
Chapter 15 - The Nurse

In the end, Jordan had the cast on for 8 weeks where the break had healed more slowly than they had hoped. By the time it was ready to come off, he was desperate for it to be removed. It was incredibly itchy and he was fed up with using the crutches to get around. That isn’t to say he hadn’t enjoyed being pampered by James. The feeding sessions were incredibly hot and had become so frequent they were almost daily. When the day for the cast to be removed came around, James was making Jordan’s gainer shake for the morning in the kitchen. He mused that more days than not, Jordan had two of these shakes now; as he picked up the blender and took a couple of gulps for himself. They tasted divine but James still felt a small pang of guilt. He knew these shakes were for his gaining boyfriend but most mornings he found himself quickly chugging a couple of mouthfuls before serving Jordan.

Meh, it isn’t a problem, he thought to himself, they do taste extraordinary and it isn’t like Jordan is wasting away. In fact, Jordan was doing quite the opposite of wasting away. His appetite had reached levels which James could only have imagined before, he regularly packed away three full cooked meals a day and seemed to snack constantly between them - and the difference was noticeable on his body.

As James carried the shake into the living room, Jordan was reclined on the sofa with his bad ankle propped up. His shirt had ridden up over his flabby gut, where there simply wasn’t enough fabric to effectively cover his body anymore, giving James a glimpse of the new angry-red stretch marks which seemed to appear almost daily on his lovers frame. Jordan was absentmindedly playing with his muffin top but as James walked in his face lifted with joy and his greedy eyes glinted. It was a sheer delight to James each day seeing the new body confidence his man had developed and how his green eyes flashed and freckled face broke into a broad toothy grin whenever he was brought food.

Jordan quickly demolished the shake, as if it were a glass of water and then sunk back into the sofa contentedly. A small dribble of shake ran down his chin which reminded James of when he chugged the cream out of the jug at his parents’ house, causing his member to stir behind his joggers. Jordan let out an almighty burp and smiled lovingly at James. “All done” he announced, pleased with himself “here, darling, after you’ve washed this up perhaps you could bring me a couple of doughnuts? It’s been ages since breakfast!”.

James smiled, “darling I’m afraid we are all out of doughnuts, you smashed them all last night, remember?” Seeing Jordan look genuinely crestfallen he quickly added “but I have about half of the homemade cookie dough left in the fridge, how about I stick the oven on and whip you up a fresh batch? You can wait 20 minutes, it was breakfast just over an hour ago darling…” he teased. Jordan smiled at this and gazed hungrily at his boyfriends backside as he wandered back out into the kitchen.

Oven on, James slid his finger through the residue of shake left in the blender beaker as he waited for the washing up bowl to fill, popping his finger in his mouth and sucking it off. Lost in thought, he thought about the last eight weeks. He had started working from home full-time to care for Jordan. Whilst Jordan could do a lot for himself with the crutches, James actively wanted to make it easier for him, so working from home made sense. But the lack of leaving the house, nibbling on bits of Jordan’s calorie laden foods and popping the odd few mouthfuls of shake had caused some differences in his body. Looking down at himself, standing by the sink, he could see how his stomach stretched his shirt. He was a long way from what anybody would call fat, but he definitely had a paunch now and was probably podgy. If he were brave enough to admit it to himself, he would have realised that the reason he was wearing his joggers today was because the waistband of his jeans just dug in a little uncomfortably at the moment. No matter, he thought to himself, I will be able to lose this weight easily enough. Still, he did enjoy eating a mere fraction of the sugary, buttery and fried foods which he constantly made for Jordan.

After hand feeding his delectable lover a whole plate of warm cookies oozing with chocolate chips and leaving a greasy sheen across Jordan’s mouth; James helped him get ready to go to the clinic. He lustfully watched in awe as Jordan awkwardly manoeuvred his thick frame out to the car. He enjoyed watching his backside bounce aggressively each time he placed the crutches down, noticing how it was growing enough that it was definitely no longer perky, but had started to become a shapeless mass. The small of Jordan’s back and his love handles were clearly visible as his too-small shirt rode up due to the movement and James adored how his butt crack seemed to creep above the joggers where they were sliding down under the weight of his stomach. By the time he was settled in the car Jordan was panting gently and had small beads of sweat forming across his still prominent cheekbones.

“Now, what is for my driving snack?” Jordan demanded petulantly.

“Just a bag of crisps darling” James replied. Jordan’s face flashed, giving away his flash of anger. “Just a bag of crisps? What are you doing to me James, I will waste away” he whined needily.

“Oh, sorry, I wasn’t clear. I meant a multipack of six bags of crisps” James replied with a wildly cheeky look on his face, as he reached behind the drivers seat and retrieved them. “Now THAT is more like it, you had me worried for a second there you big tease” Jordan retorted, reaching over and poking James in his midriff jokingly. Jordan was surprised to feel how deep his finger had plunged into James’ stomach there. It was obvious to him that James had been sneaking bits and bobs of his gainer food, but he hasn’t realised quite how much he must have put on. But he noticed his James had flinched and recoiled slightly at his poke, noticeably sucking his small gut in, so he resolved not to mention it for the time being.

