Katrina's costume collection

Chapter 9 - Let's Get This Party Started part 2

Madison had Rachel lead her further into the party and let her watchful gaze peruse the party guests. The gentlemen were fine if boorish as always. It was the ladies that Madison was truly concerned about. Her legacy was this sorority and she had to make sure it was staying in shape.

Speaking of shape, Madison was less than happy with the quality of freshmen recruits she was seeing. Girls she did not recognize were certainly carrying a few more pounds than she ever would have allowed into the sorority. AZZs with tight asses. That was the vision she subscribed to and had fought to uphold. PC culture be damned, she would need to have a long conversation with Rachel later about maintaining standards.

Madison saw a particularly wide girl waddle past her carrying a box of something. Madison glared at her wide-load ass crammed into a costume that may as well have been a sexy land whale. But the box…. There was a scent coming from the box that Madison couldn’t deny enjoying a temptation to-

No! No temptations. No room for error. Madison could never let herself become anything like the fat girl with the box. Diets and control were for winners. Giving into temptation was for losers.

And yet… it seemed like the universe, and more specifically Rachel was pulling her in that direction.

“And here’s the snack table!” Rachel pointed out with glee.

“We moved to more of a potluck model this year. We really feel like that makes for great community building.”

Madison inspected the snack table. Pretzels, chips, candy, cupcakes, pumpkin spiced cookies and more.

“Now I understand the bumblebee costume,” Madison scoffed as she pulled Rachel away from the snack table.

“People really like it.”

“Too much.”

Rachel chose to ignore the comment and instead focused on moving like a non-stop train right through all the plans she had for the year, the initiatives she had already started as well as the ones she was most excited about. And Madison did her best to keep up with the now one sided conversation as Rachel droned on and on.

But just the thought of those pumpkin spice cookies were enough to turn her eyes back toward the table.

Madison unconsciously rubbed her lower lip with her tongue. Maybe it was just her imagination but she could swear she could catch the scent of those cookies tickling her nostrils even from across the room. The sweet scent of cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves called out to her, drawing her like a moth to a flame.

“Excuse me.”
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 months , updated 8 months
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