Her humiliation

Chapter 2

Turned out we had a class together, Macroeconomics, that first semester. Cam had missed our first class of the semester, arriving on campus a week late, but when I saw her enter the classroom, my heart skipped a beat. By some magical grace from the heavens, she saw me and smiled in that infectious way I'd witnessed when I first met her.

Eternally grateful that she remembered me from the bar, Cam sat next to me that Monday morning in the second week of class and never left the seat next to me until our very last class. In time, I came to find out that Cam was an adorable girl with a sweet personality. Once we'd gotten more comfortable with each other, We'd often joke around and chat whenever we got a chance. She was a fun person to sit with.

Yet, when we weren't talking in class, we were callously going through the lectures and discussions around macroeconomics. Even though the material was drier than a box of crackers, It was easy enough for me to pay attention to. I noticed, Not so much for Cam. Usually, when the coursework got thick, I'd catch Cam daydreaming, her head far off somewhere else, but I made sure to share my notes with her when she had these mental lapses.

Weirdly, Cam was always looking out the window, past the human butterball in our Macroeconomics class, Alana Lexington. It was a shame that the eyesore of a girl obscured Cam's view of the campus outside the window.

Alana was objectively pretty gross. A lame brunette ponytail tied up showcased her beefy face in all its unattractive unglory. Maybe some would argue that her facial structure was decent enough that she'd actually be pretty if she wasn't so fat, but I wasn't convinced. Pretty or not, fat faces and double chins made anyone who had them an instant uggo. Even if some 'body positivity' fad enthusiast had managed to convince me that Alana was pretty (for a fat girl), the rest of this girl was a trainwreck.

One of Alana's defining character traits was that she'd always bring a snack to class. I'm sorry, but that kind of behavior made me have no sympathy for the size of her overly obese frame (that was obviously all her fault). If I had to guess, I had Alana pegged at around 270 pounds, which was grotesquely huge for a Freshman girl. Honestly, in my opinion, 270ish pounds was blob-sized for anyone of any age or gender, but it felt incredibly pathetic to see someone so young allow themselves to be that big. The blobette was big all over, belly, butt, thighs, hips, with boobs that were honestly nothing to write home about. With the way the fat sat on her, her boobs, though ample, just seemed to be lacking in comparison to the rest of her, which was probably a shame for someone who seemed to have nothing else going for her.

Even Alana's outfits were atrocious and offensive. The worst of them all was a baby blue zip-up hoodie and rose-pink yoga pants combo she wore to class at least once a week. Barf. I couldn't look away fast enough whenever I saw the hippo waddling into class with her meaty and wide pig ass. Even the chairs in our class could barely contain fatas*, as her butt disgustingly splayed over the sides. From day one, Alana was a hideous monstrosity, and I was lucky to have someone as beautiful as Cam in that class to serve as eye bleach.

It's not that I hate fat people, but when I see someone who is overweight, not covering up their body, and eating a lot of food, it usually rubs me the wrong way. Alana rubbed me the wrong way big time. Girls like Alana should've been ashamed of how little effort they put into their appearance. I couldn't fathom how someone that big wasn't busting their ass in the gym and starving themselves to improve their well below-par situation. Anyone in a fixable condition like Alana's didn't deserve my sympathy.

Contrasting my somewhat contemptible intrusive thoughts was Cam. To Cam's core, she was friendly and kind to everyone. One of the many things I really liked about her. Even in the case of Alana, Cam always waved politely to that pitiful charity case, hidden away in her corner across the room from where Cam and I sat. The first few times, I was taken aback as to why Cam would even bother being nice to someone like that, but I slowly got used to it and eventually found that daily little wave endearing, watching Cam be so considerate each class. Cam was so sweet to everyone, especially to those who didn't seem to have a lot of friends. Sure, maybe it was surface value, and Cam wasn't offering any real friendship to a girl like Alana, but it was a gesture that seemed to make Alana smile.

As for myself, I couldn't say I was naturally as nice to Alana. The big girl had seen me outside class a few times, giving me a smile and wave, probably because she remembered I sat next to Cam. The first time Alana waved at me outside of class, I nodded back and smiled but regretted the fuck out of doing that. Mainly because she actually tried to come up and talk to me on a second separate occasion, as if we knew each other. Since I was with some of my friends, I appropriately ignored her, but it wasn't like Alana and I were friends, so I didn't owe the tub of lard anything other than diet advice.

Luckily, even though being a bit standoffish with Alana seemed to upset her, it made the fatty understand that talking to me again like that wasn't going to happen. If Alana had kept doing it, I would have blatantly told her off, given she'd given my friends at least a week of material to heckle me with. The worst joke my friends played on me after the Alana incident was putting a comically oversized pair of panties they'd bought from Spencer's joke shop in my bed. Yeah, it was hilarious, but I was glad when my buddies got bored of that bit.

If dealing with that was terrible enough, cringingly enough, one day, a few weeks into the first semester, Cam told me she had heard Alana had a crush on me. Fucking embarrassing. It was uncomfortable enough for a girl like that to think she had a shot with me, but getting that news from someone I had a crush on was soul-crushing. I laughed it off, and luckily, Cam laughed about it too. No part of me wanted Cam to believe that my standards would ever be that bottom-of-the-barrel low. My eyes were on much more beautiful women like Cam.

Out of the blue, one day in class, Cam invited me to a Halloween party at a sorority where one of her friends was pledged. Though I'd seen Cam out at a party or two, we didn't often spend time with each other outside of class. Sure, we'd hung out in the library a few times, and she'd gotten lunch with me after class sometimes as well, but something about this invitation felt different. It was nonchalantly brought up, but I could sense behind Cam's casual invitation she wanted me to go. Obviously, I accepted. Obviously, I was excited.

