
Chapter 3 + 4 - The Date

James was sat at his desk, scrolling through the instagram of Jordan. He was fully expecting to find it plastered with pictures of him on sunny holidays with his girlfriend, but was pleasantly surprised to find that wasn’t the case. As he scrolled, a new direct message came in, it was from Jordan!

“Hey, sorry I hope that wasn’t too weird or forward of me there, randomly asking for your IG”.

“What, no! It was lovely to sit and have a chat with you, you seem really nice.”

“Aww good” James noticed Jordan said aww a lot, he found it adorable. “you look good too man”.

“Hehe thanks” James replied, not knowing how to process this turn of events. “You look good too btw.”

“Cutie, btw for the full interest in disclosure I am 🏳️‍🌈. I saw you go pride and stuff in your pics, may I ask, are you too?”

James could have fallen off his chair. “Yes I am actually!”

“Well, idk if you are single or not, but I gotta admit summat here.” Jordan started. James waited with baited breath as he could see Jordan continue to type. “Look I know this is super stalky and weird, but I have been thinking you look so cute every morning when you come into work. Idk if you are single or whatever, you’ll probably tell me to get lost, but I’d love to go on a date with you sometime”.

Deciding this was probably the best day of his life, James eagerly accepted and suggested that they go to a nice pub for food on Friday evening. James spent the rest of the working day distracted with thoughts of his hot date tonight with Jordan. Maybe I don’t have a fat fettish, he mused to himself in his head, because Jordan is thin and I am so excited to date him.

Chapter Four.

James arrived at the pub just before the 7pm time they had agreed to meet. The waitress showed him to his table and just as he was getting seated he saw Jordan walking over to him. He looked great, in some skinny jeans that James noticed were just a lil snug on him, his pretty brunette hair styled with some sort of product.

They talked away with no shyness or inhibition at all, both ordering a pint of lager, starters and mains. James learnt that Jordan was 22 and had been working as a builder before starting this job 4 months ago.

“So what are your hobbies, I presume you go to the gym a lot from how in shape you are?” James asked.

“Actually no, I don’t. You know I was a fat kid growing up, I just got slimmer as I grew and doing the physical work on the building sites. I dunno how you can say that tho I am getting chubby since starting this job, it is mainly sitting around all the time.”

“Naww, you aren’t chubby at all. Anyway, I don’t mind a guy with a bit of weight to be honest” James mumbled embarrassedly, inwardly cursing himself for saying it.

“Well, you will like this then” Jordan laughed, pinching a small inch of fat through his t-shirt. “And I’d better order dessert too”. James felt himself stir and felt giddy with arousal. “Sure, let’s get dessert” he replied “It is a date, after all!”.

The truth be told, James had no room for dessert, the starters and mains were large - this pub was known for their hearty portions. But not wanting to make Jordan feel awkward he ordered the profiterole sundae, whilst Jordan ordered the double chocolate cheesecake, which James noticed came in at an eye-watering 400 calories. God, he loved the new British law requiring restaurants to state the calories on menus.

Jordan ate his dessert with gusto, as James toyed with him. Boy, this man could eat! After finishing his, Jordan lent back and sighed deeply “wow, I am stuffed! I haven’t been here before, they do great food, lovely choice James”.

“Yeah I am the same, I can’t finish this at all!” James replied. Was that a greedy glint he noticed flash through Jordan’s eyes?

“Oh well pass it here”, Jordan exclaimed; I hate to see food go to waste, especially when it is as good as this. James descended into daydreams of seeing that jawline melt into chins and making those jeans unbuttonable.

They enjoyed the remainder of their date, James barely being able to keep his eyes from staring at the tiny hint of a pot belly showing through Jordans tshirt where he was so bloated. At the end of the evening they kissed, sat in the moonlight on a park bench. It was then James realised he had fallen in love at first sight and would no nothing to jeopardise spending more time with Jordan.
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 months , updated 4 days
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Zhalia 4 months
I really like your writing. It's great to read. Cute and hot. Looking forward to more. smiley
Churchy94 3 months
Heyy thank you so much. I'm sorry for the absence work has been mad busy. But I'm getting to writing more don't worry
Chubchef 7 months
Lovingly written, and nicely paced. Look forward to more.
Churchy94 6 months
Hey thank you, it means so much. Sorry for the delay but there are more chapters added now, with much more to come smiley
Size Of A Ho... 8 months
Great so far 👏👏
Churchy94 6 months
Thank you, this is so encouraging and helpful to me. I am sorry I didn't get back to you. More uploaded now!
TimetTheWolf 9 months
A great first few chapters. I'm excited to see how both their relationship and Jordan grow.
Churchy94 6 months
Aww thank you, there is more to read now - a few twists and turns but don't worry, there is growth to come yet!