Katrina's costume collection

Chapter 13 - The Doughnuts Part 1

Madison pounced at the table. Her entire body jiggled as she slammed against it, nearly sending some of the more precariously balanced snack trays flying. And her wild eyes were wide with hunger as she clawed at the doughnuts.

Haunched over the table, with her elbows pressing against cookie crumbs, Madison couldn’t help herself. She was like a ravenous animal. No longer willing to stand up straight and wait the extra time it took to take the doughnuts from the box and bring them up to her mouth, Madison was now directly over the box so she could shove the doughnuts into her mouth as quickly as possible.

The sound of her eating was audible to the people walking by, but the sound of their laughter was drowned out by Madison’s singular focus. She. Needed. More. Doughnuts. Their siren song was irresistible. Their texture was perfect. The flavor, to die for- to kill for!

God help anyone who tried to get to that snack table. These were doughnuts worth murdering over, and if anyone tried to get in Madison’s way the only thing that could have saved them from their own destruction would be the fact that Madison would have been too distracted by the constant stream of doughnuts that she was so busy inhaling to complete the dark and deadly deed. But someone would have at least walked away with a sharp elbow to some soon to be broken ribs or maybe even a concussion. There was no getting between Madison and her snacks!

Luckily, those who were cognizant of the show that was going on in front of them were smart enough to either ignore it or sit back and enjoy it.

As she shoveled doughnut after doughnut into her mouth, her body fell into a rhythm and leaned into its desires and instincts until it became the optimal doughnut eating system.

With her right hand she would stuff a doughnut into her mouth. Inevitably, that doughnut would fall apart as, even with her mouth doing its best impression of an unhinged anaconda, Madison wasn’t physically capable of fitting an entire doughnut into her mouth at once. Instead, her left hand would collect the inevitable doughnut chunks and shove them into her mouth while her right hand selected its next deep fried delight.

She was an efficient eating machine whose output was pure gluttony.

Even her breathing was cooperative as every part of her body worked at its peak to consume as many doughnuts as quickly as possible. Madison had never been a practiced singer before, and yet, she had somehow picked up a knack for circular breathing. Her feasting was only ever interrupted by a few tell tale snorts.

This was to say nothing of the greatest contributor to her gormandizing.

Her stomach.
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 months , updated 8 months
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