The fat girlfriend trap

Chapter 3 (Part 2)

Upon her return to campus for the homestretch of the semester, Kelly thanked Michael for the ride, buckled in and endeavored to get through finals like a champ. Between studying, working, and socializing, Kelly didn’t have a spare second to think about the growing spare tire she’d developed throughout her fattening first semester of college or the pair of jeans she was supposed to fit into for Michael come Christmas time.

Weeks later, as the semester officially ended and winter break began, the townhouse mostly emptied. Kev and Dom went back to their families in Cleveland, and Sabrina went back to her family outside of Philadelphia. That only left Kelly and Logan. Logan stayed because he signed up for two classes during the winter session and Kelly stayed because she planned on working.

Two months off from school was a long time and Kelly didn’t want to abuse Michael’s parents’ endless hospitality. She knew Guy and Pam would let her move in indefinitely if she really wanted to, but in Kelly’s mind that was a last resort and only if Michael’s parents agreed to let her pay rent. She didn’t want to go through life dependent on the charity of others. Instead, Kelly felt the best thing she could do was to keep busy with her job waitressing and pick up more hours before the holidays so she could finally afford to pay Michael back for all his financial assistance this year.

For once in her life, she was saving money and wasn’t blowing it all on clothes. This was mostly because she strongly desired to return Michael’s kindness to her and show her appreciation, but also partly because some part of Kelly subconsciously knew that clothes shopping at her increased weight might be an embarrassing pill to swallow.

During the two weeks before Christmas, Kelly worked her bulging butt off waiting on tables, and Logan endeavored to succeed in his classes. While the two friends shared the same roof, they usually only spent meals together thanks to their conflicting schedules. Kelly found it amusing that Logan still cooked as if he was trying to feed six people, even though her mouth was now the only one he needed to worry about feeding, besides his own.

Still though, she was greatly appreciative of the free food, so she showed her thanks by making an effort to grab seconds, and sometimes, even thirds. The southern gentleman always got a kick out of how much she could eat and was never shy about throwing praise her way when she ate well. Kelly lived for that praise, since Michael claimed to be too busy with school to visit her before Christmas.

Meals aside, Logan purposefully tried to keep his distance from Kelly, for one plain and simple reason. As Kelly continued to fatten up, his attraction to the beautiful girl skyrocketed.

This one-sided sexual tension endlessly burned in Logan’s heart and mind each and every time he caught a glimpse of just how soft Kelly was getting. On Halloween, when they’d been dancing at a party Kelly was pushed against him by someone passing by. With his hand he’d accidentally felt the newfound softness in her abdomen, and he couldn’t get that memory out of his head.

Even now, walking by the door to Kelly’s room on the way to his own as Kelly packed her bags to spend Christmas and New Years with her boyfriend, part of him longed to see Kelly’s softened figure. Noticing that Kelly’s door was open a crack, Logan was unable to resist looking through the gap as he passed by. His intention was only to sneak a passing glance at the girl he was secretly crushing on, but his body froze in place once he realized what his lucky eyes were seeing.

Clothed in nothing but her underwear, Kelly was standing in front of her bedroom mirror. From what he could see, she was looking at her swollen stomach. Right where her flat tummy used to be, Kelly had grown an honest to goodness rounded beer belly.

Then suddenly Kelly turned, Logan felt his heart flutter as fear of being caught peeping like this filled his mind with worries. However, as Kelly started inspecting her lower body, particularly her butt, which had expanded a bit as well, Logan realized he was in the clear for now.

Trying to make a conservative estimate of how much weight Kelly had crammed onto her figure this semester, Logan guessed that she had to have packed on at least 40 pounds, a lot of weight for such a short girl. Thick and soft looking, Kelly had turned into the woman of his dreams in only a few short months. He longed to tell Kelly how attractive he found her, but he knew Kelly’s heart was as pure as could be, and that she only had eyes for her boyfriend.

Thinking himself a Southern gentleman, Logan felt he had to respect that about her. Besides, just knowing that a girl as flawless as Kelly both existed and was happy, was enough for him. He was beyond satisfied by the glimpse he’d been able to sneak of her. As he made a hasty retreat so as not to get caught, the image of Kelly inspecting herself in the mirror stuck in the forefront of his mind like glue.

Unaware Logan had been lingering just outside her door, Kelly bit her lip as she pinched an inch of excess girth around her hips. She felt a bit puzzled by her heavier-looking reflection for a number of reasons. For one thing, it made sense that she’d gained the freshman 15. She’d been eating lots of southern comfort food, hadn’t been exercising, and was living in an indulgent college bubble for months. She loved her new college life, and her new friends, but for someone who’d always been very skinny, suddenly being larger was disorienting.

