Katrina's costume collection

Chapter 8 - Let's Get the Party Started

The party was quite the affair, as it always was. The Alpha Zeta Zeta Halloween Party was a huge deal on campus, and it was tradition for important recent alumni like Madison to make an appearance.

Last year, Madison had organized and run the perfect party as sorority president, and she was eager to see what her former little, and current president, Rachel would throw. She was certain it would be a divine party with just the perfect amount of flaws to peck at later. After all, Rachel was a friend, but she still needed to know that she had impossible shoes to fill.

“Rachel!” Madison shouted shrilly as soon as she entered the crowded room. All nearby eyes turned toward her, and Rachel set down her candy bowl to bee-line toward her friend. (Which was fitting as a sexy bumblebee was her choice of costume for the evening.)

“Madison! You look stunning,” said Rachel as she kissed Madison’s cheek and ass at the same time.

“I know,” said Madison through an easy smile and with a well practiced hair flip.

“So… glad you could make it,” was Rachel’s response as Madison’s signature hair flip was already putting her on the back foot. She was quickly and quietly becoming afraid that this would be a long night.

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” claimed Madison with a twitch of her cheek before finally returning Rachel’s initial welcome kiss.

Madison looked Rachel’s costume up and down. It was a mini-dress with yellow and black stripes and complete with wings, stinger, and adorable wiggly antennae headband. Rachel had paired this with black tights whose plainness stood out next to Madison’s fishnets.

“Have you gained weight or are you pregnant?”

“What?!?” Rachel nearly fell over at the accusation.

“Bumblebee costume.” Madison pointed her finger at Rachel’s midsection and pursed her lips.

“Perfect for hiding figure flaws.”

Rachel’s face grew beet red.

“It’s just a cute costume, Madison,” scoffed Rachel, which did nothing but garner a curt laugh from the former A.Z.Z president who clearly still felt like she had the run of this place. Rachel had no idea how Madison had been able to keep her figure so perfectly in check while under the stress of being sorority president. She wished for just a moment that she could watch Madison break.

Yes. That would be sweet, to see a fat and sloppy Madison upended by her own greed and gluttony. She longed for the chance to see Madison subjected to the same cruel stares and comments she had thrown at others. With eyes closed for just a single blink of a moment, she pictured a bloated Madison stuffed into her sexy pumpkin costume and stuffing her face.

Madison, for her part, was satisfied that she had made her desired impression and properly reminded Rachel of her place, so she decided to let her off the hook… for now.

“Sure. Bumblebee. Fitting. You always did know how to sting.”

“I learned from the best,” responded Rachel. And now it was her turn at a cheek twitch.

The two laughed together, happy with their mutually perceived cleverness, and completely oblivious to the fact that bumblebees are the one species of bee that do not sting.

“Now let’s see how the rest of this party is shaking out.”
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 months , updated 8 months
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