Vanessa's revenge

Chapter 2

Sienna eventually woke up at around 11am and quickly went into a panic as she realised she wasn't in her own bed and was in fact in some sort of glorified prison cell with cameras watching her, "LET ME FUCKING OUT", she screamed as she feebly attempted to break the bulletproof glass door.

It took Sienna about 30 minutes to finally burn herself out, she sat down on the bed defeated and Vanessa finally made her entrance with her head of security by her side, "good morning Sienna, how'd you sleep?", Vanessa asked politely.

"Who the fuck are you and what am I doing here", Sienna snapped.

'It figures this bitch doesn't even recognise me', Vanessa thought, "you'll find out soon enough".

"Fuck this, let me out of here!", Sienna stood up in attempt to go to the door, but ended up right back sitting on the bed as Vanessa's security head effortlessly pushed her back down.

"This is Mike, he's my head of security, and I've got 4 more guys just like him on the property, the glass door chamber you were just trying to break is made of bulletproof glass and the door behind it is solid steel, both require an eight digit combination that I change after every use. Are you getting the point? You aren't getting out of here until I allow it, and when that happens is down to you. If you can just do everything I say and be a good little girl, your time here actually might be quite pleasant...", Vanessa said before being cut off.

"Just tell me why the fuck I'm here!", Sienna yelled impatiently.

Vanessa turned to Mike and gave him a nod, and without hesitation he tased Sienna in the neck, leaving her lying stiff as a board on the bed.

"Oh, and that's what will happen to you every time you don't do what you're told, now Mike, could you go and bring me in Sienna's breakfast, she must be starving", Vanessa instructed.

Mike left the two of them alone while Sienna recovered from the tasing and returned a couple of minutes later with what looked like a milkshake and a plate of food.

"Now I'm gonna leave you to eat your breakfast, and you can even watch tv, there's tons of movies and shows loaded onto it, just make sure you drink every drop of that shake and eat every bite off that plate", said Vanessa.

"Are you kidding? I can't eat that, can I not have a salad or something?", Sienna asked, still feeling a little dazed.

"No you can't, and I forgot tell you what happens if you don't finish it all, I come back in here and strap you into that chair and force feed you it while tasing you, so just be a good girl and it won't come to that, and remember, I'll be watching", Vanessa said, looking to the cameras.

The plan was going perfectly so far and Vanessa was literally buzzing with excitement to go to the camera room and watch Sienna eat. Vanessa wasn't unreasonable with what she had asked of Sienna, thanks to the scale that was built into her bed Vanessa knew that Sienna weighed exactly 113.9lbs, and at 5ft6 she was extremely trim with barely an ounce of fat on her, so Vanessa knew she wouldn't be able to eat a lot and was going to have to start her slow. The shake was essentially a banana milkshake, just an extremely fattening one, with it being made up of whole milk, heavy cream, ice cream, weight gain powder, appetite enhancers, and of course banana, the total size of the shake was only a little over a half pint but had about 1000 calories crammed into it. On her plate she had sausages, hash browns, bacon eggs and toast, which came to almost 900 calories. It wasn't a small breakfast by any means but it was going to seem like nothing at all compared to what was to come, Vanessa had just gone easy on her with this first meal as she knew the appetite enhancers wouldn't kick in yet, that being said, with how skinny Sienna was, she was most likely still really gonna struggle.


Sienna had managed to completely finish the shake but still had about a third of the food left on her plate, her pace had slowed drastically as it was clear she was now having to force it down, "please can I stop eating, I feel sick", Sienna pleaded, looking to one of the cameras.

"No!", Vanessa said sternly through the speaker, "you remember what I said would happen if you didn't finish it all?".

"Yeah", Sienna replied sheepishly.

"Well then, EAT".

It wasn't easy but she did eventually manage to finish it all, and by the end of it felt totally disgusted by her visibly stuffed belly. This was probably the biggest her belly had ever looked, which was scary because it was absolutely tiny, but that's not how Sienna saw it, she didn't really workout much since she stopped cheerleading, she was a diet girl who basically lived on rations, but had been gifted a perfect body shape that some girls were killing themselves for in the gym, her whole life revolved around dieting and even when she was on vacation she watched what she ate. She didn't ever really have any issues fighting her temptations, and that mostly came from how disgusted she was with fat people, the thought of even the slightest bit of chub on her own body was enough to make her throw up.

After about 15 minutes of sitting in the silence of her thoughts, she decided to put on the TV in hope that it could distract her from what was her current reality.


"Hello again Sienna, how are you settling in?", Vanessa smiled deviously.

"Fuck you", Sienna said bluntly.

"Come on, you don't have to be like that, I brought your dinner", Vanessa said, holding a large pizza box with an identical shake to earlier and 2 chocolate muffins balanced on top.

"Please don't make me eat pizza", Sienna said with stress in her voice.

"Don't worry it's only half, I've wrapped the other half up for you and you'll eat that for breakfast in the morning", smiled Vanessa as she placed the box on the bedside cabinet.

"Please just give me something else, I can't eat pizza", Sienna pleaded, sounding increasingly desperate.

"I know you must be really hungry by now, this pizza will help with that, now are you gonna eat up or do I have to get Mike in here?", Vanessa asked.

Vanessa was right, Sienna was hungry, starving actually, sure it had been 5 hours since she last ate, but that was probably the biggest meal of her life, she had no idea how she could possibly be hungry for the rest of the day after that.

"I'll eat it", Sienna replied, defeated, she was totally powerless for the first time in her life and she hated it.


The appetite enhancers appeared to be working as Sienna seemed to struggle less with her dinner than she did with breakfast, despite it being almost double the amount of calories. The half meat feast pizza contained 1500 calories, the muffins were 400 each, and the shake was another 1000 ,bringing her total calories by the end of her first day to 5200, a number in which Vanessa was extremely satisfied with, but that was just the beginning...


"Good morning, or should I say good afternoon, you've been in a food coma 16 hours after how much you stuffed yourself last night", Vanessa giggled.

Sienna could instantly feel her face going red.

"I need you to get washed and do your makeup, okay?", Vanessa instructed.

"What, why?", Sienna asked.

"No questions, just do it", Vanessa said more seriously.

"But there's no mirror in here or the bathroom to do my makeup", said Sienna.

"I'll get you one, now get washed, I'll be back in 10 minutes".


"Go into the wardrobe and put on one of your bikinis on", Vanessa said, once Sienna finished her makeup.

Sienna did as she was told without saying anything, going into the bathroom for privacy since there was no cameras in there, but as she came back out, a green screen began to lower from the ceiling in front of the TV.

"Stand in front of the screen", said Vanessa.

Sienna looked confused but she did it.

"Now pose", Vanessa instructed.


"Pose, NOW", demanded Vanessa.

"No, I'm not some show pony", Sienna snarled.

"Mike get in here".

"No no wait, I'll do it", Sienna panicked, in fear of getting tased again, "take the photo".

It took a few attempts get a picture that looked natural and not like it was taken at gun point, but she got it in the end.

Vanessa went over to the tanning bed after and set it for 10 minutes, "get in, you'll do 2 of these a week, and don't ask why just do it, when you get out I'll be back with your pizza".
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 months , updated 5 months
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4funnow 4 months
This is fantastic-looking forward to more!
GanDEF2044 8 months
Can’t wait to see what’s cooking next ! Good start smiley
Jakitron 8 months
Excellent start!
Chubbysexy07 8 months
Love it, looking forward to more xx
FTMfatty 8 months
My new favorite!
Very much looking forward to the next part.