Vanessa's revenge

Chapter 4

*October 24th, Tuesday*

52 days since capture...

"Breakfast time Sienna", announced Vanessa as she entered the room carrying a calorie packed tray, "what a minute, what do we have here", Vanessa sat the tray on the table and turned her attention to Sienna's pyjama shorts that had fresh big tears up the seams, "another pair of shorts bites the dust", Vanessa giggled.

"Can I please have some new clothes now?", pleaded Sienna, she had just ripped those shorts while she was trying to get them on today, and they were the last pair she had that still had enough stretch for her to cram her fat ass into them, but enough was enough. As of today Sienna weighed in at 173.1lbs, just under 60lbs heavier than when Vanessa captured her, and she had still been wearing the exact same size of clothes, size 2 on her bottom, 0 on her top, but it simply couldn't contain her anymore. She was now undeniably chubby with her belly starting to take a little more of the weight than it had to begin with, her boobs had actually now grown to a decent size, from perky B's to full D's, but it was her thighs and ass that definitely stole the show. Her clothes dug so deep into her flesh it actually hurt, and she couldn't just not wear clothes because she didn't want Vanessa to see her naked, she couldn't even cover in a blanket as it was removed from her room in the morning and brought back in at night so Vanessa could see every inch of her growth.

"Okay okay, I guess I can get you some new clothes, what size should I get you?", Vanessa asked with a mischievous smile.

Sienna knew she had to be about 2 sizes bigger but hesitated in responding due to the embarrassment of needing to ask for a size 4 top and size 8 bottoms, probably a size 4 top... And an 8 on my bottom", she eventually said sheepishly.

"I think I'll get you size 6 tops and a 10 in bottoms, the smaller size would probably last you a day at the rate you've been growing", giggled Vanessa as she squeezed Sienna's soft belly, making her face red with shame and embarrassment. "I've gotta hand it to you though, you really can eat, who'd have ever thought you'd end up becoming such a greedy girl".

"I'm not greedy, you've been spiking me with appetite enhancers for fuck sake, of course it's gonna make me able to eat a lot", Sienna argued.

Vanessa burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?", Sienna asked, with irritation in her tone.

"I haven't been giving you appetite enhancers for over 2 weeks now", Vanessa continued to laugh.

"You're lying!", Sienna snapped.

"Oh but I'm not. The thing that's so funny about it is, since I stopped giving you them you've been eating more!", giggled Vanessa. "Now that's cleared up, back onto the matter of your clothes, I'll get you new ones on one condition, I want you to touch yourself while you eat your breakfast".

"What?!", Sienna asked in a panic.

"You heard me... I want you to PLEASURE yourself... while. you. eat...".

"Please no, I can't", pleaded Sienna.

"What do you mean you can't, of course you can, you enjoy cuming, you enjoy eating, put those together", smiled Vanessa.

"I don't enjoy eating!", Sienna exclaimed.

"Sienna. Come on... Who are you trying to kid here, are you forgetting there's audio cameras all around this room, there's a number of times recently when I've literally heard you moaning with pleasure as you've bit into something", Vanessa laughed.

"No I haven't", argued Sienna.

"Believe me you have, I'm guessing it just slips out occasionally when you eat something amazing, have you really never noticed you do it?".

Sienna ignored her.

"Do you want to know what I think Sienna, I think even since the day you got here a small part of you enjoyed eating the delicious fattening food I've been giving you, after depriving yourself of it your whole life there was definitely some part of you deep down that enjoyed being forced to eat it, but I don't think it's such a small part of you anymore, you have just been straight up enjoying eating recently haven't you!", Vanessa smiled.

"You don't know shit", Sienna wouldn't admit it but Vanessa had pretty much described how she was feeling to a tee, she had been telling herself it was all because of the appetite enhancers making her so hungry, but no, that was all her. Her eyes began to water up as she realised what a pig she'd been.

"Tears won't get you anywhere Sienna, you are doing this", Vanessa said sternly.

