Her humiliation

Chapter 29

When things were starting to get too hot and heavy for Cam, she whispered into my ear. "You wouldn't have a condom on you, would you?"

"I don't." I stated. Usually, I kept a good supply in my room or at Alison's dorm. The party that I'd gone out to earlier hadn't been a party I'd intended on bringing a condom to since I'd hoped to leave it and have a quick fuck with Alison at some point in the night. I wondered if she'd texted me back by now.

"That's okay... check my drawer, maybe?" Cam offered, letting go of my cock and looking over towards her bedside drawer. "I have some old ones in there... but uhh... they're a few years old."

"Oh.. alright. Let me check." I said, pulling away from Cam, who seemed reluctant to let me walk away from her.

In her bedside drawer, I found a box of unopened condoms under a bag of assorted candy that was nearly empty. In fact, there appeared to be at least half a dozen empty candy bags sharing the space as well. Really Cam? Candy next to the bed? No wonder you're so fat. The irony in Cam getting more use out of the candy than her unused supply of condoms was a trade-off I hope she was aware of. I checked the box and saw that, as Cam had alluded to, the condoms had expired a year ago. I wasn't overly motivated to take the risk of having an expired condom break on me, but then again, I was pretty sure Cam wasn't going to make me cum. In fact, I was sure of it.

"Are those okay?" Cam sheepishly asked behind me.

"Yeah, should be fine." I answered nonchalantly, popping open the box and grabbing a condom. Given I knew the pleasure would be one way, I didn't really give a fuck how reliable the condom was.

"Okay, good. For some reason, I was sure they'd be expired." Cam added, taking the condom from me and opening it. She proceeded to take care of the rest, sliding down my boxer briefs and letting out a cute gasp as she saw my penis for the first time. With nervy fingers, Cam rolled the condom on me and then gave me a little tender kiss once she finished.

"So..." Cam said, looking into my eyes. "it's been a while since I've.... done this."

"That's okay." I affirmed, assuming as much. From the lack of use her box of condoms had gotten and the state of her body, I'd wagered it had been a while since she'd gotten laid.

"I mean, like..." Cam hesitated. "I haven't since... Drake." There was a vulnerability in her voice that made her sound somewhat embarrassed in telling me this.

"Oh.." As far as I was aware, Cam and Drake broke up at the end of Freshman year... three years ago. That was quite a long time. Had there really been no other guys in her life after that?? At least no other guys she'd slept with? Damn, I hadn't realized that Camryn had eaten herself into chastity, but It made sense.

"Yeah, so..." Camryn continued awkwardly, "Since it's been since then... and I've gone through some changes... I'm not exactly that experienced handling this much of me in bed. Just wanted to warn you in case it's a bit awkward."

"Oh yeah, uhhh, thanks for the heads up." That was all I could think to say. Honestly, given the state of Camryn's body, I wasn't expecting much from her. It was interesting to realize that since her significant weight gain, she probably had no clue how to wield that much body in bed compared to what she'd been used to before.

"To be honest... I've never had a one-night stand before either... this is kind of my first time." Cam bashfully admitted.

"Really?" I asked, surprised. Surely, there had to be a time in Cam's past, especially before she got fat, that she'd entertained a night with one of many of her admirers. "Not even back when...?"

"Nope." Cam cut in, knowing what I was going to say. "I've only had sex with my boyfriends. So... this is kinda of a big deal for me. But... I'm ready. I really want this." Cam said, sounding as if she was very sure of herself.

"Yeah, okay, just... uh... let me know if that changes at all, and we can slow down or stop." I offered, making sure Cam knew she had a chance to back out if she wanted it. It was a bit of added pressure, knowing it was her first one-night stand.

"You're sweet." Cam hummed. "Um, do you... mind If I start on top? It's my favorite position." Cam asked, biting her lip at me and looking past me with her eyes towards the bed.

"Uh... sure... but do you think you can?" I asked skeptically. Given Cam had gotten out of breath walking home with me from the burger place, I very much doubted she was fit enough to start on top in cowgirl position. I'm sure she was able to do that position plenty of justice when she was skinny, but she wasn't anymore.

