Her humiliation

Chapter 32

"Uhh, yeah." I agreed, feeling it was perfectly fine to give her ass a spanking. Most girls I'd spent time with were kinky enough to enjoy being spanked, and I'd come to enjoy dishing them out over the years.

Yet, no ass I'd spanked had ever been nearly as close to the size and softness of Cam's. This much was apparent as my hand slapped against her butt, rippling in response and causing Cam to lurch forward a bit on contact.

"Mmmmmmm... yes!" Cam moaned, pushing her ass back into place for another. "Tell me I'm a naughty girl."

"You're a naughty girl." I said, feeding off of Cam's horny energy, giving her ass another slap. This was the kind of dirty talk I was used to dishing out.

"Tell me I'm a naughty fat girl." Cam moaned out.

"You're a naughty fat girl." I said reflexively, only realizing what I'd said after I said it. This was not the kind of dirty talk I was used to dishing out. Did I really just say that? Why did Camryn want me to call her fat?!

"Tell me I let myself go!" Cam begged, sounding short of breath.

"You really let yourself go!" I said, unable to stop myself from allowing this strange, disparaging rhythm to continue. It was weird that I didn't have any reservations about saying these kinds of things to Cam, mainly because it was the truth, and I'd been wanting to say it all night. It was just strange to say in this context.

Once again, Cam wiggled her ass at me. "Tell me I've got a big fat ass for being such a naughty girl!"

"This ass is so fat because you let yourself go!" I said, almost as if I was reprimanding her for it. In a way, I honestly was. Then I slammed the palm of my hand firmly down on the upper shelf of her ass, scolding her with one last jibe. "Naughty Fatty."

"Mmmmmmm, yes!" Cam moaned, squirming in delight. "You've wanted to comment on my weight the moment you noticed I'd blown up. You've wanted to scold me for getting so fat."

"You're right. I can't believe you've done this to yourself!" I berated, letting myself speak honestly. It was oddly cathartic.

"Keep spanking me! Punish me! I overeat! I don't exercise! I deserve to be punished!" Cam moaned. From the sound of her voice, she was hornier than I'd heard her all night.

"You do deserve punishment. You've ruined your body!" I was no longer questioning Cam's strange requests. I was in the moment, telling her what she needed to hear.

"Ohhh goddd... say that again...!" Cam shrieked excitedly.

"You've ruined your fucking body!" I said, louder this time.

"MMmm, Fuckkkkk! What are you going to do about it? Cam asked, turning her head back to look at me, her eyes watery. Yet the tear sliding down her cheek contrasted with the way she bit her lip at me. She was enjoying this in a purely kinky way.

I played into it. "I'm going to put you on a diet and get that lazy fat ass on a treadmill!"

The line between reality and role play was blurring. I'd slipped into a character that was easy for me to embody. I was a man, Cam's man, and I was very very disappointed with how fat she was.

"No!! Please..." Cam moaned in fear, playing further into her role. "Don't make me! I'll be a good girl!"

"It's too late. You've got no choice but to obey me, you naughty FAT girl!" I aggressively chastised, giving Cam's fat ass a slap on the word 'fat.'

"That feels so good." Cam moaned, breaking from her character (if she'd been playing a character at all). "I'm so horny for you and your big cock!"

Slowly, Cam scooched back while on all fours, just enough so her ass was in my crotch. Lazily she wiggled her butt against my hard junk, playfully pushing it from side to side with her huge ass.

"Mhmm!" I moaned, finding the contact a little more exciting than I'd anticipated.

"I'm so wet and ready. Stick it back in me, baby!" Cam declared, lowering herself downward so her ass was up and her face was pinned against the bedsheets.

This time I didn't need to lift her belly out of the way to get to her pussy. I could see that fat thing oozing her arousal below her ass and between her massive thighs. Thankfully, she'd taken a wide enough stance to give enough space between those tree trunks, so I lined myself up and pushed in. She was soaking wet. Absolutely drenched, and pushing in and pulling out was more accessible than it ever had been. After those first few pumps, I started to drill her. Camryn loved it.