"Just fucking kill me!", Sienna yelled as the tears streamed down her fuller cheeks.

"You don't want that", said Vanessa.

"I do, I'd rather die right now than live and get fat!", she screamed.

"Very well Sienna", Vanessa said calmly before leaving the room.

She returned after a few minutes with a syringe filled with water, "this is what you want right?", she said, easily calling Sienna's bluff.

"Wait wait wait!", Sienna said in a panic as she edged back further onto the bed.

"What's wrong? I inject you with this, and this will all be over", Vanessa held the needle closer to Sienna.

"Please don't! I didn't mean it", Sienna cried.

"Are you gonna be a good girl and do every single thing I say?", Vanessa asked as edged the needle a little closer to Sienna's neck.

"Yes! I promise", she screamed as she leaned back as far as she could against the wall to create as much distance between herself and the needle as possible.

"Good, now get to it", Vanessa instructed as she took a step back.

Sienna sat there awkwardly, too embarrassed to just start touching herself right in front of someone.

"If I leave the room would that make things easier for you?", asked Vanessa.

"Yeah", Sienna replied sheepishly.

"If I find out you're faking it you're dead, understand?", Vanessa said sternly.

"I understand", Sienna said nervously as she looked at the floor.

"And don't cum till you've finished eating", Vanessa went straight to the camera room and Sienna slowly began to eat, she wasn't wet at all so she rubbed her clit over her suffocating shorts. She tried to completely forget where she was, closing her eyes as she bit into the thick fluffy pancakes, completely blocking out her surroundings. Within a few minutes she could feel herself getting wet and tried to slip her hand down her shorts, but she was facing problems because of how tight the waistband was. She tried going in the bottom of the shorts but that was no use as they were completely glued to her thighs, it was then she noticed a little hole in the shorts right at her pussy, she put two fingers in the hole and tore it apart to allow room for her to rub herself through it.

As Sienna's big stack of pancakes disappeared into her chubby belly she began to moan gently, but she wasn't the only one moaning, on the other side of the camera Vanessa had been absolutely loving the show, but she was desperately trying to not let herself cum until Sienna did.

All that now remained of the breakfast was some of Sienna's shake, she began to rub herself faster as she gulped down the thick creamy liquid, and Vanessa did the same as she watched on. Almost as soon as the shake was finished Sienna came harder than she she ever had in her life, she couldn't explain, it was like the sweet taste in her mouth just went in sync with the stimulation she was feeling downstairs to create total pleasure. She hated herself for how much she enjoyed it, especially now as she looked down and saw how huge her belly was, she looked to be about a bite away from exploding right out of her shorts.


The next day Sienna tried on her new clothes, fully expecting them to be too big, but she was in for a surprise. The size 10 bottoms fit her perfectly, and the size 6 tops were actually a little tight, "wow Sienna... What's that, 3 sizes you've gone up? I actually thought you were gonna get a little bit of time with those clothes but you will be ripping out of them in a couple of weeks", Vanessa laughed.

Vanessa had Sienna right where she wanted her thanks to the syringe stunt, she had become completely obedient and Vanessa loved every second of it. She continued to gradually increase Sienna's portion size, and made her touch herself at least once a day, to which she did with absolutely no complaints. At first Sienna tried to tell herself didn't enjoy it, but that was a lie, she had pretty much lost all hope of being rescued, so why not try and enjoy it, it would certainly make her days go easier, but although she was beginning to love the eating and pleasuring herself part, she definitely was not enjoying the reality of what it was doing to her body, she tried not to think about it but that was impossible with Vanessa teasing her everyday about how fat she is getting.
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4funnow 4 months
This is fantastic-looking forward to more!
GanDEF2044 8 months
Can’t wait to see what’s cooking next ! Good start smiley
Jakitron 8 months
Excellent start!
Chubbysexy07 8 months
Love it, looking forward to more xx
FTMfatty 8 months
My new favorite!
Very much looking forward to the next part.