In Kelly’s mind, gaining a noticeable amount of weight felt like something very vague, an abstract idea of a situation that she’d never find herself in. Yet here she was with skin stretching to accommodate all the new layers of fat she’d accumulated around her increasingly curvy figure. It was clear to her now that she’d put on a fair amount more than 15 pounds. She was silently shocked by how different her body now looked compared to how skinny she’d been in high school. However, was she terrified? No. Was she sad? No. Was she disappointed? Maybe.

The vane side of her loved the fact that her boobs had swollen to such a large size. Her boyfriend couldn’t get enough of them, and she enjoyed dressing to show them off. But on the flip side, she had a belly now, a kind of large one. Whereas big breasts felt feminine and sexy, a big gut felt embarrassing and shameful. For someone who once prided herself on her fitness, being out of shape was a tough pill to swallow. Far more difficult than the truckloads of fatty calories she’d been swallowing lately.

There were plus sides to becoming plus-sized, Kelly loved the sensation she felt when Michael firmly squeezed her inflated rear. She loved feeling energized every morning because she was eating enough calories to fuel herself through the day. Then again, her seductive face had softened a bit. Kelly could clearly see the change in her reflection. Michael loved her and wanted her no matter what dress size she was, but deep-down Kelly worried if he enjoyed this newer fuller version of herself just as much as the older skinnier version.

As she mused about this conundrum, knowing full well that Michael was due to arrive to pick her up any minute now, Kelly picked up the pair of jeans she promised she’d wear for him and tried to get them on. In a few short moments of struggle, the delicate balancing act Kelly was playing with her fragile self-esteem suddenly tilted toward panic.

“Logan!” Kelly yelped in need of some serious help and craving some validation to set her straight, “I need a man’s opinion! Can you come in here!?”

“I’ll be there in two shakes of a lamb’s tail!” He replied from the other room. Moments later, he quickly pushed open Kelly’s door and entered. His face conveyed just how blown away he was to see Kelly standing there with an undersized pair of jeans heaved up to her mid-thighs and nothing else but a pink bra clothing her tubby body. Almost at a loss for words, Logan managed to say, “What’s going on??”

Kelly replied frantically, “Logan, please help me! This is a f*cking emergency. I've gotten so fat I can't button my jeans. And this is the biggest pair I have!! I used to be so fit and skinny and look at me now. I can't fit into anything! Logan, I'm such a fat cow! Sh*t! Sh*t! Help me button this, I'm desperate, please!”

“I didn’t catch a word of that Kelly, you gotta slow down.” Logan tried to calm her since the girl was prattling on at a million words a second.

“Ughhh! Okayyy!” Kelly gasped taking a large breath before rephrasing, “Michael bought me a nice sexy outfit he wants me to wear for him today, but the jeans won’t button up because of my keg!”

“Keg?” Logan tilted his head in curiosity, while he thought, ‘Does she mean her belly?’

“My keg!” Kelly grunted, as her hands grasped her gut and started jiggling, “My beer belly? Spare tire? Potbelly! Muffin-top! My bulging waistline! You know what I’m talking about! You’ve got two eyes Logan! I know you can see it! I’m not crazy!”

‘You sound a little crazy…’ Logan thought to himself, before replying in a calm collected tone, “Umm, I think you’ve got a very nice-looking breadbasket. Nothing to be ashamed of.”

“Breadbasket?” Kelly scoffed, as she grasped her gut and squeezed it savagely, “More like pizza paunch. Ugh… I’m disgusting! What am I going to do? What am I going to do?? He’ll be here any minute! I can’t let him see me like this!”

“You’re not disgusting. Try and do up your pants. Let me see.” Logan insisted, trying to get Kelly focused on her problem at hand.

“No matter… how hard… I try… Ugh!” Kelly fumed, as she hopped a few times to hoist her jeans back above her thighs and butt, “*phew!* I just can’t get all the buttons to close!”

With that Kelly started attempting to button the first button, which was no problem. The next one appeared a bit harder for her, but she managed it with a grunt. The third one was where her gut really proved to be too much resistance. Her first attempt was a failure, so on her second attempt, she tried to suck in her gut. With some more effort, the third button eventually closed. That left two buttons to go that Logan could see.

That’s when Kelly paused and let her belly out for a moment, she couldn’t keep sucking it in without filling her lungs with some more air. When her belly returned to its true size Logan could spy a roll of fat forming between the still open buttons. Eventually this doughy paunch expanded enough to pop the third button back open. Blushing, Kelly furiously tried to subdue the button just as she had before, but the task was impossible without sucking her stomach in again.

