Her humiliation

Chapter 28

"Sorry. Maybe I should've worn something less tight." Cam whined, lifting a lower fat fold of her belly up enough and adjusting the front of her panties, which appeared to be a small pink triangle (with a little bow on the front) wedged in that mess of lard allegedly covering her privates. As soon as it was revealed, it was gone again after Cam let her belly go, and it drooped back over her crotch.

Seeing that I had been observing her actions, Cam became reserved and tense again. "I had been hoping to use this underwear for a special occasion with someone when I got them last year... though it feels like I hung onto them too long. Maybe I put on a little more weight than I realized. I'm sorry, I feel stupid. I was trying to dress a little... sexy." Then she paused, looked up at me, and let her eyes flick from mine to the floor a few times before biting her lip. "These tiny panties probably make me look fat, don't they?" Cam asked, sounding critical of herself.

Naturally, I wanted to agree but held my tongue for a moment. Cam's attempt to wear 'sexy' underwear had the exact opposite effect that she intended. Given how ill-fitting and starkly outgrown her underwear looked on her body, Cam had only served to make herself look even more like someone who had let herself go. The underwear so tightly clinging to her overblown body told a story of a sex appeal long gone, covered now in layers upon layers of fat that wanted to hide an allure that used to be there.

Seeing her like this made me start to think about logistics. If her belly hung over her crotch, how was I supposed to f*ck her if the space between her legs was covered up with fat? Did I need to lift her belly out of the way to have sex with her? How much of her fat did I need to move aside to find her pussy? Would I need to use flour to help me find the wet spot in there? Was this what fucking a fat chick entailed? Why did Cam have to do this to herself?!

I'd come to pride myself on becoming a bit of an expert in the ins and outs of a woman's body and how to pleasure it over my college years. None of my experience prepared me for this. Cam's bloated and fat figure was foreign to me, and quite frankly, I was lost in what I was even supposed to do with it. I couldn't even see the most essential part of her sexual anatomy. Maybe when she bent over, I'd be able to see it from the back?

I finally answered Cam's question with a dodge. "I mean, they look a bit tight. Are those panties even comfortable?"

"Oh, they really hurt. I wish I had something cute that fits me, but this is it. I probably look really chubby in these, don't I?" Camry asked in a self-deprecating way. It was a bit weird that Cam kept inviting me to comment on her size.

"Uhh.." At a loss for how to respond, I was sure calling Cam 'Chubby' was a pretty massive understatement.

"It's okay. You can say what's on your mind. Be honest." Cam said seriously, almost begging me to agree with her, looking intently at my eyes.

"I mean..." There were a million things I could say, but I chose to downplay my honesty. "I don't think they're quite your size."

"You think they're too small?" Cam said, sounding slightly pouty. I wasn't sure what was so surprising about that news. "How do these panties look on my butt? Probably makes it look massive, doesn't it?" To highlight her question, Cam turned entirely around so her ass was facing me.

Holy fuck. I'd seen a bit of what it looked like back there (from the side), but now that it was right in front of me, the amount of ass caked behind Cam was enough to give any dietician a heart attack. Cam was right. The size of her too-small panties was doing her no favors, making an already fat ass look appallingly out of shape. The panties made it seem like she's sat unmoving for months at a time while her ass swelled around them, telling the story of a trimmer ass that used to reside back there. Caked with cellulite and lumps of fat deposits, this was the ass of a binge eater that had chosen to indulge rather than hang onto the seductive butt that used to be here. What an absolute porker.

When the initial impact of having that butt shown to me wore off, I answered Cam's question plainly. "Yeah, it does."

"It's okay to say it. You don't have to be polite." Cam said pertly, looking over her shoulder, almost as if she was inviting me to say something more.

I took the invitation, unable to keep what was in my head out of my mouth. "Your ass looks fucking huge, Cam."

"Huge? Oh, really?" Cam giggled. "Here, feel for yourself." Cam cooed, backing up into me.

