Her humiliation

Chapter 31

"Could you... move your stomach a bit? It's in the way." I asked gingerly. I'd never seen anything like this. Cam's fat stomach was drooping down over her pussy entirely and filling the space between her plump thighs. To add to the disgusting sight, the lower part of her hanging belly was touching the bed.

There was no way I'd be able to fuck this fat whale with that flabby thing in the way. Once again, her obesity was complicating things. Missionary appeared to be out of the question, given it would require me to get on top of this fatty, as if she were some gelatinous waterbed, and figure out a way to get inside her in the process. The only plausible solution with her on her back was me standing on the edge of the bed, grabbing her legs, and somehow getting that fat belly out of the way.

"Oh, yeah. *huff* Sorry." Cam blushed while apologizing. Though it took her an awkward moment, Cam reached between her legs and managed to use both hands to get a grip on her lower belly and pull it up. "Like this?"

"Uhh... yeah." I said hesitantly. Even with the belly pudge that she'd managed to move, there was still a good deal of fat covering her crotch. I could only just make out the lower portion of her fupa. "A little more." I stated, urging her to lift a few more inches.

With a bit of huffing and puffing, Cam finally managed to reveal the entirety of her fat pussy to me, and unfortunately, it was time for me to do my part.

"Do you *wheeze* want me to try *huff* putting a pillow under *huff* me?" Cam inquired as I got a grip on both of her legs.

"What?" I asked, not sure how that would help the challenge at hand.

Still heavily breathing, Cam clarified. "I read *huff* *huff* that it helps more if *wheeze* I'm elevated from this position so that *huff* things are... out of *huff* the way."

"Uhh.. yeah, this is fine, let me just try... spread your legs a bit more?" I said, pushing Cam's legs a few more inches apart to give me all the space I needed.

Yet, I didn't take action right away, hesitating as I took in Cam's fat pussy. With her belly fully out of the way, I could take it in in its entirety and had never seen anything like it. It was still shocking to me that a woman's pussy would get fatter if she gained weight, surrounding her sex with a meaty ring of fat. Something I never thought about until now.

"Is everything okay?" Cam asked after I'd stayed idle for too long, lost in my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm just... lining up." I said, snapping back to attention and aligning my cock to Cam's fat opening.

Cam managed to prop herself up enough to see me and undoubtedly see the confusion on my face. "I'm sorry, my pussy got a bit fat too... it's... you just have to push through the padding down there to find it." She said in a consolatory tone, hopeful that I wasn't turned off.

"Oh... uhh... sure." I said dismissively, inching forward. The head bumped into the fat outer fat of her pussy, before I buried it into the hole the fat encircled, pushing with a decently forceful thrust.

"Mmmmm, ohhhh, there you go." Cam moaned out as my cock slid into her. I could feel her shuddering in delight as I pulled back and pushed forward again. "That feels good. Fuck me good." Cam moaned, writhing on her bedsheets.

Each shove forward into her, my pelvis slapped noisily against Camryn's fat body, with the gelatinous lard she was holding up, quivering with every thrust. I could feel it ever so slightly shaking like jello against me whenever I pumped deep in Cam. I cherished the moments I could maintain eye contact with Cam, but as hard as I tried to ignore the ocean of pudge undulating around her stomach, it was impossible to ignore. Then I noticed, slowly but surely, Cam's hold on her belly wasn't as firm as it had been before, and I was bumping into more softness than I wanted to.

"You need to keep your belly out of the way." I sharply advised, feeling that lardsack get closer and closer to the space where I was engaged in thrusting into Cam.

"It's so heavy..." Cam whined, her fingers finally letting go and unleashing her heavy blubber sack. "Can you help?" Cam begged

"Really?!..." I scoffed, thoroughly annoyed. The entirety of her belly fat was drooping into and around my dick, resting against my shaft. It was fucking disgusting. "Ugg, fine. Here." I yelled, wanting her to hear how annoyed I was having to take care of this burden. I angrily grabbed a hold of Cam's lower belly, got a grip on that pasty soft dough, and lifted it up. Of course, the lazy pig was going to lay back and let me do all the work. Yet what Cam said next shocked me.

"Can you squeeze it?" Cam hornily half-murmured, nearly breathless from the pounding I was giving her.

"What?" I asked incredulously, hoping I had misheard her.

"My belly... could you... squeeze it?" Cam attempted to huff out. It was strange to hear both embarrassment and aroused undertones in her voice in that request.

Throwing Cam a bone, I begrudgingly obligated, applying more pressure to the fat fold I was currently holding up. It felt so soft in my grip that as I slowly let my fingers dig into her, her fat continued to yield to seemingly no end.

"Harder. Squeeze it harder!" Cam moaned loudly, visibly enjoying it for some bizarre reason. What the fuck was this? Cam should have been embarrassed that I had to touch her fat.

"Uhh... you sure you want that? Touching fat... It's kinda not my thing, Cam." I said, pausing my pumps into her momentarily. This was starting to get weird. Why would someone fat want anyone to touch their stomach?

"Please?!" Cam said, her eyes closing tightly as if she was ashamed to be asking.

"Why?" I asked, letting go of Cam's belly. "You actually want me to touch your fat? That's kinda gross. Isn't it?" I stated. It was gross, and surely Cam understood that. She had to understand that, right?

