Vanessa's revenge

Chapter 5

*December 31st, Sunday*

120 days since capture...

"Hey piggy, you hungry? Silly question, of course you are", Vanessa laughed, "oh my goodness Sienna, these are getting tight already", she said as she pinged the waistband of her size 14 pyjama shorts off her belly causing it to wobble gently.

Sienna's clothes being too tight was a common sight, probably only about 20% of the time she'd actually be wearing something that fit her, she just out grew everything so fast, and Vanessa loved it. Sienna had shot way past being chubby and was now officially a fat girl, with her BMI well into the obese range, her ass was huge and her thighs were now substantially bigger than her waist used to be, her arms were thick with flab and her face had really rounded out despite only having a slight double chin from certain angles. The only positive to her enormous weight gain was how much her breasts had grown, she had gone up 4 cup sizes to an F. As much as she wanted to be happy about her boobs, she couldn't look down at them without her belly catching her eye, it had grown significantly with her thick lower tire now resting heavily on her wide thighs when she sat. Sienna hated how fat she was getting, and the thing she hated the most about it was the stretchmarks, her lower belly was riddled with them, they were all over her thighs and her hips, her ass and breasts, and even had them on her arms. The reason she hated the stretchmarks the most was because she knew she had them for life now, even after she got out of here and lost the weight, the stretchmarks would remain, her overeating had scarred her for life.

"I think you are gonna enjoy tonight", smiled Vanessa.

"I doubt it", Sienna huffed.

"You won't be saying that when you see what you get to eat. It should be here in about an hour so just bare with me, in the mean time, I want you to get yourself done up real nice tonight, it's new year's eve after all, and put this on", Vanessa said as she tossed an outfit to Sienna.


Vanessa returned just over an hour later, carrying a stack of boxes she could barely see over, she dropped the stack on the table and turned her attention to Sienna, "wowww, don't you look nice".

Sienna genuinely did look beautiful, she had straightened her long dark brown hair and it had a nice shine to it, her light green eyes sparkled against her tanned skin and her lips looked as plump as ever. Although she looked beautiful, there was no doubt she looked fat, and the outfit Vanessa had given her really amplified that. She was wearing a tight fitting stretchy silver skirt in a size 14, that came up just past her belly button and covered about 3 quarters of her thighs with a matching tube top in a size 12 that showed a lot of cleavage and a good few inches of her plump upper belly.

"Now, let me show you what I've got for you", Vanessa smiled. She lay all the boxes out on the bed and opened the lids to display the contents. There was 2 large stuffed crust pizza's, 1 bbq meatfeast, the other was pepperoni, 2 boxes were filled with chicken tenders, there was a large box of nachos, 2 boxes of mozzarella sticks, and finally a box of 12 Krispy Kreme filled donuts. The whole lot totalled around 14,000 calories, which was considerably more than Sienna had ever eaten in a single sitting.

"You want me to eat everything?", Sienna asked sheepishly.

"Yes, but don't worry I'm going to help you. I'll be back in a couple of minutes but you can start eating now", Vanessa said while keying in the pass code to leave the room.

Sienna's heart sank as she looked at the quite frankly ridiculous amount of food in front of her, but the feeling only lasted momentarily, she breathed in the delicious aroma surrounding her, and she couldn't deny that it smelled absolutely incredible, she quickly picked up a slice of pizza and began eating immediately, moaning with pleasure as the flavour hit her mouth.


By the time Vanessa returned Sienna was already finishing off her 3rd slice, "I'm glad to see you aren't messing around", Vanessa giggled.

Sienna froze when she looked up at Vanessa upon noticing the jug she was holding, "what? You though just because you're eating so much food you'd get a pass from your evening shake", Vanessa laughed.

Truthfully, Sienna was actually happy to see Vanessa had still made one for her, she had gotten to the point where she felt she needed to drink one after every meal, it was like a perfect sweet ending.

"You might have noticed I've filled it a little more than I usually do, I'm upping you to a 2 pint shake now from a 1.5, this ones got about 3500 calories in it", Vanessa smiled deviously.

As much as Sienna loved the shakes, hearing how many calories was in it was sickening, 3500 calories is more than she used to eat in 3 days, and now she was about to consume that from one shake alone, not even counting the enormous feast surrounding her, she tried not to even think about the total calories of it all.

"What did you mean before you left, when you said you would help me?", asked Sienna.

"Don't worry piggy I'm not going to eat any of your food if that's what you're getting at, I meant I'm gonna feed you, now open up", said Vanessa as she directed a huge slice of pizza straight towards Sienna's mouth.


"Just one more bite to go and the last little sip of your shake", said Vanessa, dangling the last piece of donut in front of Sienna.

Sienna looked dazed from amount of food she had rammed into her gut, she lazily opened her mouth and began to chew slowly as Vanessa popped the donut into her mouth.

