Her humiliation

Chapter 30

"Uhh.... yeah, go for it." I consented. It was now or never, and regret it or not, I was going to do this. Sarcastically, I laughed to myself, knowing I couldn't back out now anyway, given Cam had me pinned under her.

Leaning slightly to the right, Cam reached a hand down between her legs but was quickly greeted by her large belly apron, preventing her access.

"Oops!" Was all Cam said, using her spare hand to lift a bit of belly fat out of the way so her other hand could explore the space. Upon her lifting that bit of flab, I saw my dick was stabbed into a crevice of underbelly fat beneath the fold Cam had lifted out of the way. A sight I never thought I'd see nor hoped I'd ever see again. It just felt weird and foreign to have my cock sticking so forcefully into such a soft deposit of fat as its spongy consistency yielded, allowing my dick to push until the head was submerged in fat. Was this what people said when they said more cushion for the pushing? If so, I was not amused. Still, the volume of doughy squishiness against my dick was a new sensation.

My attention was taken off Cam long enough to notice she was having trouble trying to get my cock in her. Admittedly, I had a view she couldn't see, so I attempted to help her. The hand that was holding up her stomach fat was faltering a bit, so I reluctantly stepped in. "Here." I said, sliding my hand down to where hers was and moving it out of the way to take over. The second my hand gripped her lower belly fold and heaved it up, I realized how extremely smooth and soft that part of her was. Softer then than the upper part of her belly and surprisingly even more supple than her tits. It was like this part of her was made of pure gelatin, yet it didn't break apart to my touch, instead obediently yielding to my fingers. Cam gave me a look that seemed surprised yet welcoming to have my hand there. My first instinct was to presume she'd be embarrassed, as I was touching what was clearly her biggest problem area. Yet the gleam in her eyes let me know I was doing something right. I assumed she was impressed with my take-charge attitude.

While Cam seized on the opportunity I'd created for her to have more space under her to find my dick, she eventually wrapped a hand around it and, with my verbal guidance, got it closer to the fat and puffy obscured mound that I'd never seen between a girl's legs. Was that a pussy? I'd seen girls with puffier labias... but this wasn't quite that. This was like a mound of fat with what looked like an entrance in the middle. With morbid curiosity, I felt I needed a better look.

I ran my grip along the lower fold of her fat and lifted it up a bit more to give Cam's hand even more room, to which Cam bit her lip and moaned, seeming to be anticipating having my dick in her. Caught in the moment and not fully thinking where my hand was, I squeezed at her stomach fat, which made Cam shudder and suck through her teeth. Guess she wasn't kidding when she said she hadn't been with anyone for a while if this was turning her on.

By the time the head of my cock reached the fat mound that I assumed was her pussy, I watched as she slowly pushed the head in. I could feel, as the head thrust into it, that there was still a bit further to go. This was fucking wild. With her hand still on the shaft of my cock, Cam let out several short exhales mixed with moans, guiding it closer until I felt a wetness and warmth on the head of my cock, and it slid through. Leaning back slightly, Cam's hands shot up to her tits, giving them a rub as she let out an overly eager moan. With minimal effort, the tip of my dick pushed further and further into Cam. I was in. I was fucking Camryn prig. Holy fuck. I was actually doing it. Damn, she was wet. A part of me enjoyed how tight she felt, too, as the warmth of her pussy felt nice against my cock. I let out an involuntary moan, which seemed to really excite Cam.

"Mmmmm, you feel so good in me." Cam moaned in excitement and slowly brought more of her weight down on me. "Does that feel good?"

"Yeah." I admitted.

"Good. Enjoy the ride, big boy." Cam said, moaning as I could feel her pussy clench tightly against my cock that was firmly lodged deep in.

I let her belly drop back down on my torso with a heavy slap, obscuring the space I was penetrating beneath it like a curtain of fat preventing my view of the show. While I put my hands on her fat hips, Cam transitioned her hands to my chest, stabilizing herself as she shifted her weight slightly forward. Then, slowly, Cam pushed against my chest and lifted herself with her knees on either side of me, raising slightly, beginning to ride me.

It only took her a few seconds before she slumped over slightly and shuddered, moaning out what I could clearly see was an orgasm. Geeze, that was fast. I could feel her pussy clench and unclench on my cock a few times. Was I really that good? Or was she just that horny? Eventually, Cam regained her composure, blushing hard as she looked at me.

"Sorry... uh, I wasn't expecting that." Cam nervously gushed. "I just... this is really hot. Way better than my vibrator. You're hot."

"Thanks." I said, smirking to myself. Even though Cam was a big girl, I still felt my confidence surge hearing her approval.

"Okay to keep going?" Cam asked after taking a moment to catch her breath.

"Go for it." I nonchalantly nodded. Even though I had kinda hoped that the few seconds Cam had spent on top of me would be enough to satisfy her needs, I assumed she was craving more. Besides, she was too heavy to get out from under, so I stayed put.

Having regained herself, Cam resumed humping me. This was nowhere near any sex I'd had before. This was cumbersome, and even in these first few moments, Cam's lack of action in the past few years was showing through. Right off the bat, I heard and felt Cam's fat slapping against me as it made contact with my body. In a deafening and audible way, fat was making a thunking noise on every down thrust Cam made. I wasn't sure if the noise was coming from her lower belly slapping down on my torso, her fat ass slapping against my thighs, her tits pounding against her stomach, or her belly fat slapping against itself. Regardless, it was noisy and impossible to ignore. Even stranger was the sensation of having cushioned fat constantly slapping down on top of me, most notably Cam's belly, which came down on me the heaviest. Having never fucked a fat girl, I wasn't sure if this was normal, If I should do something, If this was embarrassing Cam, or what. Regardless, I just laid there and let her do her thing. Apparently, her best move was lazily trying to bounce on my dick while overexerting herself.

