
Chapter 5 - The Holiday

They had been seeing one another for two months now, and every day was as magical to James as the first. Jordan had come up with a cute couple name for them, JJ, on behalf of their two first initials and they continued to regularly go on date nights. Jordan clearly didn’t have much self-control when it came to refusing food, and James quietly encouraged this, noticing how regularly his boyfriend out-ate him.

James had never been particularly proud of his body, but there was no reason he shouldn’t have been. At 5’10 weighing about 170lbs, he definitely wasn’t fat, but neither was he what anyone would call skinny. However, framed under his piercing blue eyes and sharp cheekbones, he was definitely good looking, if a little average. At the start of them seeing one another, this worried James, compared to the twinky frame of Jordan, but the last two months had seen some slight, almost unnoticeable changes in Jordan’s frame.

Of course, this shouldn’t be a surprise, with the way Jordan had been eating, and anyway - people often put on a bit of weight at the start of a relationship. This evening was exciting for James, he had not seen Jordan in over a week, as the latter had gone on an all-inclusive holiday with some friends. When Jordan text him to say he had landed and would be home in an hour, James got ready to go around to his boyfriends house and welcome him home.

James had to blink twice when Jordan answered the door - he must have put on a few pounds in the week he had been gone. It was definitely noticeable, the small love handles forming were pulling at the sides of the button up shirt he was wearing.

“Heyy darling, how was it?, I’ve missed you”.

“Oh it was so good, I did nothing but eat and drink and enjoy the pool all week long, god I feel unhealthy now” Jordan replied.

James followed him through to his kitchen and stared longingly at the stretched shirt from behind as Jordan made them both a cup of tea.

“Lets go and sit down”, he said after making the brews, “I’m shattered”.

As Jordan plopped himself heavily onto the sofa, there was a slight tearing noise as his shirt gave way to the strain of holding in the extra 15lbs or so which Jordan had put on recently. Jordans eyes widened with embarrassment and his face went beetroot red. There was no way he could hide what had just happened and it was evident that James had noticed.

Looking down at the floor with shame and sheer embarrassment, James quickly slid over to his boyfriend, putting a comforting arm around him. “Darlinggg it does look like you ate a lot on your holiday, you look amazing don’t worry” James said, hoping that a bit of humour would make his boyfriend feel better.

“God I am so embarrassed” Jordan replied “I need to start working out, what with all our date nights and then the holiday I have let myself go, I promise I will sort this you must be so disgusted with me right now”.

“Shhhh, shh. I am not disgusted at all, I really think you look amazing”. James knew this was a now-or-never moment. Gently, slowly, he lowered his hand to Jordans slightly chubby tummy and rested his fingers on top of the small piece of pale flesh oozing through where the button used to be. “I think you look even better than the day we met. I find you really hot, the more of you there is the more I get to enjoy” James whispered, his voice barely perceptible against Jordan’s stifled sobs.

Gently he unbuttoned a couple more of Jordan’s buttons and moved his hand in gentle circles on his tummy. Feeling brave, he even gave the small layer of pudge a quick squeeze.

“You’re so sweet, you know?” Jordan said, smiling back at James through teary eyes. They lent in and kissed gently before James jumped up abruptly and said “I know what would prove to you that I don’t care if you’ve put on some weight!”.

James scurried into Jordan’s kitchen and quickly found what he was looking for in a cupboard. There was a large bar of dairy milk which Jordan had bought when they visited Cadbury World on one of their many dates. Quietly taking it in both hands, James padded back into the living room and sat down close to Jordan. Opening the wrapper he broke off the first row, saying “look, I am proud to be with you even if you weighed double what you do now”. Sliding the row of chocolate up to Jordans mouth, James could see he was resisting a little and was slightly bemused about what was going on. However, he went along with it opening his mouth and taking a little nibble.

“God it does taste good you know? The food in Spain was amazing but the chocolate just isn’t the same”.

“Hehe, well you can enjoy this then” James replied, breaking off a second row. Jordan began to eat with more confidence and urgency, whilst James slipped his hand back down to Jordan’s waist and caressed his hips and tummy.

Being unable to control himself when he got eating, Jordan finished the entire bar. Walking home that evening James wondered if he might really be getting a gaining boyfriend like he had always dreamed. As he reached his own home, his phone dinged, it was a message from Jordan.

“You were so adorable tonight when I was upset, I really love you James ♥️. Oh, and by the way, you feeding me that chocolate was insanely hot, I’d love to do that again some time if you want”.

James closed his eyes and savoured the moment, this time he knew it was the start of great things.
13 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 months , updated 5 months
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Zhalia 3 months
I really like your writing. It's great to read. Cute and hot. Looking forward to more. smiley
Churchy94 2 months
Heyy thank you so much. I'm sorry for the absence work has been mad busy. But I'm getting to writing more don't worry
Chubchef 7 months
Lovingly written, and nicely paced. Look forward to more.
Churchy94 6 months
Hey thank you, it means so much. Sorry for the delay but there are more chapters added now, with much more to come smiley
Size Of A Ho... 8 months
Great so far 👏👏
Churchy94 6 months
Thank you, this is so encouraging and helpful to me. I am sorry I didn't get back to you. More uploaded now!
TimetTheWolf 8 months
A great first few chapters. I'm excited to see how both their relationship and Jordan grow.
Churchy94 6 months
Aww thank you, there is more to read now - a few twists and turns but don't worry, there is growth to come yet!