The fat girlfriend trap

Chapter 2 (Part 5)

While Kelly did reach her class on time, she wasn’t able to stay awake through the whole thing. At 10AM when the class ended a stranger had to give her a nudge on the shoulder to wake her. Embarrassed and disappointed, Kelly strutted off toward the campus Starbucks taking time on her short walk to observe the various costumes people were wearing around the campus.

After some coffee and a chocolate pastry, Kelly did some homework in the library before heading over to the cafeteria. Following her normal Friday routine, Kelly joined Dom and Sabrina. The portly couple always attended the cafeteria on Fridays specifically because it was the day they served various calzones and strombolis. Kelly had developed quite a taste for the stuff and stuffed her face just as Sabrina and Dom did, although she never managed to eat as much as them.

Filled from lunch, Kelly headed to the campus mailroom before heading to her first afternoon class. Michael had responded to her text from earlier and told her that he’d send her a Halloween gift. Excited by what it might be, Kelly grabbed the parcel slip from her mailbox and redeemed it for a rather large package. This was larger than Michael’s normal care packages.

Picking up the box, Kelly carried it toward a trash can so she could open it and get rid of the bulky packaging. To Kelly’s surprise when she opened it, the box wasn’t filled with packaging at all, rather it was filled to the brim with snack sized candies.

“Ohhhh!” Kelly cooed thinking the gesture to be extremely sweet.

Michael knew one of Kelly’s biggest disappointments about growing up was aging out of trick-or-treating.

Grabbing a snickers bar, Kelly quickly ate it, threw away the wrapper and picked the box back up, intent on bringing the treats back to her room and going to town on them later. Kelly contemplated texting Sabrina and Dom and asking if she could store her candy in Sabrina’s car, but frankly Kelly didn’t trust the fatties not to eat it all, so she took her big box with her to class, incurring lots of questions from her peers in the process.

Throughout her two afternoon classes, Kelly grazed on her candy. Frankly the little chocolate sugar bombs were the only things keeping her awake today. Paying attention as best she could, Kelly was relieved when her last class let out and she could walk home and relax for a bit.

The entire townhouse was home for dinner, although after saying hello Kev passed out on the living room couch. Sabrina joked about letting him sleep through Halloween, but nobody was that cruel. After eating a wholesome salmon dinner with veggies and potatoes prepared by Logan, the housemates chilled in the living room and relaxed. In the spirit of Halloween, Kelly changed her mind about hoarding all her candy to herself and shared with her friends.

Logan had a piece or two, but it was really Sabrina and Dom who were putting in work on the candy.

“So, when is Michael getting here?” Sabrina wondered, as she munched on a Twix.

“Car trouble. He can’t make it. We’re just going to have a skype call later.” Kelly sighed, trying not to sound as beaten up about it as she felt.

“That’s a shame. We’re you two supposed to be Mario and Princess Peach?” Dom asked, as he sucked on a lollipop.

“We were.” Kelly sighed, “I lost my Mario…”

“Do you still think you’ll wanna go out and party?” Sabrina inquired sensing an opportunity to return some of Kelly’s signature kindness.

“Not alone.” Kelly replied frankly.

“Ey, Kell, do you wanna watch the new episode of One Piece with Sabrina and me? We’re also ordering pizza, you in?” Dom jumped in and offered before Sabrina could get those exact words out.

“I think I’m a little sick of pizza tonight, but I’d love to hang out and watch stuff.” Kelly replied being polite.

“Cool! You’re amazing!” Dome cheered, as Sabrina sensed Kelly’s heart wasn’t on-board.

“It’s her first semester, I think we should let the girl party.” Sabrina argued trying to help Kelly out.

“If you don’t wanna party alone, you could come out with Kev and I.” Logan offered meekly from the corner of the couch.

“…” Kelly thought about it for a second. She really wanted to go out and drink tonight with Michael, but he wasn’t coming. She’d feel bad about going out without Michael, but she knew he’d feel bad if she didn’t have fun because of him. It was a lose-lose situation, so Kelly decided it would be best to just try and have some fun and share any fun stories with Michael later tonight during their zoom session. Finding her voice, Kelly made her choice, “I’d like that.”