Before I realized what was happening, Cam's half-naked fat ass was in my crotch, slowly wiggling from left to right. Over the past four years, I'd had plenty of beautiful girls grind on me at house parties or at clubs, but none had an ass this big. Naturally, my erect cock (from the Viagra) slid into the space between Cam's large meaty doughy ass checks. As Cam wiggled her butt, her fat massaged my dick, and I stood there stunned. I left my hands by my side, unwilling to put them anywhere on the soft blobette's body. What the fuck was happening?

"Mmmmm, I see someone is ready." Cam proceeded to moan, indicating that she was turned on and aware that my previously flaccid dick was rock hard. With my cock (still in my briefs) slid between her ass checks like a hot dog between two buns, Cam took extra care to massage it, lowering herself slowly up and down to create friction. I hope she understood that my cock was hard despite her titanic tushie, not because of it.

"Oh, yeah." I said in response, with as much enthusiasm as I could fake, acknowledging that she knew I was hard. Damn, this was really happening, wasn't it.

"Get these panties off of me already." Cam said with excitement, smiling at me over her shoulder and giving her ass another wiggle as if that was supposed to entice me.

"Okay... let me.." Leaning back to get a better view, I reached for the rear waistband of Cam's too-tiny panties to fulfill her request. I'd dreamed of this exact scenario hundreds of times before, but none of those fantasies came close to this. This fell far short of my expectations, getting to unwrap the obese version of the present I'd always wanted to unwrap. Even knowing that, I proceeded, committed to see this through and get it over with. I was going to leave Camryn Prig with a mind-blowing memory of the guy who had slipped through her fingers.

With determination, I wrestled the rear waistband out of the fat crease it had created by cutting into her lower back fat. I noticed the branding around the band said the word "Torrid" over and over. I'd never heard of it. Next, I gripped the waistband of her panties and pulled down, but it barely budged. I doubled my efforts, eliciting a few squeaks of pain from Cam, slowly but surely working them off of her ass until *Ripppppp*. Part of the waistband was ripping near her hip, unable to deal with the strain of the fat girl they were covering as I pulled them off of her.

"MMmmmm, keep pulling. Rip them off me." Cam moaned, sounding turned on by what I'd just done to her underwear.

I didn't hesitate, pulling hard, feeling the material give in until the waistband snapped completely, letting a bit of tubby jello bounce in response to it becoming unrestrained. Keeping up the momentum, I began feeling a strange surge of testosterone I usually felt at the gym. I pulled hard at the underwear until the ripped tatters were in my hand, and Cam's chunky lower half was well and truly naked. Before tossing the torn panties aside, I saw that they were bigger than I expected, sporting a 2XL tag on them. Jesus, her body made a pair of 2XL panties look tiny. Even more notable was a significant damp spot where it appeared the crotch of the panties had been. If there was any question of if Cam was wet and ready to go, that doubt was entirely out the window.

Caught up in the adrenaline of the moment, I gave Cam's big fat ass a smack and squeeze, to which she moaned and giggled, wiggling it in excitement, causing her blubbery ass to gyrate against my grip. Fuck, Cam must've been swallowing pure lard to let her ass grow to the size it was, I thought, feeling the disgustingly soft ass fat as I squeezed. What a fucking pig. A greedy fat*ss fucking pig.

"fuck, that was so hot. You're so strong.." Cam gushed after I released my hold on her ass, slowly turning herself around to face me. Her eyes were sparkling with pure, unadulterated lust directed toward me. "My hero." She cooed, putting her hands on my shoulders and then delivering her lips to mine.

I kissed her back, somewhat captured in the passion that Cam was throwing at me. Though I wished I could have focused on kissing Cam, her soft and flabby belly was pushing aggressively against me. That big sack of lard between us was always going to get in the way. It was such a contradictory element of what should have been foreplay, the fat from her unacceptably large stomach shoving against my cock, which was safely and thankfully still tucked into my briefs. I wondered if Cam could feel my stiffness against her fat and how she felt about it. I didn't have to wait long.