Every thrust up and down was like a heavy weight coming down on me. While Cam was moaning in enjoyment of the friction of my cock gliding in her, I was grunting like a weightlifter, enduring the heavy poundage Cam was slamming down onto me. Cam seemed to misinterpret my grunts as grunts of pleasure, not letting up, becoming encouraged by my feedback. Still, she seemed incapable of doing that much, and I'd seen her put more effort into stuffing her face earlier than trying to have sex.

Cam grew sweaty and out of breath in a short amount of time, visibly struggling to ride me. Sweat was dripping from her face, and though she'd started out with some effort, her riding was getting sloppy and uncoordinated, starting to lack a rhythm. I'd never been with someone lacking basic fitness, and Cam was demonstrating she was by far the most out-of-shape girl that had ever ridden me.

Slowly but surely, Cam started to take breaks. She often stopped to rest, fanning her reddening face with her hand and awkwardly giggling each time she was forced to stop bouncing. The pauses became more frequent, to the point where Cam stopped every 15 seconds. What was even more challenging for me to manage was how frequently my cock started to slide out of her. Cam was overcompensating for the breaks in action by trying too hard to lift herself up as she rode me, and being so wet, this would lead to my cock popping out every so often. Thus, this would prompt Cam to spend a few sweaty moments frustratingly trying to shove my cock back into her while I reluctantly lifted her fat-laden hanging sack of a belly out of the way. In my pent-up frustration, I'd give that thing a squeeze as I held it up, but the momentum was all over the place.

I supposed she either saw confusion or annoyance on my face when my dick slid out for a seventh time and stopped her sloth-like rhythm to breathe out a question.

"Are you *huff* okay?" Cam huffed.

"This isn't working, Cam." I grimaced in frustration as we tried to get my cock back in her. On top of me, I could see Cam had become a bit of a mess, barely holding it together, looking like she was going to give out at any moment. Unfortunately for Cam, this type of indulgence (unlike the type she'd grown used to) required a base level of physical fitness that she no longer possessed.

"*huff* What? *huff*" Cam asked between labored wheezes. She was a disaster, still attempting to get friction going but extremely inept at getting the job done. The tubbster was too out of shape to contribute in the way she'd seemingly hoped to.

It was time for me to call a spade a spade. "You're too heavy, and it keeps sliding out." I stated bluntly. I could feel my legs going to sleep under her tremendous weight anyway.

"Oh, I'm *huff* sorry. Do you *huff* want me *huff* to stop?" Cam asked, stopping her uneven pelvic thrusts and taking a break. It seemed that she gratefully welcomed the break, wiping some sweat from her face and heaving out heavy breaths.

"Yeah, let me get you on your back." I stated, calling an audible. The last few minutes had proven that Cam had gotten too big to be the one on top, and if I ever wanted this to end, I needed to take control.

"I'm *huff* sorry." Cam said, not sure if I was upset or not, as she slid off of me, her sweaty body slumping over to my side as she dismounted. "Did I *huff* hurt you?"

"No, I'm fine. The position wasn't working." I said, getting up off the bed and helping Cam onto her back. From this position, I grabbed Cam's ankles and pulled her heavy body to the edge of the bed, spreading her legs as far as I could and getting myself into position. "Here, let me..." I started saying, staring into the space between her legs but realizing this was still going to be a challenge.

"What's wrong?" Cam asked while still lying on her back. I paused, seeing a problem.
44 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 months , updated 4 days
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ConJohn 4 months
Ayy, you picked up on the super subtle hints! Didn't want to say anything when you called it out, but yeah, it was a ruse.
RFBurton 4 months
Extremely creative take on an old genre, and one of the best stories to come up here in years. Excellent character development and tantalyzing story build! Great work!
ConJohn 4 months
Ayo, thanks! Huge appreciation back at you. Happy it's landing.
0000909 4 months
This needs a spinoff. Like her POV journey of gaining etc
ConJohn 4 months
I hear you. I'm less apt to go back and tell a "you're probably wondering how I got here" kinda story. Less interesting since we know the destination. But like where your heads at.
Fatpeter 4 months
Finally! The twist I had been waiting for! Things are starting to get interesting
ConJohn 4 months
Just like a pretzel, there will always be a twist. Cheers 🥨
Jazzman 4 months
33. Yes. Excellent
ConJohn 4 months
Wadiyatalkin... 4 months
Had me worried that was going to a pure shame piece… so glad you’ve hit to this point. Amazing story.
ConJohn 4 months
Hey, thanks a bunch! I knew some people were worried at the beginning where this would go, but we've arrived at the fun complexity part of the POVs new inner conflict. A few more chapters to land it.
4funnow 4 months
I love how she has him swallowed by the spiraling seduction of her addiction. Masterful mindplay
ConJohn 4 months
Maybe not intentional, but she knows how to leverage her assets it would seem
Beatlemaster... 4 months
Nice new chapter!
ConJohn 4 months
Appreciate it !
Silentgrizzly 4 months
Just think what his shallow
friends would think, if he
knocked her up...
ConJohn 4 months
hehehe, would be so embarrassing for him..
Silentgrizzly 5 months
Please continue!Even if in a spinoff with these two!!
ConJohn 4 months
Cheers. A little more to come still
4funnow 5 months
Fuck yeah - he did good
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