Katrina's costume collection

Chapter 15 - The Confrontation Part 1

As Madison threw down the box and pulled herself away from the table, she felt like she was moving further backward than she intended. Just like everything else, even her movement was out of control. As the curse of the costume bound her to binging, so did she now feel herself bound by her body to gravity and physics. The weight she had put on was all swinging in the same direction and pulling her with it. This stumbling had the effect of pulling her further into the center of the room while, at the same time, drawing even more eyes to her chubby crumb and sugar covered form.

And those eyes were hungry.

But they were not hungry for the reasons that Madison was used to. These were not stares of jealousy, lust or admiration. They were stares of bemusement, amusement, and derision. They were bad stares.

Madison looked down and found that her gut had indeed grown bigger than ever. Her chubby fingers cradled an impressive pot belly that threatened to burst out of her tight costume, especially through the eyes and mouth of the jack-o-lantern face where the black fabric was thinner. Without taking into account the reactions of others, Madison couldn’t help herself and heaved her blubber up and down several times. It was a sensation that was incredibly alien, and yet she could not deny that this was indeed her.

She could not deny that the laughter that was happening was being hurled in her direction either.

“Damn girl, you really let yourself go.”

Madison turned around to see Rachel approaching with a big grin on her face. She could see Rachel’s finger beginning to reach toward her pudge. On instinct, she tried to recoil backward, but her back fat was soon pressed against the snack table, and Rachel’s accusatory finger found itself sinking into Madison’s plush pot belly.

“I think this outfit fit better quite a few pounds ago,” Rachel sneered as she dug her finger deeper into Madison’s blubbery belly.

“Ow!” Madison swat Rachel’s hand away, but Rachel’s reaction was simply to reach forward with her other hand and catch one of Madison’s love handles, an action that caused a cheer from the crowd.

“Look at that! I can pinch an inch!”

The chubbette had never felt so deeply vulnerable in her entire life. This was an outrage! And yet… she felt completely powerless to stop Rachel from doing exactly what she wanted.

“P-please,” she whimpered.

“Please just leave me alone.”

But Rachel’s response was a simple but damning shake of her head.

“Oh, Madison. We are so far from done with you.”

Madison tried to squirm away, but Rachel wouldn’t let her. She kept her thrust up against the snack table. One hand squeezed Madison’s gut with a steady pulsing rhythm while Rachel walked the fingers of her other hand up Madison’s chest.

“What’s the matter Madison? Can’t handle a little scrutiny? I remember you had quite the critical eye when you ran this place. And now the gaze comes back around to you, chubs.”

Rachel leaned forward, pressed her entire body up against Madison’s flab, and whispered into her ear.

“You deserve this.”

She pulled Madison into the center of the room and gave the tubby girl a twirl.

“Check out this chub, everyone!”

Madison spun around and felt her flabby thighs clap together as everyone else followed along and chimed in with mock applause.

“You’ve got some real nerve trying to strut in here and act like you still own the place with your frizzy orange hair, your fat ass, and your cheap dimestore orange tan. Course, you can’t really do much strutting with those thunder thighs, can you?”

Madison was aghast as tears began to well up in her eyes.

“I-I’m sorry.”

“Too late for apologies. You wanted to torment others, you wanted to lord over everyone with your figure. Well you’ve got a pretty fat figure now, so let’s show it off! What do you want to check out next, folks?”

Rachel bent Madison over and gave her butt a loud smack. The crowd recoiled with an audible “OOF!” and then went right back into waves of laughter as they watched Rachel give a few more spanks. Each one caused Madison’s chubby cellulite covered cheeks to bounce.

“There’s the ass that used to turn heads now the ass of someone who doesn’t turn down seconds! And look at those hips. Girl, the way you eat, they’re going to get so wide you’ll be needing to crisco yourself through doorways. I’d say you’d need to go through sideways, but I think we can all tell how big that gut of yours is going to get.”

The new president of Alpha Zeta Zeta put her hand on the former president’s formerly flat tummy and began to wobble it around as she teased her.

“Come on. Admit it… fatty.”

Fat as she was, covered in crumbs and by an outfit that was threatening to burst at the seams, Madison still refused to give in as she held onto what was left of her pride.

But the poking… the pinching… the jiggling. All of this continued paired with Rachel’s humiliating dare.

“Admit. It. FATTY.”

“Fatty! Fatty! Fatty!” chanted the raucous crowd. Rachel’s cruelty mixed with the sweet schadenfreude of seeing Madison reduced to this state had whipped them into a frenzy.


Rachel knew she had the crowd in the palm of her hand and Madison right where she wanted her, and she wasn’t going to let go.

“Admit it.”
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 months , updated 7 months
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