The fat girlfriend trap

Chapter 3 (Part 1)

Chapter 3: Buried Treasure

As the weeks after Halloween flew by, winter gradually rolled into the bustling college campus. The days grew shorter, the weather trended colder, and Kelly continued accumulating weight. Like many college coeds this time of year, the posh and pretty young woman spent less and less time being active and more time sitting around, studying, and eating.

Shortly before Thanksgiving, Kelly broke out her winter wardrobe. Her thickening legs now found a home in dozens of pairs of stretchy leggings and comfy accommodating sweatpants. Her swelling stomach, and ballooning breasts were now routinely shrouded either by large sweatshirts stolen from Michael or fluffy jackets that tended to obscure the fact that she was piling on some serious poundage.

To casual passersby, Kelly’s softening figure probably didn’t raise any eyebrows. She’d gone from skinny to chubby in one semester, but still had no problem blending in among the college’s typically chunky coeds. However, to those closest to her, it was obvious Kelly’s freshman 15 had snowballed a little out of control.

Michael knew it, Sabrina knew it, and all the guys in the townhouse knew it. Kelly was well aware she’d put on some weight, but in her mind, it was 15 pounds at most, and the extra weight only enhanced her beauty. After all, she didn’t own a scale, she got nothing but positive feedback from others about her appearance, and she had enough to worry about thanks to her busy semester.

To put it simply, Kelly was in denial.

The bubble would have to burst at some point or another, but nobody in her life seemed to want to be the straw that broke the camel’s back. Over Thanksgiving break, Michael picked Kelly up and she stayed over at his parent’s house for the duration of her time off. Not once did Kelly even stop by to visit her unsupportive parents, despite her mother pestering her to do so.

Prior to her arrival, Michael had prepared his parents regarding the noticeable change in Kelly’s figure and urged them not to bring it up, so they didn’t. From Kelly’s perspective Michael’s loving parents showered her with food and affection, same as always.

When she wasn’t royally stuffed from Thanksgiving or from Michael’s constant pampering, Kelly did have the urge to see some old friends again over break, but Michael succeeded in keeping her all to himself by truthfully claiming that he wanted to make up for their time spent apart. For Kelly, sex with Michael over the week-long break was a taste of heaven she’d happily trade a few social visits for. Cybersex had done its part to hold her over, but nothing was as good as the real thing.

For Michael, the sex with this newly tubby version of Kelly was less than ideal, but certainly something he could stomach for the greater good. It was weird that Kelly got out of breath so quickly when she was riding him on top. It was weird feeling Kelly’s soft beer belly pressing against his flat and firm stomach when he took over on top after she got tired. It was even weirder still, feeling Kelly’s body perspire from their sexual exertions during a rather chilly time of year. Once upon a time, during sex the only part of Kelly that would jiggle were her breasts, yet now, her thighs, hips, love-handles, upper arms, and belly had joined the jiggle fest.

Her face had filled out a bit, and although he preferred the more angular nature of her facial beauty when she was skinny, he still found Kelly’s chubbier face attractive. He liked fondling her swollen breasts maybe even a little bit more than before she’d put on weight, but the gut was a distraction he could live without. Same with how chunky Kelly’s thighs and butt had gotten, those aspects of her gain were certainly a downgrade from before. Although the biggest downgrade, in Michael’s opinion, was one he discovered when he’d been going down on her. Kelly’s upper pubic area had grown puffy.

It was safe to say Kelly had fallen into the fat girlfriend trap big time.

She’d gone from extraordinary high school hottie to ordinary college chubbette in only a few months. Seeing her looking so pudgy did certainly put Michael’s fears and anxieties at ease about Kelly possibly dumping him. In her overfed condition he doubted she could do better than him. Michael looked at Kelly now like buried treasure, although instead of covering her coveted body with heaps and piles of sand, he’d hidden his girlfriend’s true beauty with loads of excess fat.

He hadn’t expected Kelly to fatten up so fast or quite so much, but between his praise and her unhealthy college routine, perhaps it was inevitable. Even so, since Kelly’s weight had reached a point that Michael felt was appropriate enough to probably repel most threatening suitors, he wanted to subtly encourage Kelly to get her act together, so she didn’t continue to put on weight needlessly.

In an act Michael thought was genus, on the last day of Thanksgiving break, Michael took Kelly out shopping and bought her a fashionable pair of jeans and a few stylish, yet conservative, tops that both flattered and concealed the excess girth of Kelly’s figure. Lavishing Kelly with compliments about how pretty she looked, he urged her to wear the outfit when he picked her up for the holidays in just about a months’ time.

Eager to please, Kelly of course promised to do just that. In Michael’s mind, he figured the tight jeans would do his dirty work for him. If Kelly started to outgrow them, she’d surely start getting her act together and start keeping her weight in check so as not to disappoint him. He could pull the same trick for Christmas, Valentines Day, and Easter, keeping Kelly just chubby enough to repel unwanted male attention for her last semester but not so fat as to become a lost cause, unable to eventually reclaim her slender perfection after a summer of diligent diet and extra exercise.

28 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 months , updated 9 months
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Mikeboi1994 3 months
Just wanted to say, I've really been loving this story 😊 You always find a way to add so many interesting characters that stand out and I love the progression, you've written a masterpiece here 🥰
TheFattenedClam 3 months
Loved this!!
Olympian 6 months
Really great story, one of your best!, a part of me wants more resolution with Amber!
Polarisdreamer 6 months
Thank you! Glad to hear it! Amber might get her own story one day! Berserker1133 is interested in doing that and so am I