"I can, I... just haven't in a while. Since..." Cam bit her lip again, this time nervously. It seemed as if she was second-guessing her suggestion.

"It's chill. I mean, if you being on top doesn't work..." I offered, thinking about what would be the easiest way to go about fucking someone as obese as Cam. "We can try..."

"No, I want to." Cam said with a tiny bit of confidence, cutting me off. "I think I can figure out how to manage it. I just don't want to... um... hurt you. Lay down." Cam said, gesturing to her bed.

Following her orders, I hopped onto Cam's mattress with ease and laid down, my head on the headboard of the bed and my cock at attention, pointing at the ceiling. Still standing where I left her, Cam was staring at me the same way she'd looked longingly at her hamburgers earlier. There was excitement in her eyes mixed with nervous energy. Admittedly, as I lay there waiting for Cam to join me, I was still a bit uneasy about breaking my 'no fat chicks' rule. I made a note to remind Cam that she couldn't tell anyone about this after this was over.

"Are you ready?" Cam asked, beginning to heave herself up onto the bed. This was apparently a struggle, given it took her a few attempts to get her heavy, lard-laden body up and on it.

"Yup." I lied. Honestly, I didn't feel remotely ready for any of this. Not at all.

"Okay, just tell me if it's too much." Cam said, nerves filling her voice as she put a hand on the mattress next to me and then another on the other side of me.

Slowly, Cam guided her body over the top of me as I lay there, her massively fat right thigh attempting to swing over to the other side so that she could straddle me. When It seemed like the lumbering lard queen had managed to get into position, her weight betrayed her, and she slipped from her kneeling position and fell forward on top of me.

"ooof, fuck." I exclaimed, feeling the wind getting pushed out of me.

Cam was fucking heavy, and I was feeling her whole weight on top of me for the first time. With my latest accomplishment of benching 220 pounds at the gym, I could immediately tell that Cam was much heavier than that.

To make matters even more complicated and uncomfortable, as Cam had come down on top of me, she'd fallen forward enough to the point that her naked fat tits were in my face, nearly suffocating me. As I was trying to dislodge myself from them, Cam giggled, mistakenly assuming I was motorboating her. Even though we'd barely done anything, Cam's body was sweaty, and I could feel that everywhere our bodies met. I could even feel her fat dough pile of a stomach squishing against my torso as Cam wiggled on top of me like a Walrus. Jesus, what had I gotten myself into. This fat girl was unquestionably the softest girl I'd ever been intimate with, as her whole massive body felt far more pillowy soft than anyone's body should have. It was impossible for me to even feel an ounce of muscle tone anywhere on Cam, whose lack of effort to stay in shape was damningly apparent.

Eventually, once Cam realized she was crushing me, she apologized, managing to say 'sorry' at least half a dozen times between her very auditable loss of breath. Not saying anything back, I got my hands on Cam's shoulders and slowly lifted her back to her knees astride me (definitely a more significant challenge than anything I'd ever bench-pressed). Yet even though I was doing most of the work, for her part, Cam helped, using my chest to help push herself upright again. By the time we got her vertical, she was sweating and heaving, and admittedly, I needed a moment to catch my breath after almost getting crushed to death.

Straddling me, Cam spent a moment fixing her hair and breathing a weighty sigh before looking down at me.

"Sorry about that... are you okay?" Cam asked, concern and a bit of embarrassment in the tone of her voice.

"Yep, I'm good." I said, wincing and trying to shrug off what just happened. I was far from good, and I'm sure my curt answer conveyed that, but I couldn't help feeling frustrated all the same.

Even in this position, where she was straddling me, I could still feel Cam's substantially lumbersome weight crushing me, yet in a much more manageable way. This was the first time I was really able to take in Cam from this position. Fuck she looked fat. Really fat. From down under her where I laid, Cam's double chin was hard to miss. I'd had about a dozen girls on top of me in the cowgirl position, and none of them looked or felt like this.