“I’ll help you get ready!” Sabrina cheered, as she grabbed Kelly’s arm and dragged her out of the living room.

Upstairs the two friends chatted a bit while Kelly got ready. She’d made her Princess Peach outfit from scratch over the course of the whole month of October. As such, the actual dress she chose to decorate was a little tighter than it had been the last time Kelly had tried it on.

“Eww, I’m so bloated… I ate too much today.” Kelly gushed, as she looked at herself with some disgust in the mirror.

“The bloating will only get worse with beer.” Sabrina reminded her, as she helped Kelly with her hair.

“I know… Maybe I should wear something else?” Kelly questioned feeling a little insecurity.

“Don’t. You look great. I’d hate to see you put on a slutty outfit and some cat ears like the rest of the b*tches at this college. As Princess Peach, you stand out in a good way.” Sabrina replied trying to encourage her beautiful friend.

“Aww. You really think so?” Kelly hummed feeling happy with her reflection all of a sudden, until her eyes got to her puffy midsection.

“Of course I do.” Sabrina nodded.

“I don’t know. Look at me, I’ve got a beer gut going on…” Kelly pouted grabbing her tummy and frowning.

In response, Sabrina made eye contact with Kelly’s reflection in the mirror and slipped her hand around Kelly’s softer waist. Assessing the damage herself with a poke and a prod, the plump goth instructed the pretty blonde, “Don’t stress out about THIS too much. You look hot. I mean, you should know that that if you start eating like the guys you live with…inhaling entire pizzas, guzzling beers, and frequenting the cafeteria buffet, you might lose your girlish figure sometime down the road, but right now, you look stunning. You’ve got nothing to worry about tonight. Just let loose and have some fun. You owe it to yourself.”

Smiling at herself in the mirror, Sabrina’s words really hit home in Kelly’s tired mind, “I am going to let loose. I am going to have fun. I do owe it to myself!”

“That’s the spirit. Go get’em princess!” Sabrina cheered happy that Kelly’s mood seemed to finally improve.

Letting loose after a few drinks was no problem for Kelly. With Logan and Kev looking out for her the trio party-hopped a bit before finding a party they all could really enjoy. Never leaving her housemates’ sides, Kelly partook in drinking games, some dancing, and more than a few spontaneous photo-ops. As the night wore on, Kelly continued having fun and didn’t want to head home, but her sense of duty to her boyfriend ultimately won out and Logan walked her home when she wanted to go.

Signing on only a little late to her scheduled style call, Kelly munched on some candy, as she waited to connect with Michael. In just a few moments, she saw her boyfriend’s face and happily waved to him. It was readily apparent to Michael that his darling girlfriend was pretty drunk. Her makeup looked a little runny, her eyes looked a little bloodshot, and she looked VERY happy to see him. Far from being mad, he was happy she had gone out tonight and quit partying a little early just to spend some time with him.

After getting some typical pleasantries out of the way, Michael sought to confirm, “So you had fun without me?”

“Yeaahhh. It was sooooo fun. But I wissssssh, you were hereeee. We’d haveee a lot of fun right now.” Kelly replied in tipsy fashion, before practically deepthroating another snack-sized twix bar.

“Why’s that?” Michael smiled seeing the horny drunken look in his girlfriend’s eyes with interest.

“I’m sooooo hornyyyyy.” Kelly predicably replied with her mouth full, as she adjusted her bust in her tight pink dress.

“How horny?” Michael teased, enjoying the look of desperation on Kelly’s face.

“Sooooo hornyyyyyyyy I could literally die.” Kelly pouted very cutely.

“Well, we can’t have that now, can we?” Michael responded confidently intent on indulging his girlfriend’s mood, “Maybe there is something we can do about this over Skype?”

“You mean like… cybersex?” Kelly blushed sounding a little smitten with the fact Michael was suggesting this.

“Wanna give it a try?” He replied coyly.