"I know... It is..." Carmen moaned in agreement. "but.. No one has ever touched my tummy pudge.. and.. I like having your hands there..."

"Fuck it... Whatever." I groaned, finding this strange request as yet another road bump in this awful sex I was experiencing with this obese cow heavily breathing and moaning beneath me. At least someone was enjoying themselves.

Not holding back in the slightest, I roughly grabbed Cam's lower belly and got a large handful of fat with both hands. Cam's response was instant, as she let out a deep moan of approval the moment I squeezed. I hated that my pointing out her obesity was somehow adding to her pleasure, which felt kind of fucked up. She should be ashamed of having a belly this big, not asking me to touch it! Still, I grabbed and shook that flab as if I was somehow into it, too, taking on an aggressively rougher rhythm as I fucked this fatty into submission.

My pace between Cam's legs was at an all-time high, and in my forceful thrusts, I pulled back too far.

"You slipped out..." Cam whined, sounding disappointed that I'd stopped something she was thoroughly enjoying.

"Do you want to try doggie?" I suggested, letting go of Cam's belly in disgust. This view was terrible. Anything to get that lard out of my view and out of my hands.

"Ohh...umm... Okay." Cam said, sounding worried. "But I should warn you... the last time I did doggie with... ummm." She stopped talking, closed her eyes, and shook her head back and forth as if she were trying to clear a thought.

"What's up?" I asked, seeing that Cam was struggling with something.

"It's just hard to forget what he did... when... right before we broke up... what he made me do while I was..." Cam sounded half worried, and half turned on. There was something under the surface she wasn't willing to talk about. From the short, bashful stuttering, it sounded like she had some baggage from an experience between her and Drake that she was still carrying. "I'm just worried it may come back up if I'm.... on all fours."

"We don't have to..." I started to say before Cam cut me off.

"No! I really want to!" Camryn gushed, starting to clumsily flip herself over on her bed and get on all fours. "Just... I wanted to warn you... I may get a little bit... into it. Don't judge me if I get a bit... weird."

"Sure..." I said apprehensively, having experienced a weird night already. "Let me get the lights." I suggested after seeing Cam unsexually flopping around on the bed. I'm not sure why I didn't think of turning off the lights earlier, but at this point, I needed it. Whatever I could do to spare myself from seeing more of this obese pig's body, which I'd already seen too much of.

"Oh.. okay." Cam said, sounding as if she'd rather I didn't. I knew she'd let me do whatever I wanted anyway. "Do you want me to light a candle or..."

"No, you're good." I curtly declared, flipping off the lights without a discussion.

After my eyes took a second to adjust to the darkness of the room, I found the lack of light was only a temporary respite. It wasn't a few seconds later that I realized I could still mostly see Cam, as the moonlight coming in through her rain-streaked windows was still illuminating too much of her. Whatever, it was worth a shot.

By this point, Cam was on all fours. Her huge naked fat butt was pointed towards the end of her bed while her hands were planted at the front near her pillows. The first thing that caught my eye was how her stomach hung under her, doing everything it could to try to touch the bed. I'd never seen a girl's silhouette look anything like Cam's, who was setting herself apart in the worst way possible.

Despite all of that, I crawled up on the bed behind her and kneeled in position behind her, letting out a long sigh, hoping this would be the final act that would finish her off. At least I didn't have to see her belly from back here.

"Can you do me a favor?" Cam asked shyly.


"Can you spank me?" Cam gushed, turning her head, biting her lip at me, and then wiggling her ass as if she thought that would somehow entice me.
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ConJohn 1 month
Cheers! lol, I'm sure this smut writing part of me will never die, but appreciate it anyway
AndiFive 1 month
ConJohn 1 month
Pwongloising 2 months
ConJohn 1 month
been busy with good things in life, but finally got a chance to get back to this smiley
PrimusFeeder 3 months
Where update, I NEEEEEED IT
ConJohn 3 months
haha, it's coming. I'm 90% done with the Epilogue. Need to find time to edit it
Annalamp 3 months
fucking brilliant--loved the presentation, also
ConJohn 3 months
Thank you! Yeah, that was a fun scene to write out. It's been a minute since I've written a real presentation lol
Beatlemaster... 4 months
Wow what a great couple of chapters. I have to say Cam got off pretty easy. It's not like he make her go to the gym and workout to show how weak and lazy she's gotten. That would've been humiliating.
ConJohn 3 months
She got off easy (so far). Like where your head is at though. More to come
Silentgrizzly 4 months
Never stop the story of them please!If you have to please make spinoff with these 2!!!!!!!!Like their years after college or something???
ConJohn 3 months
All stories end at some point. But I'll have a bit more on this one
4funnow 4 months
Keep going, keep going
ConJohn 3 months
More will come for sure. Short hiatus, then wrapping up with an epilogue
Brock 4 months
I don’t know how you managed to make a dude whipping his dick out for a classroom bj romantic… but you did it, you are some sort of wizard for sure
ConJohn 3 months
At the center of it all is the characters. Appreciate the kind words
Fatpeter 4 months
This is epic!
ConJohn 3 months
Cheers. Thank you
Jazzman 4 months
Finishing strong! I had some ambivalence at times. Glad I stuck it out. It's hot.
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