After a kindly nurse with warm features and bedraggled hair had removed the cast, she did a few boilerplate tests just to check Jordan was okay moving around on his healed, but weakened ankle. “Now, if you would just pop yourself on the scales” she cheerfully piped.

“Uhhh why?” replied Jordan uneasily, shifting uncomfortably. “That doesn’t seem to be necessary for removing a cast?”

“Oh no, it is standard procedure” she replied. “A number of people find they gain a bit of weight when sedentary for a long period, so we give everyone a weigh just so they know and can do something about it if they wish. It is part of the current NHS drive to improve people's understanding of their health. Now, pop on up!”

James’ heart thumped in his chest. He and Jordan were so keen to weigh him, after more than three months of pure gluttony including a long period of enforced laziness, but they were hoping to do it in a more private setting. The scales creaked as Jordan unsteadily climbed onto them. The digital display danced for a second before settling, it read 258 lbs. James felt a surge of adrenaline through his body and felt light headed, this was unbelievable. Jordan had gained 63 pounds in just over three months! He felt he saw a tremble in Jordans hand as the number was displayed and, knowing Jordan so well, he could tell it was taking all of his mans effort not to shriek with joy.

“Okay sweetie” the nurse continued, “So at your height of 5’11” you ideally would have a weight no more than about 160lbs. To be frank with you, being the weight you are now places you quite firmly in the category of medical of obese. Do you know what you weighed before the cast went on?”

Jordan looked down and mumbled “ermm I was about 240lbs I think”, lying to her.

Her face looked surprised as she continued “oh, my. Well, 20lbs is a bit more weight gain than we normally see with a cast on - even if people decline to follow the leaflet on keeping active” she raised an eyebrow pointedly. James could barely contain himself, a throbbing semi was bulging through his joggers and he could feel the sticky pre-cum soaking into his boxers. He span his coat around on his lap to hide his obvious arousal. The nurse continued “but, with a few simple changes to diet and completing the coach-to-5K exercise programme, we can have you trimmed down in no time. Here, let me get you a couple of leaflets and I can book you in with the weight loss nurse if you’d like?”

Suddenly irritated by this woman's false cheeriness and patronising attitude Jordan flashed. “No thank you very much” he exclaimed. He pulled his shirt up and gave his belly a large slap, causing it to wobble and ripple sensationally. “I am sick to death of people like you judging me. You know what? I like being fat and you know what else? I want to get FATTER.” Jordan was flushed red now with spittle flying from his mouth with frustration, James’ eyes had grown wide at the scene unfolding in front of him. “Fuck you and the weight loss programme - thank you so much for removing my cast but me and my boyfriend are leaving now and guess what, he is going to take me for the biggest drive-thru of my life on the way home!”.

With that Jordan spun and trotted out of the room at quite an alarming pace for someone who had just had a cast removed. James scurried to gather their things and mumbling his thanks hurried out of the room after him. When they were both in the car they fell about roaring with laughter until tears sprang from their eyes.

“You should have seen her face Jordan” James giggled breathlessly. Jordan reached across and longingly, deeply kissed his man. “Come on then. Take me to that drive-thru. At least I told her something truthful, you are getting me an enormous McDonalds AND a KFC now whether you like it or not! We are celebrating!”

“McDonalds and KFC?” James replied. “Now that is a big celebration for getting a cast removed”.

“It isn’t for the cast being removed, dummy. It is to celebrate me being officially obese and only two pounds from reaching the highest weight I have ever been before! Come on, I mean it about both restaurants, I wanna gain those pounds before the day is out.”

----- the story isn't finished yet, more to come. Please keep the comments coming to let me know where you want it to go ❤️ -------
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 months , updated 4 days
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Zhalia 4 months
I really like your writing. It's great to read. Cute and hot. Looking forward to more. smiley
Churchy94 3 months
Heyy thank you so much. I'm sorry for the absence work has been mad busy. But I'm getting to writing more don't worry
Chubchef 7 months
Lovingly written, and nicely paced. Look forward to more.
Churchy94 6 months
Hey thank you, it means so much. Sorry for the delay but there are more chapters added now, with much more to come smiley
Size Of A Ho... 8 months
Great so far 👏👏
Churchy94 6 months
Thank you, this is so encouraging and helpful to me. I am sorry I didn't get back to you. More uploaded now!
TimetTheWolf 9 months
A great first few chapters. I'm excited to see how both their relationship and Jordan grow.
Churchy94 6 months
Aww thank you, there is more to read now - a few twists and turns but don't worry, there is growth to come yet!