Unfortunately, as much as I wished I could have loved it too, Cam was still seriously obese. I closed my eyes and tried to pretend I wasn't fucking this monstrously large version of my Freshman year crush. I tried my best to pretend this was the Cam of yesteryear, with her petite waist and sexy body. But every time I drew myself in close to her, I felt her fat slap against me. It killed my momentum. Even with the aid of the little blue pill, I was utterly disgusted with what I was doing. Sure, it was Camryn Prig. That didn't change the fact that I was fucking a fat chick. Not just any fat chick, but allegedly the largest fat chick on campus.

I needed to hurry this up and get her to finish, and from the moans and how wet she felt against my cock, I hoped she was close. I'd already gone this far, so I felt compelled to follow through, make Cam cum again, and finish her once and for all. Then I could fake my own orgasm shortly after and be done with this night.

Hearing a rustling sound, I opened my eyes and saw something in the moonlight that completely disgusted me. Cam had pulled over a pizza box from her nightstand and was in the process of eating out of it while I fucked her. Once again, the extent to which Cam was debasing herself was beyond the pale. From the angle behind her, in the dim moonlight, and with the grunting noises and moans she was making as she ate and took my cock, something even more repulsive popped into my head. Though I knew Cam was a person with thoughts, feelings, and opinions, suddenly, I couldn't help but feel like none of that was true. Once the thought popped into my head, it wouldn't go away. I felt like I was literally fucking a pig. Never in my life had a fucked a body this big from behind, and it was such a foreign and strange experience that it starkly contrasted with every other girl I'd slept with, as if I was fucking something completely different. The Cam I knew had devolved into this inhuman animal with no self-control. The line between pig and person was getting pretty hazy. I couldn't believe her out-of-control animalistic behavior, given I was practically giving her charity by pity fucking her.

I was pissed, frustrated, and disgusted that she was stuffing her face with junk while my dick was in her, and I couldn't hold back my thoughts. "Are you eating, you fucking pig?!"

Yet, in calling her that, I felt her pussy clench against my cock, and she moaned louder than ever through a mouthful of pizza crust.

I gave her ass a forceful slap. "You can't stop eating for one fucking second, you hog!? Do you enjoy this lifestyle?! No wonder you look like this! You ruined your perfect body, you fu*king pig! Fat ass! Fat tits! Fat belly! Fat everything! You're fucking disgusting, Cam."

"Please... please... More!" Cam aggressively moaned while her voice shook in fear. "Degrade me! I'm an embarrassment, and I deserve every word!"

I didn't know what to think, finally understanding that Cam was getting some sort of sick pleasure out of what I was saying to her. There wasn't much time spent mulling over her pleas to me. It sounded like a win-win. I could express what was truthfully on my mind about how disappointed I was in Cam while she got off quicker to this increasingly bizarre pity fuck. I unleashed on Cam what had been bottling up in my mind all night. I'd never said such harsh words to anyone I'd slept with, but I couldn't help myself this time.

"Eating in bed is a new fucking low!" I barked with venom. "An absolute joke! I can't believe this is the version of you I'm finally getting after fantasying about fucking you, and you can't even keep me hard without Viagra?! I wish you would've fucked me back when you were hot so I didn't have to be doing this!"

In retrospect, I regret not slipping out of her right then, but I felt compelled to finish the fat*ss off. Witnessing the disappointment in what Cam had become, I realized that much like Alison and me with our role play, Cam was leaning into this new gluttonous persona she'd created for herself. Unlike what Alison and I were doing, this was the opposite of hot.

