Her humiliation

Chapter 33

"No, seriously... *wheeze*." Cam said, shuffling and turning on her bed ungracefully like a walrus so she could face me while lying down. "*huff* That was... *huff* the best sex I've ever *huff* had... You were *huff* beyond perfect." Cam said, looking at me with a strange smile on her red face.

"Yeah.. thanks." I said, taking the compliment but not returning it. Sure, it felt good that I apparently ranked at the top of Cam's list, but it would've been much better to hear that years ago when I wanted to ***. Given the way she was looking at me, too, I was starting to get a little worried I'd done too good of a job.

"Sorry that things got a little weird there at the end." Cam apologized, blushing while confronting the depraved things that came out of her mouth. "Kinda got carried away and revealed a bit too much of myself..." Cam winced but continued with an encouraged smile. "But the things you were saying to me... No one has ever said stuff like that... it was just perfect. goddd, that was good." Cam gushed, shyly covering her face and wiggling a bit as she reminisced on what we'd just done.

"Uh... yeah, that was..." I didn't quite have the same response that Cam had. That had by far been the strangest sex I'd ever had. Sex that I couldn't brag about to my friends. Sex that I'd never let anyone know about. At the moment, I couldn't deny that I had gotten something out of it. There were a myriad of moments where I could have pulled out and walked away. However, in the aftermath, I felt incredible levels of shame for having fucked someone so demonstrably obese and below my standards. Yes, that someone was Cam, but as I stared at her massive body, I knew I'd made a colossal mistake. This was the first fat chick I'd ever fucked, and given what had just happened, I promised myself she would be the last.

For a while, my ears were ringing, and I couldn't focus. I felt spent and drained for some reason. But eventually, through the pounding white noise in my head, I heard Cam's voice cut through it.

"Is everything okay?" Cam said, looking at me with concern, becoming a bit guarded.

"Cam... what was that?" I asked plainly, finally finding myself coming back down to earth. "That was... weird."

"Yeah... I'm... kinda embarrassed." Cam sighed, looking away from me, all traces of the smile from earlier leaving her face. "Sorry you had to witness that, but... my ex kinda did a number on me. I..."Cam looked like she wanted to say more but restrained herself.

"What do you mean?" I asked once again.

"Let's... save that for another time." Cam declared. There was a story there, but she didn't seem ready to share it. "Did you cum?" Cam asked, looking between my legs at my cock.

"Yeah... I think so." I halfheartedly lied. Did she seriously think she could make me cum? Give me a break.

"Good. I'm... glad to hear that." Cam smiled before letting that smile falter a bit. "I uh... have a kind of confession to make.." Cam said before continuing another series of walrus-like movements on the bed until she was on end, nearest to me, still lazily lying down and looking like Jabba the Hutt.

"So.... that blue pill I gave you..." Cam seemed hesitant to say more but, after a brief sigh, pushed forward. "It wasn't Viagra."

"Sorry?" I expressed, not fully digesting what was just said.

Cam grimaced in shame. "Yeah... so that pill... It was from my birth control pills." She said, flashing me a look as if she was trying to say 'sorry.'

"Wait, what?!" I said, raising my voice. Stunned. Absolutely stunned. "You gave me birth control?! What the fuck?!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing! Was Cam crazy!

"Relax, it was one of the placebo pills." Cam tried to reason to calm me down. "Nothing more than a sugar pill."

"Why did you do that?!" I yelled defensively, backing away from Cam and standing up next to her bed.

"Umm..." Cam seemed sheepish in the face of my anger. "I kind of had a little hunch about something, and I wanted to be sure."

"A hunch about what?" I sighed, still feeling kind of pissed off but trying to calm down.

Cam took a long moment before she spoke, looking into my eyes and shyly looking away. "I think you're in denial about something, and even though you've been very honest with me about what you like and don't like... I don't think you're being honest with yourself."

"What do you mean?!" I asked in an accusatory way. Yet, within a few seconds, I inferred what she was implying. Fuck, wait. If that had just been a placebo... why did I get hard? Why had I stayed hard?

"Well... do I have to say it?" Cam said with a cautious smirk, propping herself up a bit while still on her bed. "You seemed plenty turned on when you thought you'd taken a Viagra."

"That doesn't... Cam, that doesn't mean that I'm..." I wasn't going to entertain it. I wasn't going to let Cam pull me down and make me believe something that wasn't true. There was no way.

"Well, I don't know what it means, but I think you may like fat more than you're willing to admit." Cam stated with a little more confidence as she saw the conflict playing out on my face. She took a moment to rock herself upright and get into a seated position on the end of her bed, facing me.

