Vanessa's revenge

Chapter 3

*October 2nd, Monday*

30 days since capture...

It had been 4 weeks since Sienna had been captured, and Vanessa was gradually increasing how much she food she was feeding her as her capacity increased. There hadn't been many occasions where she couldn't finish all the food that Vanessa had presented her with, she was simply eating out of fear of being tased by Mike, she hadn't even seen him in nearly 2 weeks and she liked it that way. In recent days when she's struggled to eat everything, she's asked Vanessa for a short break, to which Vanessa has been fine with as she had still been finishing every bite eventually.

"Breakfast time", smiled Vanessa as she entered the room carrying a tray, on the tray was an oreo weight gain shake that Vanessa had now upped to a pint, that contained 1850 calories, and gave her 2 of those a day, a plate with 2 massive thick pancakes covered in caramel syrup, cream, biscuit and banana, and on top of that there was 2 filled donuts from Dunkin.

Sienna sat in silence visibly frowning.

"Come on, eat up", said Vanessa.

"NO!!! That's all I've done since I got here, I want some fucking answers, why do you keep forcing me to eat so much, why do you keep making me drink these shakes, why the fuck am I even here???", Sienna finally snapped.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm fattening you up, and it's working", laughed Vanessa.

"It's not working!", Sienna argued angrily.

Vanessa couldn't hold in her laughter, "you're kidding right? You wrestle yourself into your stretchiest clothes everyday, are you really gonna tell me you haven't noticed you are literally bursting out of everything?".

Very deep down Sienna was aware that she was gaining weight, but her arrogance just wouldn't let her see it, she was Sienna Gayle for god sake, she could never get fat, she had put that idea WAYYY at the back of her mind and had just been trying to distract herself as much as possible with the TV, but finally, the walls of her glass house had come smashing down. Almost instantly she became aware of how tight her clothes felt, especially her leggings, she looked down to her body and didn't even recognise it. Sienna's thighs had absolutely exploded, and she had even formed a little starter spare tire along with the deepening of her belly button, "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME", she screamed before trying to rush Vanessa, only problem was she was coming from a seated position and she wasn't quite as agile as she was a month ago, so Vanessa could easily see the attack coming, giving her a hard slap along with a firm push back down onto the bed, and before Sienna could do anything else Vanessa had grabbed the taser, that was holstered behind her back, and zapped it straight into Sienna's neck, shocking her unconscious.


When Sienna woke she was strapped to the steel chair in the room with Vanessa sitting right in front of her, "I tried to get you on this chair myself to begin with, but I ended up needing to get Mike to do it, I probably could've done it month ago but you're just a little too heavy now, would you like to know how heavy you are?".

Sienna stayed silent, looking to the floor.

"150.3 pounds... 5 more pounds and you'll officially be overweight, isn't that exciting Sienna?", Vanessa mocked.

Sienna continued to look at the floor while she fought hard to hold back tears, she didn't want to give Vanessa the satisfaction.

"No? Well I think it's exciting", Vanessa smiled.

"Just tell me why you're doing this to me you sick fuck!", Sienna yelled, trying to keep her voice strong.

"A month here and you still don't recognise me?", Vanessa asked.

Sienna did think she had a familiar face but had given up trying to put it together weeks ago.

"Does the name Mary Turner ring any bells?", Vanessa continued.

The realisation instantly washed over Sienna's face.

"Is it starting to make sense to you now?".

"Wait, all of this is because of that stupid prank I played on you in high school?", Sienna asked.

"You really haven't changed a bit have you, you're really gonna call what you did to me a prank, you exposed me naked to the entire school, which is fucked up regardless, but even worse to do to someone as self conscious as I was...".

Sienna cut in, "but look at you now, you lost all the weight, you probably wouldn't have done that if not for me".

Vanessa laughed, she had to, the nerve of Sienna even while she was strapped to a chair was quite unbelievable, "you might be right, but I guess we'll never know will we, and it doesn't make you any less of a horrible human being for doing it, and the fact you did it right after my mom died too, what you said to me after has been stuck in my head till this day".

"What do you want from me, an apology? Look Mary, I'm sorry for what I did to you. Now how's about you let me go and we just pretend this never happened", Sienna said, genuinely thinking this could be the end of it.

"You're not sorry, but I think you will be when you're fatter than I ever was", Vanessa giggled, "and my name is Vanessa".

"There's no chance of that happening, do you really think there isn't people looking for me, someone is gonna find me any day now and I'll be out of here, I'll lose this little bit of weight I've gained and you'll get to see how it feels to be locked up", Sienna said with a bit of smugness.

"Alright, first off, YOU don't even know where you are, how could anyone else ever find you", Vanessa laughed, "secondly, you have severely underestimated me, do you think this was just spur of the moment thing? Months of planning went into this, as far as anyone knows you got a job on a cruise ship on the Caribbean, l even made a little goodbye post on your insta for you", Vanessa got out her phone to show Sienna.

