The good boyfriend

Chapter 2 - Day Off

It was finally Friday, both of their days off.

A small clatter downstairs in the kitchen.

He stirred in bed, his eyes fluttering open, then closing again. He sighed and scratched his chest before opening his eyes again.

It was dark in the bedroom, save for a tiny bit of deep navy light coming up over the horizon. He frowned sleepily and groaned, picking up his phone from the nightstand.


His arm flopped back down onto the bed as he drifted back off to sleep.

The familiar smell of a full breakfast eased him awake.

He opened his eyes again, his mouth starting to water at the fatty, smoky aroma of sizzling bacon. He detected a sweetness in the air- blueberry pancakes!

His hand wandered down to his bulging belly as it began to growl. He rubbed it gently as if to tell it to be patient.

He sat up in bed, taking a deep breath and sliding to the edge. He stretched, joints popping and his chest drooping down slightly further than just days before. He felt himself up, gauging their size, feeling proud of himself. He knew she would be quite pleased.

Pulling on a pair of sweatpants, he headed down the floating staircase.

“Morning!” she grinned cheerfully, plating a pound of bacon.

“Mornin’,” he mumbled, still waking up.

He attempted to slide past her in the kitchen but ended up bumping her out of the way with his bare belly on accident.

“Oh! Sorry,” he said sheepishly, turning a bit pink. He turned on the electric kettle to get started on coffee.

She giggled and opened the oven, pulling out a batch of fresh homemade biscuits.

“Did you get bigger overnight?” she teased, gingerly pulling each biscuit off the hot tray and placing them on a cooling rack.

He grumbled quietly and yawned, his head drooping down towards his chest.
She frowned in pity and took him by the shoulders.

“You go sit in your spot, I’ll bring you breakfast,” she ordered and pushed him towards the couch. He obeyed, shuffling over and plopping himself down in the middle seat. It was a new couch when they moved in, yet the middle cushion had already started to sink in slightly.

He relaxed his head and spread his arms out over the tops of the cushions before drifting off again. His round gut gently expanded with his chest as he took loud, sleepy breaths through his nose.

“Hey,” she whispered, cuddling up next to him and stroking his exposed belly. “Time to eat.”

He stirred awake, blinking hard to try and open his eyes.

“Why so early?” he mumbled, struggling to sit forward.

“I couldn’t sleep, sorry baby,” she said apologetically, looking up at him with her big doe eyes.

He looked down at her, a fatal mistake. He knew she’d burst into tears if he didn’t wake up and eat right now while it was hot. He looked down at the TV table in front of him. The plates on it were full, overflowing in areas with scrambled cheesy eggs, buttered toast, loads of bacon and sausage, big blueberry pancakes, crispy home fries, and of course biscuits and gravy. A tall glass of OJ sat in the very corner.


“I have it,” she said, leaning over towards the side table and grabbing the mug in her hand.

He took it from her and had a few sips before starting breakfast.

Everything was delicious, as it always was. He felt lucky to have such a good cook for a girlfriend. She turned on the TV and the pair sat watching early morning infomercials about hamburger-making accessories.

“Why is the burger curled up like that,” she muttered, chewing on her nail and looking perturbed.

He chuckled through a mouthful of pancakes.

He ate faster as he woke up, gulping down his coffee and OJ and chomping on bacon.
As he took the last bite of his plates, he felt his stomach growling at him still; it wasn’t satisfied.

He looked over at her, his eyes begging for more.

She happily obliged, bouncing over to the kitchen to fill his plates up again.

He got back to work chowing down. She massaged his side, helping make room for more and more. Three-quarters of the way through his third plate and he was starting to slow down again. His gut was painfully tight and protruded rather ungracefully. He burped loudly, rubbing his belly and moaning.

“You can finish it, can’t you?” she asked pitifully with that horrible, adorable frown on her face.

He hiccupped and nodded slowly.

He finished the last few bites of his plate and relaxed his head back against the couch. His breathing was labored and shallow, his growing gut heaving as he arched his back in an attempt to get more room.

She got on her knees in front of him and pulled down his sweatpants. She noted his thighs getting chubbier as she ran her fingers along them. She explored his softening body, playing with his nipples and squeezing what would soon be a pair of A cup moobs. She grinned to herself. He was filling out nicely and becoming the big fat boyfriend she’d always wanted.

She leaned forward and kissed his warm belly, cupping it with her hands and rubbing both sides simultaneously.

“You’re so perfect,” she whispered against his skin, sticking her tongue in his navel and licking his round gut.

He moaned, the pleasure radiating through his flesh.

She nibbled the fat accumulating around his lower belly, which would be a small belly hang within the next 20 or so pounds.

His belly bounced as he giggled, her lips tickling him. He reached forward and pulled her closer. She wrapped her arms around him, resting her chubby cheek against him. She could hear his guts struggling to digest the massive breakfast, gurgling and sloshing inside him.

Despite the sheer tautness of his stomach, he felt relaxed as she hugged him. She was warm, and just as soft and precious as the day they met.

Her cheeks glowed as she sighed and nuzzled his gut, starting to nibble at him again.

“I love you,” she murmured, turning her head to look up and bat her lashes at him.
“I love you, too,” he replied warmly, smiling down at her and petting her hair.
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 months , updated 8 months
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Fanedfox 8 months
Great little story, I wish my wife would this to me. We’ll done!
CherryR0bot 8 months
Thank you!!! I'll be adding more stories with this same couple ^^