"Cam..." I started but really didn't know what to say. No part of me wanted to think about this, and looking for a distraction, I looked anywhere else, noticing that the rain had stopped outside. When had the storm ended?

"What?" She asked, sliding off the bed in front of me and standing up, enjoying this exchange a little too much.

"Just...." I closed my eyes, deep down, knowing the truth. I wanted to say I hated it and was disgusted by what I'd just done with Cam, but I felt a different truth inside me saying the complete opposite. I liked it. The only silver lining to all this was that I didn't cum... which would've proved I liked it too much. Maybe this was just a fluke. "Just... Don't tell anyone."

"Oh, relax. Your secret, whatever it is, is safe with me." Cam said with a smile that was far too big as she proceeded to turn on the lights and then walked back over to me.

With the lights on, I noticed something I'd seen earlier. A bit of black ink on Cam's hip, though it was hard to make out. "What's that on your hip?"

"Oh.. my tattoo." Cam scoffed as if the thought of it annoyed her. "I blame Alana for introducing me to her tattoo artist. Regardless, it doesn't really see the light of day anymore, so it's whatever." To highlight her point, she lifted her love handle enough to expose the tattoo clearly. It said 'Tease Me' with a black heart between Tease and Me.

"Oh... interesting." I said skeptically, semi-piecing together the intention behind what it meant to her.

"I think you can tell what it means. This is my way of letting my freak flag fly." Cam giggled, letting her love handle droop back over it. Then, she started to kneel in front of me. "Come here."

"What are you..?" I started to ask before Cam positioned herself on her knees in front of my cock, put her hands on it, and started to jerk it off. Surprisingly, I could feel myself quickly stiffen at her touch.

"I want to clean you off. I'm hungry." Cam cooed in a way that told me she was all business while my cock grew in her grasp.

"Uhhh.. ohhhh." I moaned in surprise as Cam eagerly wrapped her lips around my cock, and pulled it into her mouth.

Fuck, it felt good. The way she used her mouth made it feel like she knew exactly what she was doing, running her mouth up and down my shaft while caressing it with her tongue.

"God, your cock tastes so good." Cam moaned after taking her mouth off of it, giving it a few rubs with her hands as she looked up at me. The way she said that convinced me that she was earnest. I'd had girls with oral fixations before, and I could already tell Cam was far into that camp. She didn't keep her mouth off my cock long, plunging back in and resuming her enthusiastic sucking, moaning in the process.

"Yeah, you like that, fatty?" I heard myself saying in response, turned on. Why those words were coming out of my mouth, I had no idea, but it felt right.

With my cock in her mouth, I heard Camryn moan the second I called her 'fatty' and began to suck with even more enthusiasm than before, grabbing onto my legs and sucking even harder. This encouraged me to keep going, understanding what Cam wanted to hear.

"Keep sucking ***." I said forcefully, putting a hand on the back of her head and pushing her head into my crotch. "Everyone told me that fat girls give the best head, so show me you live up to the stereotype, you fucking fat pig."

It was obvious what I was saying was landing, as Cam was bobbing her head on me even faster and pushing herself further, practically gagging and slobbering all over my cock. I couldn't believe the stereotype about fat girls was actually true, seeing that Cam probably hadn't sucked a dick in years, she was giving me head like a pro, and admittedly, it was a better effort than any girl that had sucked me off.

"What a pathetic fat hog you've become, Cam." I barked at her with my hand gripping harder on the back of her head. Cam was really enjoying herself and started to use her tongue in ways I'd never experienced. "I can't believe you fucking... ohhh.."

As Cam bobbed her head on my shaft, giving me by far the best blow job I'd ever received, she looked up at me from her kneeling position, her green eyes piercing me. God, this was so fucking hot. I couldn't hold it in anymore and unloaded into her mouth. At first, Cam let out a started yelp with her mouth full of cock, but that yelp very quickly turned into a longing moan as I watched her take my load and swallow like a good girl.

"Thank you for letting me suck your dick." Cam said, looking up at me with sparkling eyes and wiping her mouth.

"Uhh, yeah... you're welcome." I said, a little confused by slightly into being thanked for letting a girl suck my cock. Cam really kept going out of her way to show off her submissive side. If I was being honest, I was glad that Cam had made me cum with a blow job rather than that weird sex we'd had a moment ago. It was easier to justify letting a fat chick blow me rather than me fucking a fatty.

"Seriously, I loved that. Even before getting fat, I've always loved sucking dick." Cam giggled. "Thanks again."

"No problem." I nonchalantly responded, feeling more confident for some reason.

"Oh, your condom." Cam said, reaching for something on the ground and picking up the discarded latex condom that was on the floor next to me. "Good, you did cum earlier. Wow.. A whole lot."

