’s sincerity, Kev backtracked on his dismissive attitude, “I’ll be quiet. We’re almost done anyway. I’m sorry for waking you. I just get excited.”

“I know. And don’t worry. I forgive you. I know you can’t help it sometimes. I like that about you. Just not at 4AM.” Kelly concluded, as she relaxed her arms and stood up from the couch.

Kev stood up as well, towering over her, “I feel bad now. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you? You wanna a ride to class tomorrow on the bike? Or a massage? You name it.”

“A foot massage would be pretty awesome. My feet are killing me.” Kelly mused, as she pondered Kev’s offer.

“Done. I give the worlds best foot massages.” Kev bragged, as Kelly raised her arms to get his attention. As much as she craved a foot massage right now, it was her duty as a girlfriend to respect Michael’s wishes, and she knew he’d hate the idea of another man touching her feet.

So instead of letting things play out, Kelly countered, “Finish playing your game. Don’t be rude to your cousins. I’m just going to grab a snack and go to bed. I think a ride to class in a few hours would be nice. Let’s put a pin in that foot massage idea.”

“Your loss.” Kev shrugged, as he put his headset back on and got back to gaming, wishing Kelly a sincere, “Sleep well.”

“I’ll try.” Kelly hummed, while she wandered off into the kitchen.

Arriving at the fridge, Kelly gazed upon her options. There was plenty of food, but none of it was specifically hers besides a Caesar salad she’d snuck out of work earlier for dinner. Although the salad had been good it hadn’t exactly been delicious enough for Kelly to want to finish or filling enough to really satisfy her.

On numerous occasions, both Logan and Sabrina had assured her that she was free to have anything in the fridge, so Kelly turned her eyes to some pizza wrapped in tin foil and Tupperware bowl of Logan’s famous chunky-cheesy crab dip. She’d had the stuff on numerous occasions and had become completely addicted.

Not bothering to warm up the pizza, once she unwrapped two slices, Kelly started eating them cold. The dip, she threw in the microwave for a minute before taking it out to stir it and then heated it again for another minute in the microwave. Once the dip was ready, Kelly looked to see what Kev was up too. Engrossed in his game, Kelly knew he wouldn’t disturb her. So, she dipped her cold pizza into the cheesy crab dip and took a bite.

“Mhhh! F*ck that’s sooooo goooood!” Kelly exclaimed unable to contain herself.

Bite by bite she kept dipping her pizza into the heavenly dip and giving her mouth a wonderful euphoria. The joy wasn’t as good as the joy she got from orgasms, but in the absence of Michael, it was the next best thing.

Kelly ran out of pizza well before she ran out of dip, so Kelly retrieved another piece of cold pizza from the fridge to finish off the dip. Well and truly full when her little binge was complete. Kelly lumbered upstairs and passed out soon after her head hit the pillow.

28 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 months , updated 9 months
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Mikeboi1994 3 months
Just wanted to say, I've really been loving this story 😊 You always find a way to add so many interesting characters that stand out and I love the progression, you've written a masterpiece here 🥰
TheFattenedClam 3 months
Loved this!!
Olympian 6 months
Really great story, one of your best!, a part of me wants more resolution with Amber!
Polarisdreamer 5 months
Thank you! Glad to hear it! Amber might get her own story one day! Berserker1133 is interested in doing that and so am I