Her humiliation

Chapter 12

After sitting in silence for a moment, I sat there listening to the rain get heavier outside, aggressively pelting the window as the wind picked up. Meanwhile, Cam sat on the couch, exhaling under strain, trying to digest the four burgers she'd overindulged in. When a few moments had passed, Cam's eyes shot open excitedly before she began to hoist herself slowly to her feet gracelessly. "Oh, let's go to the kitchen. I've got something that would go perfectly post-dinner."

Upon standing up, the generous part of Cam's lower belly that was hanging out the bottom of her shirt disgustingly wobbled from side to side a few times on its own, like a gelatinous dessert. With a heavy exhale, Cam gave a token tug at her top that didn't budge the fabric whatsoever, something that Cam didn't even notice or care about. Over the course of eating four burgers, it looked as if Cam the landwhale's top, had ridden up at least another inch or two, now exposing the slightest sliver of her navel, which was so plainly evident that I had to look elsewhere.

Giving my head a shake of abject disappointment, I tried to push the vision of morbidly obese Cam doing pitiful things out of my head. Watching her eat four entire hamburgers in front of me had been painful enough.

All I could do was sit there while Cam focused too much effort on catching her breath. Was she really so out of shape that standing up was a workout for her? When Cam didn't sound like she was borderline hyperventilating, she looked at me, seemingly expecting me to get up and follow her to the kitchen. Biting, I decided to follow suit and stood up from my chair with contrasting ease. Honestly, whatever this post-dinner thing was that Cam had to offer didn't interest me in the slightest. "Uh, sure... but I'm pretty set, though, so.."

But Cam was already waddling her way across the room to the kitchen like a heat-seeking missile. I could already see that her brain was laser-focused on whatever it was she was trying to get. Since I'd come from a party earlier and my buzz was thoroughly waning, I was discreetly hoping this 'post-dinner' thing was some Molly, Adderall, or a bump of coke. I typically wasn't that into drugs on their own, but when I went out on the weekends, I was usually down for anything, and my buzz was currently coming down. To my great disappointment, after entering the kitchen with Cam, she unsurprisingly opened up the fridge and slowly bent her elephantine figure into the cold glow within.

Inside was a disgusting array of half-eaten junk food, soda, and bulk buy sweets. I didn't see a single fruit or vegetable in sight. It was a fridge that belonged to someone who had little to no concern over how absolutely fattening the contents were. A complete disregard for calorie counting and proper dietary restriction. It was shocking that the fridge belonged to Cam, but honestly, given what I'd witnessed so far, it was not surprising.

Though Cam's fridge was disgusting, that wasn't the worst sight I saw. As Cam bent forward, her fat ass strained her pink yoga pants so much they slid down a bit, exposing the top of her ass crack, which was generously swallowing whatever underwear she was wearing. There were still memories burned into my brain when I'd watched Cam bend over to pick something up, and I accidentally got a peak at whatever thong or pair of panties she was wearing. It's hard to say how many times I jerked off at the thought of seeing her perfectly sculpted ass without pants on back then. In contrast to the sight I was seeing now, I felt like those hot memories were now ruined by the monstrously large butt Cam had eaten herself into. It looked like it had the consistency of tapioca pudding and looked just as lumpy. It's such a shame that something so beautiful was destroyed.

"Fuck, they were in here? *Bwap* Where are they." Cam sulked and burped as she rummaged around in the fridge. "Ugh... I bet my *bwap* roommate ate them."

"What are you looking for?" I asked Cam's fat ass, cringing in disgust behind her.

"Cupcakes! I had four left in here. They're delicious." Cam nearly moaned. "Got a dozen last *bwap* night."

I rolled my eyes. In no world did Cam need cupcakes after what she'd just eaten. Someone as big as her shouldn't even be thinking about desserts. There was no way I could hold my tongue. "Burgers and cupcakes aren't the healthiest combo. Especially after all that soda you drank, too."

Cam straightened up slightly to face me. "Yeah, I know, but these are so good, I can't resist. I'm just bummed they're not in there." Then, something in the fridge caught her eye. "Oh, a cookie!"