"I did?" I said, surprised. Did I really cum when we'd fucked? As I thought back to the sex, there had been a moment where my body had responded positively... but the entire situation had been so strange, I hadn't registered it like I usually did when I was fucking someone. Yet, as I looked at the condom Cam was holding in front of her face with a little too much fascination, I could see that there was a load in there.

"I've gotta admit, I'm happy you seemed to enjoy yourself." Cam dreamily marveled. "Looks like you..." As she turned the condom, something happened, and some of its contents leaked onto her hand. "oh... uh oh."

"What's wrong?" I asked, curious why she sounded so concerned.

"Shit, Ummm..." Cam was dealing with the stickiness on her fingers. "I think... uhh... ummm, looks like the condom broke." She coyly told me.

"Wait, what?!" I hollered in shock. My mind started racing.

"Don't worry, I'm sure it's fine. It's..." Cam began inspecting the condom again, which caused some more leakage to come out. "...Yeah, wow, it tore at the tip. Umm... we can figure this out."

"Fuck." I flatly said, but knew it wasn't the end of the world. "You're on birth control, though, right?"

"I mean... I was..." Cam started apprehensively. "...but... I've gone off of it for a while since.. ya know. I haven't gotten new medication in... over a year."

"Fuck... Cam." I sighed, beginning to seriously worry. Given that I didn't know Cam's motivations, I was starting to worry about the possibility of getting her pregnant. And, knowing that she liked me, I wondered if she was the kind of crazy to keep it just to keep me in her life. "Listen, I..."

"Relax. I'm not ready to have a kid." Cam laughed. "I'll go to the pharmacy tomorrow to get a morning-after pill."

"Okay..." I said, breathing a sigh of relief. "Do you want me to umm... go with you or something?"

Cam smiled. "I'd love your company, but it's fine. I'll admit, I've never had to worry about a pregnancy scare... but... kinda hot."

"Hot?" I asked, confused by how any of this was hot.

"I mean... I don't know." Cam managed to stand up and started sawing from side to side, looking at me intently. "I feel good knowing your cum is in me and can... potentially do stuff to me. Like, make me pregnant. I know, It's weird. I swear I don't have a breeding kink." Cam finished with a weird laugh. A laugh that made me nervous all over again.

"Maybe I should go with you tomorrow to the pharmacy." I said, wondering if I could trust Cam to really follow through. If she got pregnant, my life would be over, and everyone would know we'd fucked.

"I'm only teasing you." Cam laughed, seeing the seriousness on my face. "You've got nothing to worry about."

"Okay." I sighed once again, still a bit on edge.

So.." Cam started shyly, wanting to ask me something. "Do you maybe want to stay the night?"

Giving a token glance out Cam's window, I made up a lame excuse. "The storms over, so... I think I'm gonna go. Early day tomorrow."

"Oh... I understand." Cam said, clearly a hint of disappointment in her voice.

At that decision, I started the search for my clothes, and Cam did the same, putting back on her bra and finding a fresh, larger pair of underwear (that I hadn't ripped through like a phone book). It was stretchy enough that she was able to tuck her enormous belly into the waistband. Yet, while I got fully dressed, Cam stayed in her underwear, standing next to her dresser and watching me intently.

There was a slightly awkward pause as I finished getting my clothes on, and we looked at each other, but I spoke first. "Hey, umm... It was really good seeing you again."

"Yeah, I'll uh.... see you in class, okay." I offered, not really knowing what to say.

This had to be it for Cam and me. In barely two weeks, I'd be graduating, and I didn't have time to pretend that anything serious had just happened between us. It was a hook-up, and it was nothing more than that.

"Oh... right. Class. Okay." Cam responded, sounding a bit disappointed. "Do you maybe wana... hang out again?" She asked hopefully.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Cam." I stated firmly, holding my ground. "This was... fun, but..."

She sighed and cut me off. "No, I get it. You're right." Then she leveled her gaze to mine and looked at me. "Can I at least get a kiss goodbye?"

"Uhhh.." I knew I probably shouldn't, not wanting to lead Cam on and think this was going anywhere.

Sensing a yes wasn't my automatic response, Cam took the opportunity upon herself to get her kiss. Subtly, she took the waistband of her panties and pulled it down so her belly was out and entirely exposed, sagging. I felt my eyes drawn to her stomach as if it were as enticing as a pair of cleavage. Did I really find it alluring? Fuck... I did.

"Uh, sure." I said, walking over to her and planting my lips on hers.