“See what I mean?!” Kelly fumed clearly at her wits end.

“Suck it in and try again.” Logan calmly tried to reassure her, as Kelly bit her lip and did just as he said.

Sucking in her belly, Kelly pulled and tucked her pants together as best she could. Eventually the third button was once again firmly subdued. Before letting her breath out as she did before, this time Kelly attempted to clasp together the fourth button. Pulling and tucking with all the force she could muster; Kelly’s facial expression grew more desperate as her fatigue grew. The two parts of her jeans just didn’t want to come together. Her waist was simply too big.

Letting out the breath she’d been holding, and her belly along with it, the only thing keeping the third button from snapping off once again were Kelly’s hands propped up against it.

“I need help!” Kelly demanded, sounding desperate.

“You need a larger pair of jeans. Why torture herself like this?” Logan countered a little puzzled by Kelly’s futile behavior.

“This is the largest pair I have. Michael bought them for me a month ago. They fit fine a month ago! So why don’t they fit now!?” Kelly vented clearly emotionally unstable, “Can you just help me?? Please???”

“Okay, okay!” Logan replied, as he stepped forward and tried to help.

After a lot of pulling, his strength was sufficient to force the fourth button into its proper place, but now one large roll of fat stood between him and fastening the last button of Kelly’s jeans.

“Suck in.” Logan requested.

“I am!” Kelly grunted in reply.

“Then this isn’t going to work. Lay down.” Logan shook his head, as he pointed to the bed with his hand.

Listening obediently, Kelly waddled to the bed as best she could and promptly laid her back upon her bed. She was about to ask what Logan planned on doing when he suddenly used one of his hands to push her newfound roll of blubber upward, and with his other hand, he managed to fasten the last button of her jeans much to her surprise.

“Got it! How’s that?” Logan wondered sounding pleased he’d actually been able to accomplish such an impossible feat.

“I can’t breathe… But… At least I fit…” Kelly grunted sounding uncomfortable and sporting quite the prominent muffin-top, “Maybe I just need to break them in, stretch them out, y’know?”

“Yeah, maybe.” Logan nodded along with Kelly’s delusions, as he helped her up off the bed.

“How do I look in them? I don’t look hideous, do I?” Kelly vulnerably wondered, while she took a little twirl.

“You look irresistible.” Logan smiled. In truth, the sight of Kelly looking so pudgy, and getting to touch her belly like that had him feeling horny as hell.

“Thanks Logan. You’re the best.” Kelly returned his smile, let out a sigh and turned her attention toward finding something suitable to wear up top. Her eyes eventually settled on one of the sweaters Michael had bought her. Picking it up and trying it on, the stretchy red and green Christmas sweater fully covered Kelly’s upper body but looked particularly tight around her gut and love handles. Deciding she needed more of Logan’s male wisdom, Kelly asked, “Is this, okay??”

“Michael would be a fool not to think you look flawless.” Logan smiled, alleviating a lot of the insecurity Kelly felt was weighing her down.

Smiling ear to ear, Kelly was about to respond when some loud knocking started coming from the front door. Instead of offering a sweet ‘thank you’ as she’d intended, Kelly gushed with excitement, “He’s here!”

Hurrying out of her room and down the steps to the front door, Kelly had to catch her breath for a moment before she opened the door.

“Kelly!” Michael cheered, as his plump girlfriend jumped into his arms and wrapped her meaty legs around him. She felt much heavier to hold than usual.

“Michael!” Kelly returned her boyfriend’s enthusiasm before their lips connected and their tongues started dancing.

The impromptu make-out session lasted only a minute, or so, before Michael was forced to put Kelly down. His arms simply were not conditioned to holding this heavier version of his loving girlfriend that now stood before him.

“What’s wrong?” Kelly pouted playfully wanting to indulge in a little more action.

“You’re umm… a little heavier than I remember.” Michael tried to laugh off the elephant in the room.

Gulping, as a dash of embarrassment hit her doughy stomach, Kelly shyly played with the overstretched hem of her sweater, while she blushed and responded, “I’ve been eating all the treats you’ve been sending me like a good girl, so I guess I’ve put on a little weight this semester… but… I still look cute chubby, right?”
28 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 months , updated 9 months
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Mikeboi1994 3 months
Just wanted to say, I've really been loving this story 😊 You always find a way to add so many interesting characters that stand out and I love the progression, you've written a masterpiece here 🥰
TheFattenedClam 4 months
Loved this!!
Olympian 6 months
Really great story, one of your best!, a part of me wants more resolution with Amber!
Polarisdreamer 6 months
Thank you! Glad to hear it! Amber might get her own story one day! Berserker1133 is interested in doing that and so am I