The post read, 'Today is the start of a new chapter for me, for the next year I'm going to be to be away working with Majestic Cruises, directly on one of their ships touring the Caribbean and I couldn't be more excited! I know this is going to come as a shock to some of my closest friends and family and I'm sorry for keeping this so quiet, I just didn't want to have a big dramatic goodbye with ya'll crying cuz you will miss me so much lol. Just remember I'm only a message away, I love ya'll xxx', and the picture Vanessa had took of her when she first got captured was right there at the bottom, only the greenscreen had been edited to show her standing at the edge of the ship with ocean in the background.

Sienna read it hoping for flaws, but there were none, even she had to admit it actually sounded like her.

"And no one would even question you leaving like that because you're such a cold hearted bitch, a nice fake post for all you're fake friends, and you barely talk to your family anyway so a simple text was a good enough farewell for them", said Vanessa.

"You aren't going to get away with this!", Sienna exclaimed, mainly trying to convince herself.

"But I will, I've got every single microscopic detail covered", Vanessa turned the phone to her again and began to scroll up through the Instagram posts she had made from Sienna's account, the photos were mostly of big lavish meals and sunsets, but mixed in had been some of the photos Vanessa had been taking of Sienna along with some selfies she made her take of herself, which clearly showcased her weight gain with her bikinis looking tighter in every photo, even the close ups of her face flaunted her slightly fuller cheeks.

"Do you see why I make you use the tanning bed now, you can't be working on a cruise and getting paler, especially when I'm gonna be pretty much documenting your weight gain on your Instagram. You know I actually have a girl, working on the cruise you're supposed to be on, that takes all these photos for me so they can legitimately show you being on it, and I have one of the best underground computer guys money can buy editing the photos together, completely flawless and totally untraceable that there has been any edit done. I've also paid off a recruitment officer for the cruise line and some other members of staff that will verify you worked on the cruise if ever questioned, so now that you know how well and truly fucked you are, how's about you just start eating?", smiled Vanessa as she began to cut off a chunk of pancake dripping with cream and syrup.

Sienna kept her mouth tightly shut as Vanessa pushed the fattening forkful against her lips, "EAT!", Vanessa yelled.

"No fucking way!", exclaimed Sienna as she pulled her head to the side.

"We'll see", Vanessa said before zapping the taser into Sienna's arm.

Sienna screamed in pain.

"Eattttt", Vanessa said more slowly and calmly this time.

Sienna hesitated briefly before inevitably caving and opening her mouth while a tear rolled down her cheek, "that's a good girl", smiled Vanessa.

Bite by bite she completely finished off the pancakes, along with the 2 donuts, "wow Sienna, just look at you... Let me help you out, that looks really uncomfortable", Sienna's tiny size 4 leggings, that used to come way up past her bellybutton, were now digging deep into her softening flesh just under it, her size 0 top that had been slightly cropped was now now more like a suffocating sports bra that her fattening breasts were dying to burst out of. Vanessa tugged down the waistband of her stretched completely see through leggings under her growing belly pooch to let it breathe.

"That's better right? You look so stuffed, but I'm sure there's still room in there for your shake", smiled Vanessa as poked Sienna's bloated gut softly, "how's about I finally tell you what's in these shakes you've been drinking, I'm sure you can guess by now what they are, but I'll tell you anyway, this is an oreo shake, obviously, made with heavy cream, ice cream, whole milk, a load of weight gain powder, and some appetite enhancers I've added in there, it's got 1850 calories in it in total, sounds delicious right?".

"Please don't make me", Sienna groaned.

"Don't make me have to persuade you Sienna", said Vanessa as she slowly moved the straw to Sienna's lips.

Defeated, Sienna began to suck on the straw, and her belly swelled more and more with every gulp of the thick creamy shake.

Vanessa left her there, a stuffed mess, and headed through to the camera room, but once she got there and sat down, she noticed a soaking wetness coming from between her legs. Vanessa zoomed in one of the 8k ultra HD cameras on Sienna, and slipped her hand down her panties.

Ever since what Sienna had done to her, Vanessa had thought she was completely broken, nothing seemed to turn her, not guys, not girls, she didn't even think about sex, but now things were starting to make sense. She rubbed her clit slowly, feeling waves of pleasure stronger than anything she'd ever felt, she began to whisper quietly to herself, "look at you Sienna, sitting there like a stuffed Thanksgiving turkey, this most be so embarrassing for you... But trust me this is nothing yet, I'm gonna make you fucking huge".

It turned out there was something out there that turned Vanessa on after all, fattening up and humiliating the girl who traumatised her...


Now that Sienna knew she was there to be fattened up like a prize pig she was becoming desperate, and she felt the shock of the taser with every meal, it always took a zap, sometimes two, before she would eat. In her mind she was still trying to convince herself that she would get rescued soon, she just had to hold out a little longer, but within three days she had given up, she would literally eat every single thing Vanessa gave her eventually anyway, so what was the point in fighting it and getting shocked, all she could do was eat, and just pray to god someone would find her soon.
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4funnow 4 months
This is fantastic-looking forward to more!
GanDEF2044 8 months
Can’t wait to see what’s cooking next ! Good start smiley
Jakitron 8 months
Excellent start!
Chubbysexy07 8 months
Love it, looking forward to more xx
FTMfatty 8 months
My new favorite!
Very much looking forward to the next part.