The night of the party, I arrived dressed as a 'sexy vampire,' spending all of 15 bucks on my costume, complete with fake fangs and a cape. It was the best a college kid could do on short notice. Yet, in all honesty, I spent way more time than usual making sure my hair looked good that night, secretly hoping that it would be the night I could move my friendship with Cam into something more.

By the time I showed up a bit late to the party, no part of me was prepared to see what Cam was dressed as. Cam always dressed in a somewhat reserved way, not showing off too much skin and leaving plenty to the imagination. Yet that night and that only, I witnessed more of Cam than I'd ever seen. She'd gotten the memo that it was okay to dress like a slut on Halloween. Wearing only a pink corset bodysuit, Cam was showing off the entirety of her amazing legs and generous chest. The way her butt looked, cheeks more or less exposed from the bodysuit, with pink nylons going to the tops of her thighs, I felt like I'd never seen a better-shaped ass in my life. As she turned, I noticed that she'd accessorized with a cute little cotton tail, pink bunny ears, a collar, and cuffs. I knew instantly that she'd gone the route of the playboy bunny, and not a single part of me disapproved. It was a version of Cam I'd add to my proverbial spank bank for years to come.

I still remember the excitement in her voice when she saw me, saying, "You made it!" And running over to me. When she got to me, Cam threw her arms around me, giggling, and I was in absolute heaven. The scent of cinnamon from the fireball whiskey shot she'd thrown back earlier was on her breath. It was then that I knew Cam was already pretty drunk. She was never this bubbly or affectionate, and part of me really liked it. Any contact or attention I got from her was a drug. Yet, most of all, the feeling of her ridiculously hot body against mine was beyond words.

Cam's breasts pushed into me, her perfume invaded my nose, and her pelvis was so suggestively close to mine. She was warm, and the way her hands rested on my back brought me more comfort than any embrace I'd ever experienced. I would've stayed in the hug forever, but I awkwardly pulled away once I started getting a boner. I'd hoped she hadn't noticed.

She hung out with me after that for a while, showing me where the drinks were, introducing me to her friends, and we even danced together for a song or two. There were moments when I wanted to say something more to Cam, to let her know how I felt. As I got more buzzed, there were times when she looked at me, right into my eyes with those beautiful green eyes of hers. Every part of me wanted to lean in and kiss her, wondering if that was what she wanted. Unfortunately, like the coward that I was back then, I didn't push my luck. Yet despite that, the euphoria of getting so much of Cam's time led to one of the best nights of my life. Until it wasn't.

At a certain point in the night, I lost sight of Cam. I spent 20 minutes going through the sorority house party, tracking down my missing muse. When I eventually found her, I was crestfallen. Some giant muscly man had Cam pinned against a wall in one of the house's back hallways and was aggressively making out with her, like the vampire I was dressed as. I'd later find out that the man was a football player named Drake Callender (who I'll get to later).

I never summoned the courage to ask Camryn out when we shared that economics class together Freshman year. Even though I thought I was decent-looking, I still felt like a girl like her was out of my league. The guys hitting on Cam at the beginning of the year were all jocks and upperclassmen more popular than me. Even with my inside track to Cam that I'd developed, I couldn't compete. Sadly enough, I soon found out Cam was dating a guy on the football team the week after they hooked up at the Halloween party, so I knew my chances were shot. To this day, I still remember feeling my stomach sink, hearing that someone else had ensnared Cam. Yet, even with a boyfriend, Cam continued to sit next to me in that economics class, and that felt like at least something.
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ConJohn 7 months
Thanks for taking the time to read this ponderous cookie cutter trash, haha.
TheGreatFatsby 7 months
Are you smoking crack dude. This man is the master of establishing backstory. I log in several times a day to see if he has updated. Dude is a fucking absolute legend. Now write faster lol!
ConJohn 7 months
4funnow 7 months
The build up has begun and the kink runs deep
ConJohn 7 months
It’s going to go somewhere fun
Arch329 7 months
Very interesting story. It has been a while since I checked this site out. Nice surprise to come across something this well put together.There is a lot that you will able to unravel. Big pretzel queue
ConJohn 7 months
Appreciated. We’re about to hit that unraveling in the final few chapters
Silentgrizzly 7 months
I used to be alot like him when i was younger.Just because i was afraid of what others would think.I liked big ladies, but instead of talking nice to them; I treated them like this guy is doing.
ConJohn 7 months
People are always capable of changing for the better. We all have our paths to get there. Thanks for reading! Appreciate the kind words
Silentgrizzly 7 months
Actually 1 of the most realistic stories on here.
This 1 ain't about just being erotic it's got a good message in my honest opinion.It also is like watching 1 of those romantic movies on tv.
Jazzman 7 months
The protagonist is hard to like. And that is a delightful twist and different from the majority of stories. This is one of your best. High praise when you have so many great stories.
4funnow 7 months
ConJohn 7 months
Thank you! Yeah, this protagonist is intentionally unlikable, a product of his environment. Though perspectives and prejudices can be changed. I think it's easy to predict that I enjoy character arcs.
Tonyperkis 7 months
Love the Blue Lock reference, GOAT manga and anime
ConJohn 7 months
Nice! Wasn't sure if anyone would pick up on it. I don't read a lot of manga, but Blue Lock slaps.
4funnow 7 months
For my sake - what is the reference
4funnow 7 months
Enjoying the dynamics
ConJohn 8 months
Thank you 😊
4funnow 8 months
The way you paint a scene is priceless “machiavellian way” a perfect brush stroke
ConJohn 8 months
Appreciate that!