“I’ll try anything at this point.” Kelly said, as she adjusted herself in her chair and wondered with excitement, “How do we do this?”

“Just do what I tell you. Start by listening.” Michael commanded, before he started praising her, “You make the world a sexier place… That lipstick looks beautiful on your inviting lips.”

“I wish you could kiss them. They miss you.” Kelly pouted, as she ate another piece of candy and shoved it into her mouth a little forcefully with her pointer finger.

“Oh, do that again.” Michael quickly added, while Kelly looked a little confused.

“What this?” Kelly questioned, as she stuffed another piece of candy into her mouth and muttered with her mouth full as she chewed, “you like the way I deepthroat milkyways? That’s because I’m practicing for your d*ck.”

“Mhh, you’re making me horny.” Michael admitted, while he appreciated Kelly’s desperation.

“Join the club.” Kelly smirked, as she shot Michael a frisky smile.

Deciding to go back to praise, Michael replied, “That dress makes you look so f*ckabe. I just want to rip it off and f*ck you right now.”

“I wish you would.” Kelly smiled widely in response.

“Take it off.” Michael ordered, as Kelly quickly and obediently and started trying to do just that.

As she struggled, Michael could see his girlfriend’s increasingly soft-looking belly stretching the seams of her dress around her midsection. Nudging Kelly into the fat girlfriend trap was progressing far more easily than he’d thought.

Freeing herself from her dress, Kelly threw off her bra and panties and gave her boyfriend a beautiful look at her bare body.

“You have such sexy breasts.” Michael praised her in response, as his eyes fixated on her hard-looking nipples, “Is it cold in your room?”

“Nope, the heat’s running, you just turn me on.” Kelly blushed, as he cupped her breasts with her hands.

Kelly’s breasts had grown larger enough that her hands could hardly cover them. Michael had to admit he was pleased, the belly he could ignore as long as those beautiful boobs kept swelling. Trying to convey this notion, as he started touching himself, Michael gushed, “Mhh, I could stare at those tits all day.”

“These tits?” Kelly teased jiggling her breasts with both hands.

“Keep doing that.” Michael demanded feeling himself throbbing, “You’re driving me absolutely wild.”

“Are you touching yourself?” Kelly wondered with a pervy smile on her face. She loved the fact that Michael found her body so irresistible. It did wonders for her self-esteem.

“Yes. Touch yourself too.” Michael ordered, as Kelly quickly dropped one of her hands and did as Michael commanded.

“Talk to me.” She purred desperately touching herself. It wouldn’t take much more praise to send her over the edge, even though they’d practically just started. Wanting to spur her lover on, Kelly lustfully burst, “My fingers are on my clit. But I wish they were your tongue.”

Michael’s response took a moment, but he soon gave Kelly exactly what she wanted to hear, exactly what she needed to hear, “Good. Girl.”

“OOohhhhh!” Kelly’s breath caught in her throat. She felt an immediate rush of intense feelings. Cyberf*cking Michael had her incredibly aroused in her drunken and horny state, but nothing compared to what those two simple words did.

She was hit with so many emotions at once, Kelly could barely tease them apart. She felt so proud to have earned that response from him… and a little confused by how sexual that pride felt. It was embarrassing that it took so little… just those two words… to put Kelly completely over the edge and in a very submissive place.

Regardless of rhyme or reason, the orgasm was powerful and loud. Her display was enough to send Michael over the edge. When it was all said and done, an exhausted Kelly partook in some more candy at her loving boyfriend’s insistence.
28 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 months , updated 9 months
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Mikeboi1994 3 months
Just wanted to say, I've really been loving this story 😊 You always find a way to add so many interesting characters that stand out and I love the progression, you've written a masterpiece here 🥰
TheFattenedClam 3 months
Loved this!!
Olympian 6 months
Really great story, one of your best!, a part of me wants more resolution with Amber!
Polarisdreamer 6 months
Thank you! Glad to hear it! Amber might get her own story one day! Berserker1133 is interested in doing that and so am I