Cam turned her head towards me, pizza sauce smeared around her mouth and down her chins. It was fucking gross witnessing her behavior degrade right along with her obese form. Yet Cam responded to my sexual venting. "I know... I should've fucked you back then! I'll admit it... I thought I was too good for you... I was hot, and I could get the kind of guy I wanted. But look at me now. I didn't want to get fat. I didn't mean to get fat. But look at what I've let happen to myself! No one wants me anymore. I'm so grateful to be getting your cock. Thank you! Thank you so much for fucking a giant fat pig like me!"

Too good for me? I knew deep down she'd felt that way, but hearing it out loud made me livid. Forcefully, I grabbed her hair, pulled her head back, angrily grabbed a cold slice of pizza, and shoved it in her mouth. I could feel myself boiling over with this girl, reaching the edge of my disappointment. Force-feeding pizza into an eager fat chick's mouth was far from my bucket list, but it was happening. "Is this what you want, you fat pig!?"

"Yes! This is what I want! Thank you!!! It feels so good!" Cam moaned, her mouth half full, practically drooling as she ate. Pathetic.

"Louder, you fat shameless animal!" I demanded with force. "I want the other hamplanet you live with to hear that you're thankful!"

"Ohhh, goddd, Thank you for fucking me!!! I don't deserve this!!! I'm a big fatty that doesn't deserve your cock!!" Cam screamed out so shamelessly I was sure Alana would've heard it.

"You bet your fat pig ass you don't deserve this! Look at you! Your life revolves around food! No better than a pig! No wonder I mistook you for your lardass roommate earlier! You went from the hottest girl on campus to damn near the fattest! Everyone is laughing at you, Cramming pig! A fitting nickname for an overeating fat*ss like you! Congratulations, you fucking human pile of pork fat! What an accomplishment, you dumb, lazy animal! What a..." Then I saw something that dialed up my disgust. "What the fuck are you doing?!"

Cam was no longer using her hands to eat the pizza. She was shoving her face into it like a fucking animal and eating faster than she could chew. I stopped pumping immediately, but that didn't stop Cam. She bucked her hips back into my cock slowly to get some friction, using my dick as a proverbial dildo while she ate. Between bites, she picked her head up, muttering to herself, unquestionably horny. "So fat. Disgusting. An Animal. A Degraded Pig. Too far gone. Unfuckable. No control. Lazy. Greedy. Can't stop. So fucking Humiliating. Ruined."

Then, when I thought Cam had peaked in her depravity, she raised the bar once more. I didn't realize what had happened until the third oink, but Cam started oinking like a pig. It was like a switch had flicked in her head, showing me that she actually was the hog I saw her as. At this point, I realized that Cam was into some absolutely perverted stuff and wondered if this had always been who Cam was under the surface. I'd had girls make cat sounds to me in bed before to be cute, but this was extreme. This was fucked up.

Turning her head slightly to make eye contact with me, half a slice of pizza fell from Cam's mouth onto the bed that she was mid-chewing. Her face was covered in red pizza sauce, her mouth frantically chewing, her eyes watering as she looked at me, seeing that I was full of pure disgust. Then she did it again. A near-perfect impression of a pig as she oinked at me, slamming her hips back into my crotch in some desperate attempt to get me to start pumping again. There was a sudden and intense feeling in my crotch that made me feel weirdly lightheaded and lethargic as my muscles tensed up. Still, I urged myself to push through and shrugged it off, grunting my way through the strange involuntary response I had to Cam's depravity.

Ignoring what my body was doing, I could see from the way Cam was looking at me that she wanted something more than just my dick. I was beginning to understand that Cam profoundly and desperately wanted me to humiliate her, and she was doing anything she could to egg me on. Her plan was working, I was fucking pissed.

"You disgusting fucking pig! Look at yourself!" I yelled, slapping Cam's fat ass before giving a long and powerful thrust deep into her. Cam must have cum again at some point since it felt wetter, and there was a slurping suction sound as I pistoned in.

"Yes! Oh god! I'm going to cum!! Please keep talking!" Cam squealed in delight. She looked overwhelmed as her eyes were starting to roll back.

