The boss's prized piggy

Chapter 2: Stuffed

Nick walked into the room holding a large tray of freshly baked baked cupcakes, just the smell of them made Danielle feel wet between the legs. "You want these cupcakes, piggy? Oink for them."

At first, Danielle was astounded by this request, but she knew she had nothing to lose. She was already fat and she was hungry as fuck, she might as well try go with it. "Oink! Oink!" Danielle exclaimed, followed by some snorting.

"Very well," Nick placed the cupcakes on the bed in front of her, Danielle immediately began scarfing them down. She didn't care that this was her new life, or how much of a mess she was making, all she cared about was filling her belly.

10 Cupcakes in and suddenly, the button on Danielle's skirt popped off, making her moan in relief as her belly spilled onto her thighs.

And just like that, she made it through 50 cupcakes total. Danielle laid back on the bed unable to move. Her belly was hard and bloated, "P-piggy needs belly rubs- *bWOrp!* ...Please"

"Did you think we were done? Tsk tsk..." Nick chuckled as he a grabbed large jug filled with a thick shake.

Nick barely gave Dani enough time to react before pouring the shake down her throat. Dani was so stuffed she couldn't even move her arms, as her belly got tighter and tighter, she was in agony but it also somehow felt so good.

Muffled moan's came out of Dani during her feeding, and once she swallowed the last mouthful something clicked in her. Nick watched as Dani tilted her head up and closed her eyes, There Danielle had an orgasm... with food. A foodgasm.

Danielle had never felt more embarrassed, she just came from overeating. "You did so good Piggy, I'm very proud" Nick smiled, placing his hand on her belly and began rubbing it. "Ooooph", Danielle let out another moan before finding the strength to roll over on her side, revealing a large wet patch on the bed sheets.

Danielle finally woke up from her food coma hours later with a box on the bed. Inside the box contained a pig ear head band and a pink lingerie set with a pig tail attached. "This is big enough to make a parachute with." Danielle chuckled to herself as she heaved herself out of bed.

To her surprise the lingerie ended up being a tad too small for her, it didn't help that her belly got in the way. "Would you like some help?" Nick smiled, his tall and slim figure lurking behind her.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 months , updated 8 months
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Theswordsman 4 months
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