"And now your shake", said Vanessa putting the straw between Sienna's lips.

"Wow piggy, I can't believe you finished everything, are you proud of yourself?", Vanessa asked.

Sienna just closed her eyes and continued to breathe heavily, utterly exhausted from how stuffed she was.

"I have no idea how your outfit is still intact either, like seriously, hats off to the manufacturer because that's some durable material, look at how much it's cutting into your fat", Vanessa giggled.

"Can I... huffff... take it off... huffff... it hurts", Sienna groaned.

It really wasn't surprising that it hurt, it certainly looked like it did.

"You can in a minute, but first it's photo time, you need your New Years Eve pic for the gram of course", Vanessa grinned mischievously.

Sienna was too stuffed and in too much pain to even really process what Vanessa had just said, she kept her eyes closed and didn't even notice Mike coming into the room to drop off a fancy lounge chair in front of the green screen.

"Sit in the chair", Vanessa instructed.

"Huh?", Sienna uttered sleepily.

Vanessa grabbed Sienna by her soft shoulders, "listen fatty, the quicker you get up and into that chair and pose for a nice picture, the quicker your fat belly can breathe and you can go to sleep", she said, giving Sienna a shake once she finished.

This had finally snapped her back to life a little and with Vanessa's help she heaved herself off the bed and onto the chair.

"Alright, are you ready?", Vanessa asked as she aimed the camera.

Sienna adjusted her position and put one arm across her belly to try and hide it a little.

"No trying to cover your belly", Vanessa said sternly.

Sienna sighed and began to reposition herself again, attempting not to slouch and to suck in her belly. She felt she had done a pretty good job of making her body look as aesthetically pleasing as possible, but if she'd bothered to look down at it she would have realised how far off she was.

"Perfect!", smiled Vanessa after taking a bunch, "do you wanna see them?".

"Uhmm... Okay", Sienna replied nervously.

Vanessa turned the phone to her and once Sienna saw the photo her heart almost stopped, the fabric of her outfit had been sucked into every single fold, moulded tightly around every roll looking like like a second skin. The centre piece of the photo was definitely Sienna's lower tire, which was WAYYYY thicker than she had realised, then there was her upper belly that was poking out several inches over her waistband thanks to it being the only part of her belly that wasn't constricted and could expand to it's true size. Her fattened breasts looked ready to burst her top, her thighs looked absolutely huge and the camera had even managed to pick up the stretchmarks on the inside of her knees and her upper belly.

"Probably doesn't even feel like it's you in the photo does it, but it is, that's allllllllllll you", Vanessa said softly as she traced her fingers over Sienna's swollen upper belly, "now let's get you out of those clothes, arms up".

Sienna did as she was told and Vanessa wrestled the top up off her causing her breasts to bounce heavily.

"Stand up", Vanessa instructed.

Sienna got to her feet, barely, and Vanessa began to tug the skirt down over her wide hips. Getting the skirt down past Sienna's ass was quite the challenge, but once it had passed her mountain of a rear it was plain sailing.

Sienna plopped her fat naked ass down on the bed and Sienna couldn't help but just look on in awe, the amount of fat she had piled onto her frame in such a short time was quite frankly remarkable.

"You aren't going to post those pictures are you?", Sienna asked with some worry in her voice.

"Of course I am, why, what's wrong with them?", Vanessa asked slyly.

"I look fat in them", Sienna said sheepishly.

"Do you know why that is Sienna?", asked Vanessa as she sat down next to her on the bed, "because you are fat, I mean look at yourself, seriously, take a look!".

Sienna looked down at her body, completely ashamed of what she saw, she could have passed for a fat pregnant girl with how bloated she was.

Vanessa grabbed Sienna's belly and and jiggled it violently, causing Sienna to moan in pain, "oh shit, I'm sorry piggy, I forgot you'd just eaten enough to feed 30 people for a second there. Here, lay back in bed".

Sienna did as she was told and Vanessa began to rub her belly gently in circular motions, "there, that's better isn't it".

"Mhhmmm", Sienna replied softly.

Sienna passed out into a food coma in a matter of minutes, but that didn't stop Vanessa, she couldn't get enough of Sienna's soft body, she continued to rub and gently squeeze her belly for the next hour our so, watching as it inflated and deflated with each breath, it truly fascinated her.

Once she eventually managed to pull herself away she went straight onto Sienna's phone to post one of the pictures she had taken of her, with a simple caption, 'New Years Eve x', she pressed post and went right to sleep.
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4funnow 4 months
This is fantastic-looking forward to more!
GanDEF2044 8 months
Can’t wait to see what’s cooking next ! Good start smiley
Jakitron 8 months
Excellent start!
Chubbysexy07 8 months
Love it, looking forward to more xx
FTMfatty 8 months
My new favorite!
Very much looking forward to the next part.