It was time for me to finish the pathetic fatty once and for all. I didn't hold back. "You ruined your fucking body eating like this! Fucking pathetic! Fucking disgusting fat*ss! If this is the way you eat, you deserve to be a fucking hambeast lardbucket! You fat lazy greedy...."

I felt her pussy clench hard on my cock in response to my teasing. Throwing back her head, she moaned as she spoke. "I'm going to... fucking... cum... Cum with me!!! Cum in me!! Fuckkkkk, oh godd I'm cummming!! Fuck, Fuck, ohhhhhhh, oinkkkk, yesssss, fuck meeeeeee!!!"

As Cam was noisily cumming, I put on a performance of my own, letting out a few token grunts, feeling the effects of the Viagra wearing off on my cock as it began to get flaccid inside her. I continued to fake my orgasm in tandem with Cam's very real climax. I'd never had to do that before. Okay, maybe once when I was still dating my crazy, sex-addicted, red-headed ex, Olivia.

Quite suddenly, after the peak, Cam slid forward, collapsing towards her bed in a lump. My cock slid out of her pussy, followed by a small droll of viscus fluid that I assumed was her cum. While Cam rested on the bed, heavily breathing, without looking, I peeled the unused condom off of myself and tossed it on the floor. It felt heavier and wetter than I expected, but Cam had probably left a lot of her excitement on it.

"That was *huff*... *wheeze* amazing." Cam managed to breathe out between her labored breath. She was still slumped on the bed in a fat pile, her face pressed against her mattress. Though I was catching my breath myself, Cam sounded borderline catatonic, even though her lazy ass had barely done any of the work.

I didn't say anything; I just stayed still and knelt there on her bed, catching my breath and grappling with what I'd just done.
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ConJohn 7 months
Thanks for taking the time to read this ponderous cookie cutter trash, haha.
TheGreatFatsby 7 months
Are you smoking crack dude. This man is the master of establishing backstory. I log in several times a day to see if he has updated. Dude is a fucking absolute legend. Now write faster lol!
ConJohn 7 months
4funnow 7 months
The build up has begun and the kink runs deep
ConJohn 7 months
It’s going to go somewhere fun
Arch329 7 months
Very interesting story. It has been a while since I checked this site out. Nice surprise to come across something this well put together.There is a lot that you will able to unravel. Big pretzel queue
ConJohn 7 months
Appreciated. We’re about to hit that unraveling in the final few chapters
Silentgrizzly 7 months
I used to be alot like him when i was younger.Just because i was afraid of what others would think.I liked big ladies, but instead of talking nice to them; I treated them like this guy is doing.
ConJohn 7 months
People are always capable of changing for the better. We all have our paths to get there. Thanks for reading! Appreciate the kind words
Silentgrizzly 7 months
Actually 1 of the most realistic stories on here.
This 1 ain't about just being erotic it's got a good message in my honest opinion.It also is like watching 1 of those romantic movies on tv.
Jazzman 7 months
The protagonist is hard to like. And that is a delightful twist and different from the majority of stories. This is one of your best. High praise when you have so many great stories.
4funnow 7 months
ConJohn 7 months
Thank you! Yeah, this protagonist is intentionally unlikable, a product of his environment. Though perspectives and prejudices can be changed. I think it's easy to predict that I enjoy character arcs.
Tonyperkis 8 months
Love the Blue Lock reference, GOAT manga and anime
ConJohn 7 months
Nice! Wasn't sure if anyone would pick up on it. I don't read a lot of manga, but Blue Lock slaps.
4funnow 7 months
For my sake - what is the reference
4funnow 8 months
Enjoying the dynamics
ConJohn 8 months
Thank you 😊
4funnow 8 months
The way you paint a scene is priceless “machiavellian way” a perfect brush stroke
ConJohn 8 months
Appreciate that!