"Can I touch it?" Cam said, pulling back from our latest round of tonguing each other, giving a token look down between us to indicate what she was talking about.

"Uhh, yeah." I said, leaning back enough to provide enough space between our contrasting bodies. Admittedly, I was a bit proud of my size and had no issue showing it off, even to Cam.

Smiling and giggling, Cam seemed to be immensely turned on, reaching down between us and snaking an eager hand down the front of my boxer briefs.

"You're big." Cam mused, biting her lip at me and then kissing me, with her hand still clutching my cock.

"You like it?" I whispered into her ear, finding it enjoyable how into my dick Cam was acting.

"Yeah, I love it." Cam moaned, giving my cock another gentle squeeze before running her hand lightly up and down my shaft. Even though my cock was falsely erect, I did enjoy the feeling of Cam's hands on it. It was much better than having her fat belly or ass grinding into it.

"Good." I said in a dominant tone before proceeding to plant a long, deep kiss on Cam. We kissed a while longer, Cam still gripping my cock like a fat girl with her hands on a candy bar. Instinctively, I reached to get another handful of her ass, something I often did when making out with girls. Instead of getting the nice firm butt I was used to, I was once again reminded that Cam had a buttery soft fat pig ass for me to grab. Even though it was frustrating, I still gave fat*ss a squeeze, hopefully to remind her that her obese butt was unacceptably oversized.

Authors note (I'll delete this later).

Sincere heartfelt appreciation to the community here. Like FR, would not be writing and posting as much as I do (which is in spits and spurts as it is) if this community wasn't so supportive. This stuff takes a decent amount of time to write up and think about, but damn if it ain't a labor of love. Y'all are real ones and you make me feel validated to create in this community.

Now if only fantasy feeder wouldn't censor the word fat@ss my life would be complete 🫡

Next Chapter this weekend.
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ConJohn 4 months
Ayy, you picked up on the super subtle hints! Didn't want to say anything when you called it out, but yeah, it was a ruse.
RFBurton 4 months
Extremely creative take on an old genre, and one of the best stories to come up here in years. Excellent character development and tantalyzing story build! Great work!
ConJohn 4 months
Ayo, thanks! Huge appreciation back at you. Happy it's landing.
0000909 4 months
This needs a spinoff. Like her POV journey of gaining etc
ConJohn 4 months
I hear you. I'm less apt to go back and tell a "you're probably wondering how I got here" kinda story. Less interesting since we know the destination. But like where your heads at.
Fatpeter 4 months
Finally! The twist I had been waiting for! Things are starting to get interesting
ConJohn 4 months
Just like a pretzel, there will always be a twist. Cheers 🥨
Jazzman 4 months
33. Yes. Excellent
ConJohn 4 months
Wadiyatalkin... 4 months
Had me worried that was going to a pure shame piece… so glad you’ve hit to this point. Amazing story.
ConJohn 4 months
Hey, thanks a bunch! I knew some people were worried at the beginning where this would go, but we've arrived at the fun complexity part of the POVs new inner conflict. A few more chapters to land it.
4funnow 4 months
I love how she has him swallowed by the spiraling seduction of her addiction. Masterful mindplay
ConJohn 4 months
Maybe not intentional, but she knows how to leverage her assets it would seem
Beatlemaster... 5 months
Nice new chapter!
ConJohn 4 months
Appreciate it !
Silentgrizzly 5 months
Just think what his shallow
friends would think, if he
knocked her up...
ConJohn 4 months
hehehe, would be so embarrassing for him..
Silentgrizzly 5 months
Please continue!Even if in a spinoff with these two!!
ConJohn 4 months
Cheers. A little more to come still
4funnow 5 months
Fuck yeah - he did good
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