The thing that stood out the most to me was Cam's belly. It dominated Cam's appearance in the most unflattering way. A giant sagging mess of fat that was resting disgustingly on my lower torso, covering my crotch with her lardy apron. I could feel my cock somewhere under there, pressing hard into something soft. I honestly had no idea what it could be. It could've been touching her underbelly, her thigh chub, some pudge around her pelvis, or her pussy. There was no way I could know, given my knowledge of a fat girl's anatomy was lacking. I internally cursed how the Viagra was impacting me, falsely signaling that I was turned on when I was far from it. Yet, I'd come this far. I was determined to conquer Cam.

As reluctant as I was to bang Cam, when I looked up at her, I saw a bit of a dewy sparkle in her green eyes. Completely lost in that beautiful gaze, I did everything in my power to look into them, feeling drawn in, even smiling at her. Cam smiled back but then saw me wince a bit as she shifted her weight a bit.

"Am I too heavy for you?" Cam asked, seeming a bit worried. But when I didn't answer, she gave a few playful bounces up and down on top of me and self-consciously giggled.

"A bit... Here, let me move your thighs so you can get a better position." I said, helping to move both Cam's fat thighs outward a bit from where they had been resting on me. Okay, that's a bit better." I sighed, feeling a bit of the burden of Cam's weight off of me.

"I'm a little nervous." Cam cooed, putting a hand on my chest before taking one of my hands and putting it on her right boob, prompting me to squeeze. I obliged, cupping and lifting her heavy tit, before rubbing her nipple, eliciting a little moan from Cam, who was biting her lip and looking at me with hunger.

My hand slid off her tit and onto the shelf of her upper belly where her boobs were resting atop. I didn't intentionally try to touch that part of her body, but in doing so, I applied a bit too much pressure, which got a reaction I wasn't expecting.

"*bwap*" Cam burped, which she quickly followed up by clasping a hand over her mouth in embarrassment. "Sorry... I'm still really full from earlier. Uggg, that wasn't hot. Sorry."

"It's... okay," I lied, trying to reassure Cam as I saw some confidence draining from her face. "Cam... Just relax and take your time."

"Okay." Cam breathed out, seeming to take my advice, getting comfortable again. Then she resumed biting her lip as she checked out my arms again. "Can I put it in? I'm really wet."
44 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 months , updated 1 week
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ConJohn 1 month
Cheers! lol, I'm sure this smut writing part of me will never die, but appreciate it anyway
AndiFive 2 months
ConJohn 1 month
Pwongloising 2 months
ConJohn 1 month
been busy with good things in life, but finally got a chance to get back to this smiley
PrimusFeeder 3 months
Where update, I NEEEEEED IT
ConJohn 3 months
haha, it's coming. I'm 90% done with the Epilogue. Need to find time to edit it
Annalamp 3 months
fucking brilliant--loved the presentation, also
ConJohn 3 months
Thank you! Yeah, that was a fun scene to write out. It's been a minute since I've written a real presentation lol
Beatlemaster... 4 months
Wow what a great couple of chapters. I have to say Cam got off pretty easy. It's not like he make her go to the gym and workout to show how weak and lazy she's gotten. That would've been humiliating.
ConJohn 4 months
She got off easy (so far). Like where your head is at though. More to come
Silentgrizzly 4 months
Never stop the story of them please!If you have to please make spinoff with these 2!!!!!!!!Like their years after college or something???
ConJohn 4 months
All stories end at some point. But I'll have a bit more on this one
4funnow 4 months
Keep going, keep going
ConJohn 4 months
More will come for sure. Short hiatus, then wrapping up with an epilogue
Brock 4 months
I don’t know how you managed to make a dude whipping his dick out for a classroom bj romantic… but you did it, you are some sort of wizard for sure
ConJohn 4 months
At the center of it all is the characters. Appreciate the kind words
Fatpeter 4 months
This is epic!
ConJohn 4 months
Cheers. Thank you
Jazzman 4 months
Finishing strong! I had some ambivalence at times. Glad I stuck it out. It's hot.
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