I watched Cam bend her bovinesque body into that calorie pit of a fridge and pull out a giant cookie. After taking a bite, she held it out to me and, with a stuffed mouth, said, "Wuantt any?"

"I'll pass." I declined, a little grossed out by Cam's continued displays of unbridled gluttony. How could she still be hungry? Seeing how she got to the size she was today continued to make more and more sense.

After quickly scarfing down the cookie while I awkwardly stood there, Cam gave a satisfied sigh and regarded me again. "What was it about me that you found so irresistible back then?"

"Back then?" I asked, a little confused by her sudden question, not understanding.

Cam closed the fridge and turned to me, both of her hands cradling her upper belly. "Freshman year. When you had a huge crush on me. What did you like about me so much?"

The question still caught me off guard, contrasting with the image before me. Yet, now understanding what she meant, I welcomed the distraction. "A lot of things, honestly." I answered truthfully, quickly pivoting to Cam's new question.

"Well, since I'm in a reminiscing mood, I'd love to hear." Cam cooed, taking a few steps back to lean her bulky body against a countertop behind her.

It was easy to lose myself in my imagination as I spaced out, thinking about the Cam I used to daydream of. "Look, I know this is going to sound superficial and maybe even shallow, but you were a smoke show. Like, seriously, you had an absolute dime of a body. Hips, waist, rack, and backside. Complete package."

Cam giggled. "Really? I know I got a lot of attention, but.. it was that good, huh? Yeah, I wasn't trying to be, but I really used to be quite the little heartbreaker back then."

"I'll say." I agreed, picturing her tiny waist wiggling from left to right as she walked and swayed her hips. The way that waist used to be perfectly proportioned to her boobs and butt... damn.

"Not so much anymore, now that I'm heavy." Cam somewhat sulked. Her tone was suddenly much more sullen. "It was so much easier to get compliments and looks when I used to be hot. God, I honestly kinda hated all the attention, but now that I'm not thin and hot... maybe I miss it."
44 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 months , updated 1 week
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ConJohn 4 months
Tonyperkis 5 months
Any idea on how long you want this story to play out?
ConJohn 5 months
It’s almost over! Current scene is about to wrap up. I may have a time skip later on as an epilogue of course.
4funnow 5 months
Enjoying how this is playing out
ConJohn 5 months
Fat_boy 5 months
Love this story!! Especially her burps!!
ConJohn 5 months
Thanks! Maybe more of those to come.
SquishMinstrel 5 months
@Shammyboy Is your theory that the Viagra is a placebo? That’s my theory.
LewsTherin 5 months
Just wanted to let you know how good this is. I started it not long ago and now look often for updates. Good work!
ConJohn 5 months
Much appreciated. Keeping the vibes coming.
Silentgrizzly 5 months
Loving this!!!PLEASE CONTINUE!!!!!
ConJohn 5 months
Can't stop, won't stop
Shammyboy 5 months
I have a theory about the pill but I'm afraid to jinx it.
Jazzman 5 months
Don't get frustrated. That algorithm has been in place for a decade. This is always my first stop. I can't stop reading. You're a great writer. Me? I just wrote one. 1009 views. 0 likes. Lol
ConJohn 5 months
Appreciate that. Yeah, it's hard to get traction. Keep up the grind. Took me a while.
4funnow 5 months
You really know how to make your characters breathe
ConJohn 5 months
They ain't real, but I try to put that oxygen in em
Mikeboi1994 5 months
I love the contrast. 😍 Having a different kind of protagonist makes this story stand out more. 😆

Way too many characters that are just into it which misses out why we all love this so much! 😚
ConJohn 5 months
Thank ya. Def had my doubts of including a character like this, but I think it's paying off. His perspective though obviously flawed really plays into the taboo nature society sees around weight gain.
CZC545 5 months
Great writing as always! I’ve been a fan of your work since the very start of “Haley’s Gain”. Thank you for putting in the time and effort that you do to make excellent stories.
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