What should have been a short peck turned into something long as Cam seized the opportunity to say goodbye. I hardly noticed Cam guide my hand down to her belly, but once my hand was down there, I reflexively gave it a squeeze. Why did this feel good? Cam's breathing was getting heavy as I fondled it more, exploring her soft doughy fat as we kissed. Yet, as good as it felt, I forced myself to pull away and stop this before we ended up on her bed again. The last thing I saw was Cam's longing eyes, obviously wanting me to give in to my desires and stay with her, but I couldn't. I'd gone too far and couldn't go further.

"Bye, Cam." I softly said, turning to leave. She whispered something to me that sounded like a goodbye, but I didn't hear it. I was already moving and didn't want to look back in case she did something to entice me to stay.

As I walked out of her room, my mind was buzzing. Cam was so far from the person I thought she had ever been back when we first met. No part of me could think straight or comprehend everything that had happened to me since entering Cam's room. Honestly, I was shell-shocked. Not only had I fucked a humongous fat girl, but I'd enjoyed it. I'd lived out a dream of fucking Camryn Prig, but it had played out dramatically different than what I'd envisioned years ago. The Camryn Prig I'd fantasized about was gone, and yet, this lard-encased version was shockingly and disgustingly something I was responding to. As hard as I could, I pushed the thought of Cam out of my head; it was impossible.

Luckily, as I left Cam's apartment complex, I felt a vibration from my phone and welcomed the distraction. It was Alison texting me back and inviting me over to her dorm to hook up. Wanting to put as much distance between me and this shameful experience, I responded, saying I'd be right there. Maybe fucking a girl that wasn't a whale would help me get past this strange confusion I was feeling. The possibility that Cam had probably tricked me into getting turned on by her wasn't ruled out by me. Either way, I wanted to return back to normal and forget this night ever happened.

I ended up following through in meeting up with Alisson, hopeful that fucking her would fix whatever the fuck had just happened at Cams and push what was the weirdest sex I'd ever had out of my brain. To her credit, Alison did her best to sexually heal me, but as hard as I tried, I couldn't get Cam and fat out of my head. What I'd done and seen couldn't be undone, and for the first time in my life, I did something with Alison I'd never done before. I closed my eyes and pictured what she'd look like if she was Cam's size. I imagined Alison stuffing her face and gaining weight like crazy, outgrowing her clothes, growing a belly, a giant ass, and fat tits. That thought alone made me cum instantly. Something was wrong.
44 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 months , updated 2 days
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AndiFive 1 day
I really want to see Emma's story
BlissfullyAware 3 days
Returning to comments here to say excellent work! I often check the most recently updated stories on here, mostly to dismay, but whenever Her Humiliation has an update, that's a great day.
ConJohn 2 days
Cheers. Thanks for reading and the kind words. Glad to bring another good day with another update
Ifmusicbe3 4 days
Please don’t end it! I could hear this go on forever.
ConJohn 2 days
Appreciated. Though I've got more fun projects in the oven
LADT2004 4 days
Hopefully in the future you will do a story about Erin becoming obese again, with Haley bothering her in a similar way as she did with Melissa at that McDonald's
ConJohn 2 days
anything is possible
Noback 1 week
I hope we can hear more about Melissa in another story.
ConJohn 4 days
We will. Count on it
Qincintas 2 weeks
pleased to see you releasing the epilogues! although i must say i really miss Cam
ConJohn 4 days
Thanks! I've always viewed epilogues as fan service. I'm not going to say too much, but Cam will be much more heavily featured in Epilogue B.
Arch329 1 month
You commented that Alison is a character in one of your other stories. Which one?

Great job with this, by the way. I was a little worried that the negative attitude towards Cam was going to stick.
ConJohn 1 month
Alison is mentioned and then shows up in a sequence towards the end of Haley’s gain. She’s one of Haley’s high school friends.

Glad that this one ultimately went where you hoped it would go. Cheers.
Curiousicey 1 month
Ohh, Haley and Velvet mentioned.
Kinda odd to jump 4 years but I'm starting To see where this story is going..
Also good luck with ur relationship ❤️
ConJohn 1 month
Thanks! Felt fun tossing in that cameo. For sure on the four year jump, but intentionally wanted a long passage of time. The real ending of the story was 37 and this epilogue is some dessert.
Mikeboi1994 1 month
Brilliant as always, you always wait for the right moment to write, I respect that 🥰
ConJohn 1 month
Always appreciated. Never force anything 👍
PrimusFeeder 1 month
Where is the rest of it? You can't just put out a half empty epilogue like this
ConJohn 1 month
I can and I did. (New chapter out) Needed a chance to proofread once before posting. Probably 3 more chapters anyway releasing a dayish at a time so buckle up for a half baked pie till then.
Wadiyatalkin... 1 month
Well congrats on the new gf mate… now write our smut for us hahaha nah take your time, the real thing is better.
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