Katrina's costume collection

Chapter 10 - The Cookies Part 1

She was powerless to resist the siren call of the cookies and had to fight herself to avoid making a scene by breaking into a run toward them. Instead she maintained her cool and slinked past a few would-be conversationalists and sauntered up to the table. As she stared down at the delightful temptations, her tongue swirled around her lips and removed the last of her lip gloss. Madison looked over her shoulder as her slender fingers slowly walked along the edge of the table and danced up to the tray piled high with cookies.

“Just one,” thought Madison as her nimble fingers climbed up onto one of the cookies. Her heart fluttered as she felt the cinnamon sugar crystals pressed against her finger tips.

Hand and head worked in tandem as Madison snatched up the cookie and whipped her head around at the same time to make the transition into her eager mouth seamless. The whole cookie was down into two bites leaving no time for witnesses and no trace save for a few crumbs that had fallen to the table. The rest of the cookie coated Madison’s tongue with cinnamon and nutmeg and cloves as it slid past and down her throat.

She tried to walk away. She really did. She tried to remind herself that diets are for winners, that only naughty girls sneak snacks, and that too many desserts is a problem for porkers. She couldn’t let herself act like a chubby chick. And yet…. She couldn’t stop thinking about that pumpkin spice cookie.

A moan worked its way up her throat in response, and Madison found that the best way to stop herself from vocalizing her pleasure was to plug up her mouth with another cookie. Two! Two just to be safe. These went into her mouth with equal speed but far less grace than the first one. The crumbs smashed against her lips and cascaded downward landing mostly on the table with a few stragglers hanging onto her cleavage.

“Just one or two more and then I’ll-“

It seemed to Madison like she must have blacked out for a moment because before she finished the thought she looked down to see her hands sticky with cinnamon sugar and other spices and a major dent had been made in the plate of cookies.

“Ummm…. Madison?” It was her friend Rachel whose eyes were wide with concern.

And a hint of glee.
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 months , updated 8 months
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