Katrina's costume collection

Chapter 7 - A Transformation Begins

Madison had always loved the smell, the taste. That was why she bought it every year- that and the traditional social media branding. But now it felt like she was smelling the latte for the first time, and it was incredible. She clawed at the latte and sucked on the straw. And sucked. And sucked.

Mathilde tapped her foot and sighed.

“That will be the price that must be paid… and also sixty bucks.”

With one hand still clenched around the latte as Madison continued to suck it down, she reached into her purse and pulled out her card. As she handed it over to Mathilde, she heard the disappointing gasp of the last bit of liquid being pulled from the ice. She shook the remains of her beverage, took one last desperate drag and then slammed it on the counter.

“Thank you.” she said as she took her card back and sauntered back to the changing booth.

Mathilde groaned and grabbed the small garbage bin to throw out the-

Wait. Up until a few moments okay this had been a mostly full beverage leaving an annoying water ring on her counter. But now… now it was completely empty. Sucked. Down. Mathilde’s lips curled into a genuine smile as she caught the last whiff of the pumpkin spice as she dropped the cup in trash.

“Someone’s going to have an interesting night.”

And although Mathilde knew she wasn’t going to be able to be there, she purred at the knowledge she would enjoy imagining it all. Maybe it was a good time to head to the food court and get herself a pumpkin spiced latte and then find a dark quiet place and…

“Gwen! I’m gonna take my break!”

Mathilde waddled out from behind the counter and toward the food court with her mind already running wild. Yes. This was going to be everything her job had promised. She just went about thinking of it the wrong way before. It wasn’t about instant gratification. This was going to be so much sweeter, not just instant blubber and her to squeeze it. There would be binging! And laughter! And maybe even a ripping costume! Blubber would bulge!

The thud of the glass wall momentarily broke Mathilde’s trance and she shook her head and looked back to be sure that Gwen wasn’t looking. Saved from her own embarrassment, Mathilde went back to fantasizing about Madison's evening and her embarrassment to come.

Of course, it wouldn’t be imaginary for Madison. For her it would be humiliatingly real. And Mathilde was right.

It would be an interesting night.
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 months , updated 8 months
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